Guy Germaine - Tell Me

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Ever since I joined the ducks, I have always had a crush on Guy. He became my instant bestfriend, and we were practically inseparable since. My heart broke as I stood and watched him fall in love with Connie, and now 4 months from graduation, I wanted to tell him. But, how could I? How would I do it? "hey guy, my bestie, I've liked you since we were little and haven't stopped", and then when he says the words "I don't like you that way" or "I like you as a friend", I would have just ruined a like 8 year friendship. So I decide to keep quiet, and sit by, and watch him.

With only 4 months of school left, I have a lot to do with universities and everything like that. But it's also only 4 months till I move away. I got accepted into Stanford University as a psychology major. Guy didn't apply to any colleges, saying he wanted to play hockey, which is great. He was also moving to California to play with the Anaheim Ducks, since he never not wanted to be a duck, and they accepted him.

When Guy came over at 1 in the morning, I knew something happened. He came in and told me that he and Connie broke up. I felt really bad, even though for a year, I wished that he was with me. I comforted him and we slept in my bed in my room. I just couldn't tell him, not after this.

-3 months later-

Graduation was nearing and as I packed my stuff, I found a lot of pictures, with the old team. We all stayed at Eden Hall, and most of us still played hockey. Some gave it up to focus on school, specifically me, but I still skated when I had free time.

-at graduation-

It was crazy to think we were all graduating, right here right now. They called our names and we accepted our diplomas. Afterwards, I went back home to finish packing up my car so I could leave in the morning. Stanford was only a 1 1/2 hour drive from home (idk what it actually is but let's pretend okay lol). Guy came by to say goodbye before we left. He had to get out there soon, so he had to leave tonight. We hung out for a bit and then he left. Just like that, my heart sunk, 8 years of liking him and I never told him. I had my reasons not to tell them, but they seemed so small now.

-the next morning-

I got up and got ready. I said goodbye to my family and got in my car. I drove to the gas station to get gas before I left, when I dropped my sunglasses. I got out at the gas station to grab them and that's when I noticed an envelope, tucked beside my seat. I pick it up and read the front.

To Y/N Y/L/N
From Guy G.

I thought, why would there be an envelope with his name on it in here? I pumped the gas and paid for it, and moved to a parking spot and opened it. Inside it contained a letter.

Dear Y/N,
I hope this letter finds you well, and finds you sometime after graduation.
You're probably wondering, why would me, Guy Germaine, write you a letter? Well I know how you like opening letters because there's just something about them that you love, and I don't get it but, here I am anyway.
This could be a very bad thing I'm doing or this could be a very good thing, but we miss all the shots we don't take so here it goes.
I've loved you Y/N, ever since you fell on your ass the first time you tried skating and playing hockey with us, and when you slapped me in the face when I was being an ass and wouldn't listen to what you had to say. I've loved you everyday, and it grew more each day. And I know what you're thinking, "but you were with Connie", I will admit i did like her too when we dated, but the whole time I was with her, I still was in love with you. And it wasn't fair to Connie, and that's why I broke up with her, and I went to your house to tell you I loved you but I couldn't. And I still couldn't do it face to face. I wrote this letter because I hope you find it and read it and I don't know what's next. I'm glad you got into Stanford, and are pursuing your dreams, and I will always be there, cheering you on. After 8 years of friendship, and all of those spent loving you, I'm finally telling you.
I wish you the best in life, Y/N, even if you don't spend it with me.
I love you Y/N.
Guy Germaine

My jaw dropped. I put the letter on the passenger seat, and drove to Guys house. I told Guys parents that I needed to find him and they told me that his plane was delayed and that he was at the airport waiting. I thanked them and raced to the airport.

I texted him, asking where he was. He kept replying siting in a chair, always sarcastic. I finally spotted him sitting by his gate waiting. He looked up and spotted me, and his face lit up.

We meet each other halfway, and I hold up the letter. He looks at it then back at me, flustered. I walk up to him and kiss him.

After we break away, he grabs me in his embrace and hugs me, then I whispered.

"I've loved you too, since that day at the pond." We stand there hugging and he whispers back.

"What took you so long to tell me?"

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