Jesse Hall - Spin the Bottle (SI)

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(Age in this is 16/17. There's some talk about drinking but not a lot.)

-y/n pov-

I walk through the house. The music blaring in my ears, and then everybody yelling over the music. I'm walking down a hallway when I get startled.

"Hey y/n! We are splaying spin the bottle come join!" Averman says, and I take another swig of my drink.

"Sure!" I say and i follow him. He leads me to a room and I see some others. I sit down in the circle. They picked a good room to do this is, there nobody around and it's quiet. I look around the circle. Dwayne, Russ, Julie, Adam, Jesse, Connie, Kate, Carly, me and Charlie.

"Okay I'll go first." Kate says and she spins the bottle. It spins for a bit and then lands on Dwayne. "Come here cowboy." She says as she crawls over to him and sits on his lap. They kiss, and she crawls back to her spot. Adam spins the bottle next and it lands on Charlie. Everybody starts laughing and Adam crawls over and gives Charlie a quick peck on the lips.

"Booo." We all chant, as we wanted them to actually kiss.

I spin the bottle and watch as it goes round and round. It slows down and eventually stops. I look up at the person. Jesse. Everybody 'ooohs', and I see him get flustered.

I crawl over to him, and I can tell he's nervous. I sort of smile to my self, and then I kiss him, passionately. Everybody claps, and shouts and I pull away. Jesse looks dumbfounded, but then he smiles again. I crawl back to where I was originally sat, and the game keeps going. I notice Jesse keep looking over at me throughout the game but I don't mind it. I want him to look at me.

When Jesse spins the bottle, I watch it a little more closely than I did the others. I watch as it slows and finally lands on.. me. I look up at him and he's already looking. He crawls over and this time, there's no nervousness or hesitation in him. He takes control. He tilts my head up a bit, and kisses me very passionately, and long. Everybody claps again and we both pull away. He crawls back to where he was sat on the floor, and I watch him do so.

When the game got boring, everybody got up and left. I stayed sat in the room, by myself. It was nice and quiet, I liked it. I'm in my own little world when I feel somebody sit down next to me. I open my eyes to see Jesse.

"Hi." I say, looking at him.

"Hi." He replies, smiling and looking at me also. After a few seconds of silence, he speaks up again. "I'm glad we both decided to play."

"Why?" I ask, intrigued. My eyes flicker over his face, and then back up to his eyes.

"Because I haven't had the courage to be able to kiss you on my own." There's a small silence.

"You know what." I whisper into his ear, "I haven't either."

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