The Migrant Professor

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The professor is not a professor anymore, but you must also know his story though he won't offer you a beautiful sweet story.

Our protagonist is a tall man, but he is not handsome anymore and a little slouched might be as the responsibilities burden him and he is a clumsy man full of foolish ethics.

His happiness, his wants were quite small and he didn't know much about brands unlike some but he knew he loved one thing that is teaching his students. He used to scold his students when they go wrong but he loved them. He used to teach financial securities while he failed to secure his own life.

As the pandemic entered India in February, the classes got suspended the old man who is accustomed to boards and was given charge of online teaching mode. From far, it seemed enjoyable but for this old man it was tough he had to have a way to teach the students. So, the whole night he worked hard and started teaching through the online from the next day.

Students had a lot of complaints from voice failure to network issues. The old man tried and understood that this mischievous student group will always have an issue while some were genuine.
Some even faked to be a hacker or a Chinese spy. The teacher understood who did all of this prank but he only showed ignorance of the spy and scolded the whole class.

Some of the students didn't even attend the classes, some even cursed the teachers for regularly or irregularly taking the classes. 

Once or twice someone had even faked corona.

They didn't know their curse is going to come true.

One fine day of the month of March, lockdown happened and in ten days the administration decided to give them half salaries.
The teacher remained loyal with the administration but this old man forgot loyalty is never worth it. They are meant to hire and fire.
It was hard for the old man to run his family he thought if he didn't educate his daughters and married them today he won't have to bear seeing the pain in their eyes.
But this thought flickered just for a second and again hope blossomed in his heart.
As he continued watching the migrant workers returning to their homeland bare he felt pain for the migrant workers but somehow deep along he felt pain as he is also one of them.

The lockdown continued and one night 11o' clock the administration threw every senior professor out of the door. The reason was they might not get students to get next year. The teachers argued that there might be a delay but admission will take place Just continue to pay them half or just one-third of the salary but just don't expel them where they will go at this age. They begged, they cried but the words fell deaf on the ears.

In the meanwhile, the one who speaks about migrant workers, 'love the refugees/ humans' campaigner, the chairman of the University had made these professors migrant overnight.

Their begging and helplessness were never heard some people even had exquisite pleasure when other state people left their state.

The irony was that these people were vocal about loving the refugees and was sympathetic to others and was known for philanthropy can't even love Indians from other states.

The old father first failed to pay his maid so he said goodbye to the maid but then also his ethics didn't let him underpay them in the last month.

Then he cut off his extravagant luxury of watching television and using wifi.

He doesn't have to take online classes so he doesn't need wifi why waste money on that but he forgets his daughter needs an internet connection to attend online classes. A lifetime of grudge and pain started getting stored somewhere in the small hearts.

He explicitly told not to buy anything for any festivals of course in this corona they are not going to go out so why to waste money. But the daughters could see through the half baked lies.
They cried, they begged but what they will get?

They stopped eating fishes they can live on just vegetables and rice of course carrots, beans are to be avoided as they contain a lot of pesticides.

This continued, the Professor searched for a job at this age and applied for around 150 profiles.
But none replied, at last, he had to move out of the city he can't wait for trains so he booked the fight to his home town.

What could he do? He sold his car and bedding of course he won't need any of it.

While the younger daughter was transferred to the local college as the same college authorities couldn't give a discount of fees for the ex Professor's daughter.
Of course, how could he afford a mammoth fee without salary?

He sometimes wanted to die, he sometimes wanted to go missing and he knew he failed big time.

Life is short and he knew he has a lot of responsibilities, he has grown weak, but he must decide to go back and must adhere to it.

While flying back he saw his wife tearing up while his younger daughter having a grudge of a lifetime.

As the flight flew over the horizon he bade goodbye to the city which he has come to love and in the meanwhile somewhere a woman in her early twenties who is heard to have garnered profound affection from one of the chairman of the University is standing on the balcony of the posh building. He knew somedays later with the profit he might buy a new car or flight.

While the flight flew over them to reach the destination it has set out to.

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