The Reckoning

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Antonius & Kathleen's outfits are above!

"Unnie, do you think it was a good idea to let her go?"

"Yes. It's a lesson of what will happen if they try something like this that. I let Ms. Aya off with a warning to not send anyone else after my kids again."

"...You know you're such a sweet person that I forget how frightening you can get." Eun Mi teases and lays her head on sister's chest.

"Oh hush." Both the Jung sisters giggle.

"Hey, unnie? Any chance that we can turn this plane around before it's too late?"

"Hmm... Nope! We're almost there anyway. Besides since Klaus is crashing senior prank night, it's the perfect opportunity to tell him about what happened."

"...I hate that ancient puppy." Eun Mi groans and Sun Hi gently pats her head.

Anthony gazes at a sleeping Kathleen resting on his shoulder before looking at Dontrell who sits across from them.

"Mr. Bennett-"


"Sorry... Celine and you knew about Kathleen and I being soulmates. Pretty much all the witches do... We can choose whether to be in an romantic relationship or just be friends. So if we were to part ways? What if I chose to let her go?"

 Dontrell sighs. "...You can't do that."

"And why not?"

"Because only you will be able to save her from an impending doom."

"And never let go of that girl's hand. Hold on tightly as you can. If you will mean her end."

Anthony's eyes widened. "...What?"

"Anthony, I will explain everything when once things settle down. But don't ever leave my daughter... Or we will be lose her forever."

"Why am I being forced to carry your pets?" Jeremy asks while holding Sprinkles and Coco. "Well Eun Mi, your pet is more of a pest." 



"Because I'm eating cream puff and Kiki is eating her buttercup cupcake plus, duh! Also, our babies seem to be very comfortable when you hold them. So you're officially the pet carrier, consider it your side job. And don't call her a pest!" Eun Mi answers, making Jeremy roll his eyes.

"Yes! Carry us, peasant!"

"Coco! Be more nicer to Uncle Jeremy!"

"Jeremy, I'll take Sprinkles back. Thanks for carrying her." Kathleen says after finishing up her cupcake.

Just as they are approaching the gym, Jeremy passes Kathleen's kitten to her and Anthony stops them from going any further.

"Hold on. Uncle Elijah told me that my dad is not really happy about Elena being alive. Sunny, just to warn you, my dad has a temper so-"

"Ha!" Eun Mi laughs. "You haven't seen my sister's temper! Hers is just as bad as Mama Linnie's but more scarier!"

"Hush." Sun Hi bops her younger sister on her head. "Anthony, there's no need to worry about me but I appreciate the concern. "

"Are we done? I need to confront the ancient puppy anyway to see if he's been talking about me. I've been sneezing a lot lately. And Aaron? If you don't want the others knowing your real identity yet, how about you wait out here? Kiki, my sister and I can handle this." Eun Mi pats his shoulder as she walks by him.

"That's a good idea. I can do a cloaking spell so that no one can see you." Kathleen suggests.

"Actually, I would like to introduce my nephew to his Aunt Rebekah."

Everyone looks to see Elijah standing before the gym doors with a smirk on his face.

"Uncle Elijah..." Anthony begins to smile but it slowly fades when he remembers the old woman's words...

"But he will not be the only one of the family who betrays you. The one that they call noble will destroy everything."

"Anthony? Are you alright?" Elijah asks in a concerning tone.

"Uh... Yeah." Anthony and gives his uncle a hug. "It's good to see you... Wait!" He pulls back and grins. "Where is she?!"

"I'll take you to her in a moment." Elijah chuckles.

Sun Hi smiles and comes towards them, putting her hand out.

"Elijah Mikaelson. I'm Sun Hi or you can call me Stella, whichever is easier for you. It's nice to meet you. I know that my younger sister can be a little rascal at times but thank you for tolerating her."

"Hey! I'm standing right here!" Eun Mi feeling offended, placing a hand over her heart.

"No offense." Sun Hi says glancing back at her younger sister who rolls her eyes as a response before looking back to Elijah. She raises an eyebrow when he just keeps staring at her with an adoring expression. "Umm... Is Mr. Hair Gel broken or something? He keeps staring at me." She whispers to Anthony.

"Uncle Eli."

"Oh! Forgive me." He takes her hand, kissing the back of it. "The pleasure is all mine, Ms. Sun Hi."

Sun Hi smiles and nods. "I would love to talk more but I must speak with Klaus about an important matter."

"Ah, yes... He's inside the gym but I'm not sure it's a good idea for you to go-"

"Elijah, I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Besides, Klaus wouldn't hurt those close to Kathleen correct? Because if he did, that would hurt his son. Now I hear Klaus and Elena arguing right now so if you don't mind letting my hand go, I might be able rectify the situation."

Elijah notices how he is still holding her hand and immediately lets go. He clears his throat and looks at a smirking Anthony.

"Anthony, would you come along with me?"

"Sure." Anthony answers before turning to Kathleen. "I'll see you later, alright?" He kisses the side of her head before following his uncle.

Sun Hi turns to a grinning Eun Mi and giggling Kathleen.

"What are you grinning about? And what are you giggling about?"

"Hmm... Love is in the air!" Eun Mi sings the last part and quickly hides behind Kathleen when Sun Hi throws a glare at her.

"Jag-eun nyeoseog. Come on, let's get inside."

"I'll be there in a moment. Your little pest is biting my shirt!" Jeremy complains, trying to pull Coco away without tearing his shirt.

"No, you called me a pest! Suffer my wrath!"

The trio walk into the gym just in time to see Klaus slap Elena, causing Eun Mi to cover her mouth as she nearly laughs. When Stefan attempts to attack Klaus, Kathleen rolls her eyes. Klaus grabs him by the throat.

"Elena needs to learn when to shut up." Eun Mi whispers.

"And Stefan needs to learn when he's not a match against someone." Kathleen whispers back. "Sunny, I'm surprised you didn't step in yet."

"I will only when necessary."

"She means nothing to you? Your lies just keep piling up."

"Let her go! I'll do whatever you want, you have my word!"

"Your word doesn't mean much. I lived by your word all summer, during which time I never had to resort to this..."

"Kiki, he's not doing what I think he's doing is he? I see Dana and Chad are here as well so I'm very worried..."

"He better not."

"Don't do this, don't do this." Stefan begs.

I didn't want to. All I wanted was your allegiance. Now I'm going to have to take it. You will do exactly as I say when I say it. You will not run, you will not hide, you will simply just obey." Klaus says as he compels Stefan.

"Now kill them. Ripper."

"Hell no!" 

Kathleen uses her magic to snap Stefan's neck and before she can target Klaus next, Sun Hi is suddenly next to him, holding onto his wrist tightly.

"There is no need for violence against the civilians. Please leave them be." Sun Hi requests in a polite tone but Klaus can hear the hidden anger behind it.

"Kathleen! Emilia! Stella!" Elena smiles in relief, thinking the trio have come to help her.

"You know for someone who wants a normal life, you sure don't act like it!" Eun Mi snaps at Elena as she walks over to her. "We had to hear from Caroline that you spent all summer looking for Stefan! He sacrificed himself to save his brother and let you have a chance of normal life. We kept our mouths shut because we hoped you wouldn't cause anymore trouble but yet here we are! This is how you repay everyone?!"

"I... Jeremy, get out of here!" Elena yells after seeing Jeremy coming into the gym and Coco running over to his mother.

"Ack!" Coco barks at Elena.

Eun Mi gasps. "Coco, language!"

"Elena, why couldn't you just leave well enough alone? You do as you please without considering anyone else's feelings. There was less supernatural without one Salvatore around wasn't there?"

"Jeremy, I couldn't just leave Stefan!"

"And what about Damon? Or did you forget he nearly killed me?" Jeremy snaps at her causing her to feel guilty.

Sun Hi pulls Klaus to over to the bleachers where Kathleen takes a seat. Once by her, Kathleen pats the spot right next to her. Sun Hi lets him go and stands next to her.

"Sit down, Klaus. We need to have a talk." Kathleen says as she crosses her legs.


"I've got my mom on speed dial." Klaus quickly takes a seat. "So you're going to let Dana and Chad go. You're also going to compel them to forget everything that happened and never bother them again. Understand?"

"Fine... The things I do for you..." Klaus grumbles. "Where is my son?"

"Going to meet his aunt. Now let me introduce you to Sun Hi. You two talked over the phone earlier this summer."

"Pleasure, love." Klaus smirks, taking her hand and kissing it.

"Sutangnagwi, don't flirt with my unnie! I'm saving her for Elijah!" Eun Mi yells, throwing her shoe at Klaus which he dodges.

"Where's Tyler?" Caroline asks Rebekah, after waking up.

"He's dead... Ish." Rebekah replies, pointing at Tyler's body behind Caroline.

"What did you do to him?!" Caroline hurries over to him and puts her ear against his chest, checking for a heartbeat.


Rebekah and Caroline see Elijah and Anthony enter.

"Hey, Caroline... Nice to meet you... Aunt Rebekah." Anthony greets her nervously.

"Ah, so you're my nephew." Rebekah gets up from her seat and walks over to him. "From what Elijah has told me, it's hard to believe that Nik raised you."

"Yeah, we get that a lot... But I'll make sure that he won't dagger you again. You should be able to do the things that you've wanted for a long time so I won't let my dad interfere with that." Anthony says, surprising her. She looks at her brother and he gives her a nod while smiling.

Stunned by his kindness, she stares at him for a moment before sighing.

"Well, since you sound so sincere... The first thing that I would like to do, is get to know my lovely and handsome nephew." She smiles, pulling him into a hug.

"Uh, I hate to interrupt this sweet family meeting but can I get an explanation about all this?"

"Oh! Sorry, Care!" Anthony steps back from his aunt and goes over to Caroline. "Just to explain what's going on, my dad is trying to Tyler into a hybrid."


Rebekah rolls her eyes and goes back to look at Caroline's phone, swiping through pictures on the phone and sees a picture of Stefan and Elena. Her eyes widened after zooming in to see her necklace around Elena's neck.

"Why is that doppelganger bitch wearing my necklace?!"

Rebekah hurries out the classroom and Anthony gives his uncle a worried look.

"Anthony, stay here. I'll make sure no harm comes to Kathleen and the others." Elijah says before going after his sister.

"What do you mean-"

"Not so loud! Do you want Ms. Nosy over there to know about Anthony?!" Kathleen whispers, smacking his arm.

"Yes, they had every intention of going after Anthony. The woman named Aya refused to talk, she is very loyal to her group. The only thing information that I can give you is that her leader is a man named Tristian. Forgive me for not being able to do more." Sun Hi explains.

"Don't worry, Sunny. Because of you and Mimi, I doubt they'll attack again any time soon."

"...Tristian?" Klaus mumbles with a furious expression with his head turned away from the girls.

"So Klaus, does any of that mean anything to you?" Kathleen asks as she taps his shoulder.

"...Possibly." He turns back to them. "Now have you all say everything you needed to say?" They nod. "Good because I would like to know why did none of you tell me that she was still alive?!"

"Even though we're not her biggest fans, she's still Jeremy's sister. We weren't going to betray him like that." Eun Mi answers as she joins them.

"And the ritual never said she had to stay permanently dead." Kathleen says.

"...What the bloody hell are you two talking about?"

"Ancient puppy, how did your mother turn you and your siblings into a vampires? With Petrova blood, right?" He nods.

"And you had to break your curse, you needed to feed from a Petrova doppleganger, right?" He nods again.

"So then therefore Klaus, the ritual never said that Elena had to stay dead. In order to make hybrids like yourself, wouldn't you need Petrova doppleganger's blood? Since that is what your mother used to create vampirism?" Sun Hi includes.

Klaus stays silent for a moment before getting up.

"I see... So then why didn't any of you tell me all this?!"

"You've been alive for a thousand years, how could you not figure it out? It's pretty simple if you think about it." Eun Mi says with a shrug.

As Klaus gives her an incredulous look, Rebekah angrily marches into the gym, with Elijah behind her.

"Where is it?! Where's my necklace?" Rebekah demands from Elena.

"What are you talking about?" Klaus asks walking over to them.

"She has my necklace. Look." She gives him to phone so that he can see the picture. The best friends glance at each other with confused expressions before looking over Klaus' shoulder to also look at the picture.

"Geunyeoneun wae geuleohge meongcheonghaeya habnikka?" Eun Mi mutters.

"Well, well. More lies."

"Your boyfriend is not only a stalker but a damn thief." Eun Mi snaps, making Elena glare at her.

" it?" Rebekah growls at Elena.

"Sister, calm yourself." Elijah whispers, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"I..." Elena speaks in a shaky tone, taking a step back.

"Tell me now!" Rebekah vamps out and just as she is about to bite Elena's neck, she suddenly can't move. "The hell...?"

"Now, now. There is no need for all that." Everyone looks to see Dontrell standing by the gym doors holding his hand up, with Jeremy right next to him.

"Hi, daddy!" Kathleen says, surprising the Mikaelson siblings.

"Hey, baby." He smiles as he and Jeremy walk towards them. "Now Elena, please stop being difficult and tell her where her necklace is."

"It's... It's home..."

Jeremy rolls his eyes at his sister before turning to Rebekah. "I'll get it and give it you to tomorrow if that's fine."

"Thank you. Was that so hard, Elena?" Dontrell releases Rebekah from his spell then turns to Klaus and puts his hand out. "I'm Dontrell Williams, Kathleen's father. I've been away on some business which is why I wasn't around." The two men shake hands. "Now from what I've been told, you've been very upset about in your failure of creating hybrids but this can be settled in a much more peaceful way."

"What do you suggest?"

"I just saw my niece and her friend. According to them, the witch that put the hybrid curse on you? She said that Elena shouldn't have survived the ritual. The hybrids can't transition because Elena's still alive."

"Does that mean we can kill her?" Rebekah asks, glaring at Elena.

"No... I'm fairly certain it means to opposite. Girls, it looks like you all were right."

"Duh!" Both Kathleen and Eun Mi say as Sun Hi pats their heads.

"Elena, please give him a bit of your blood." Sun Hi says.

"What?! No!"

"You just earned the nickname, Doppledumbo!" Kathleen snaps at Elena, shocking her. "What? Dopplebitch, dopplewench, doppleslut and dopplewhore have all been used up. And in this case, doppledumbo suits you! Why can't you be reasonable?!"

"My girl has created a new insult... I'm so proud." As Eun Mi wipes away her fake tears, Sun Hi and Rebekah amused by her antics.

"Elena, come on! If you just give him what he wants, he'll leave everyone alone!" Jeremy says but Elena takes another step back.

"Elena... Do you want Tyler to die? If he does, his blood will be on your hands." Sun Hi stands in front of Elena, placing her hands on her shoulders. "Carol will have lost her son because of your selfishness... Do you want that?" Elena looks to be on the verge of tears and shakes her head. "Good. Now please cooperate so that Tyler can be brought back."

Rebekah smirks when she notices Elijah staring at Sun Hi in awe.

"Sorry about what you had to go through because of my wife. She's a handful but I love her." Dontrell says to Klaus as they walk down the hallway.

"How on earth did you marry her?"


"What?" Klaus stops walking, looking at Dontrell with a confused expression.

"Well... When we first met, we couldn't stand each other. We were complete opposites but then one day...I had her red velvet cupcakes and because of that I fell in love." Dontrell explains.

"...You truly are Kathleen's father." Klaus bursts out laughing.

"Yeah, now you know where she got her cupcake obsession from." Dontrell laughs as well.

"But wait. What about her? What made her fall for you?" Klaus asks as he wipes away a tear.

"Only my baby girl knows the answer to that and she won't tell me. She threatened to make me  shoe soup if I ever pestered her that question ever again. Like mother, like daughter." Dontrell sighs. "What about you? You've been alive for a thousand years and haven't been married yet?"

"I just never found the one... But someone may have caught my interest." Klaus answers with a smirk. "And for seventeen years, I had been focusing on raising my son. I hadn't cared for romance at the time."

"Wow, committed to fatherhood, huh? I'm impressed." Dontrell chuckles. "But now that the kids have finally been brought together, we have some things that we need to talk about."


A shoe hits the back Dontrell's head and they both turn to see a fuming Celine...


Anthony is heading towards the hospital and is startled when someone whispers his name...


"What the hell?!" Anthony looks over at the bushes and sees his father's head popping out. "You have got to be joking..."

Klaus vamp speeds over to him, holding a small box out in front of him.

"Son, I know that you're upset with me but I got you those honey yogurt muffins that you wanted." 

"...You're forgiven." Anthony says, quickly taking the box, making his father laugh. "Mind telling me why you were hiding? And why is Damon Salvatore's body lying on the ground over there?"

"Oh, he angered me so I snapped his neck. Also, that wretched woman showed up and I think she's jealous seeing her husband and I become so close in the matter of minutes."

"Dad, you're making friends... I'm so proud of you." Anthony says with a teasing smile.

"I am not friends with that wicked woman! She chased me and her husband around the entire school angry by the idea of us becoming friends!"

"At least you have a running buddy." Anthony teases.

"You... Come here." Klaus chuckles and pulls his son a hug.

"As you discover the truth of your birth parents, you will find out that the man who raised you has lied to you all this time."

Anthony shakes off the old woman's words and hugs his father back tighter.

"Whoa. Guessing that you really missed me, hmm? You should have thought about that when you didn't speak to me for weeks."

"Yeah and you should have thought about those werewolves you turned without their permission."

"Touché... So it worked. Tyler Lockwood has become my first successful hybrid." Klaus steps back and gives his son a hopeful smile. "So maybe you-"

"Dad. We've talked about this... I'm seventeen and I still don't know want I from life other than being with Kathleen. But I'm sure of one thing and that's never becoming a vampire. Even if I die with vampire blood in my system, I wouldn't complete the transition." Anthony places his hand on his father shoulder after seeing his crestfallen look. "I know that's not want you to hear, dad. But even if I gain immortal life some other way or I grow old, I know that I will always love you. That will never change."

"...I love you too, my little prince." Klaus says with a sad smile. "I hate to do this after we just reunited but... Damon Salvatore found my father's tomb. He will be coming here soon. Your identity is still a secret so you should be safe. Rebekah will be staying but-"

"You have to go. I get it... Don't be gone too long, old man."

"I beg your pardon?"

"You are an ancient puppy."

"Don't start sounding like that little brat!" Klaus cellphone rings. "Hello? What if I was talking about you, Eun Mi? No. You... Enough about my banana!"


Sutangnagwi - Jackass

Geunyeoneun wae geuleohge meongcheonghaeya habnikka? - Why must she be so stupid?

Okay, I realized something that I had done before... Do you all prefer Sun Hi or Sun Hee? Because I think originally I had been calling her Sun Hee but somehow I changed it to Sun Hi. Just let me know what you guys want!

This chapter went in a few different directions. It's almost close to how I wanted it but I wanted a bit more Mama Linnie but because of Papa Donnie, I couldn't fit her in the way that I wanted to... So how was it?

A new couple and bromance on it's way?

How about people putting Elena in her place? I honestly felt had she just agreed to make a deal with Klaus by giving him some of her blood, a lot could have been avoided. But yet she kept picking a fight with those stronger than her and making trouble for those she supposedly cares about. And she officially got her nickname! Doppledumbo!

So yeah, Anthony will not be becoming a vampire. EVER. Same goes for Kathleen. They're handling the situation a lot better than Elena would because I don't want them to whine about it. "I don't want to be a vampire!", "I never wanted to be a vampire!" I can practically hear Elena.

More about Anthony and Kathleen's soulmate bond will be talked about, and you'll find out who is after Kathleen very soon!

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