The Sun Also Rises

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Antonius & Kathleen's outfits are above!

Celine knocks on her her daughter's bedroom door and receives the okay to come in. Just after she opens the door and enters, she notices her daughter's downcast expression.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Celine asks while taking a seat next to her on her bed.

"...After the masquerade, you told me the big reason as to why we couldn't kill Klaus... Was Anthony another reason why we weren't suppose to kill him? But because of all that, it costs Elena her life-"

"Sweetie, it was inevitable. Don't blame yourself for something you have no control over."

"But I can't help but feel guilty, mom. "

Celine sighs and takes Kathleen's hand in hers. "You feel guilty because you have a kind heart and the same can't be said for other people. By doing this, you're saving the lives of many... As for Anthony? When Klaus found that boy alone, he took him in and raised him as his own. Because of Anthony, Klaus had become a better person."

"So the witches are grateful towards Klaus? That's why some of them don't want him dead."

Celine nods. "I don't really know anything else but except how you two kids became soulmates the day you were born and you both are very important when it comes to the witches... But no matter what happens, I'm not going to let anyone hurt either of you."

"Thanks, mom." Kathleen smiles as her mother kisses the top of her head." Wait...that means you knew Anthony was real ever since I told you about him?" She asks and receives a nod. "What?! Then why did you never tell me?! All this time I thought he was part of my imagination! He was my perfect dream guy!"

"Well, good thing he's real huh?" Celine smirks as Kathleen blushes. "I wanted to wait until you were old enough and let you make your own decision. Just because you two were destined to be soulmates doesn't mean you have to be together. You two should talk it out and figure out what you want. You both have time."

"...You're the best mom ever." Kathleen gives her mother a hug.

"I know." Celine responds making her daughter laugh.

"By the way, Anthony is coming over tomorrow morning. Hope that's okay."

"Anything my baby girl wants... That hound dog isn't coming over here, is he?"

"...There's a chance that he may stop by." Kathleen grins.

Celine huffs. "...Damn."

"You really don't like him do you? From how I see it, he may become your new best friend." Kathleen teases which leads her to get tickled and her laughter echoing throughout the house.

"What are you two doing? Why are you making cupcakes? Son, you do realize that in just a bit that I'm about to-"

"Yeah, yeah. You're finally be free of your curse. Dad, you know I support you and I'm happy for you...but these cupcakes come first. I'm spending the day with Kathy tomorrow and I've got to get these done in time- Why are you smiling?"

"Because after all these years, you finally get to be with your soulmate. Ever since you were a child, you would gush about her on how beautiful and loving she is." Klaus answers making his son blush.

"Shut up, dad!"

"Why are you blushing, my son?" Klaus teases. "I mean you weren't wrong about her. Kathleen is such a kind soul but unfortunately the same can't be said about her mother...that insolent woman." He grumbles.

"You're really going to insult the woman who has been helping you recently? You should be thankful that woman is your ally instead of your enemy. To be honest...she's more terrifying than you." Katherine says.

"Have to agree with her, dad. Ms. Celine may wind up becoming your new best friend." Anthony teases.

"...You two are becoming quite buddy-buddy. I do not appreciate this partnership." Klaus sighs. "I'm going to get going before you two continue throw more insults at me. My son, I brought some Hershey's Kisses last night so you can add those to the cupcakes if you like."

Anthony smiles at his father and goes to give him a hug. "Thanks, dad. You're the best."

"Of course I am... I love you, my little prince."

"Love you too, dad." Anthony says as he pats his father's back. "Make sure you try not to eat anyone while you're in your pup form."

Klaus pulls back giving his son a playful glare. "Really?"

Anthony laughs. "Sorry, I had to!"

After Klaus playfully rolls his eyes and turns to leave, Katherine immediately covers her mouth as she nearly laughed from seeing his back. Once he is gone, Katherine uncovers her mouth and giggles.

"Aren't you going to get in trouble for that?" She questions Anthony.

"Nah, my dad loves me too much... And he knows better than to tease me." He says with a smirk. "Now come on, back to the buttercup cupcakes."

He stares at her for a moment before throwing flour at her face.

"Oh, it is on!"

Celine walks out of her house to join Elijah on the front porch.

"...You won't kill Klaus." She says while crossing her arms.

"What makes you think I won't?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Because he's your brother, Elijah."

"Well, Klaus was not my only brother. I had siblings; parents. I had a family. Over the centuries, Klaus hunted them down one by one and he took them from me. He scattered them across the seas where their bodies could not be found."

She rolls her eyes. "No, he didn't. Do you honestly believe that your family is out in the sea? Are you a dumbass?" She asks causing him to give her an offended look. "It's not like they're dead, more like sleeping. So why put them somewhere where he can't get to them? 

"...How are you so sure? You barely know my brother."

"Hey, I've talked with your brother for like fifteen minutes and it was the worse fifteen minutes of my life." She answers causing him to chuckle. "Besides, why not try asking your nephew where your siblings could be?"

He gives her a confused about the mention of a nephew.

"Celine, what do you mean-"

"Look let's not continue this conversation much longer, okay? Now go see your brother. You're still family so work out your differences with him." She pats his shoulder before heading to the front door.

"You know, Eun Mi asked me to get her and Kathleen a baby fox and kitten. Could I ask your opinion?"

"I think that if it turns that I'm right about your siblings, you should get my girls what they want. I also think you should wear start wearing t-shirts, live a little." She answers him before going back into her house, leaving him in laughter.

"Jeremy, you better not eat all the gimbap!" Eun Mi yells as she walks to the front door. "Quit knocking already! I'm coming!" After opening the door, she gives an annoyed expression to the culprits. "Great, just great. The dumb brothers are at my house, why?"

"Now is not the time, brat." Damon glares at her, making her roll her eyes. "The sacrifice is happening, so we need you to come with us. I tried to stop it, but it got...complicated."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"Emilia, please. We need your help. The original plan is out of the question. We need to find out where they are but I can't get in contact with Bonnie-" Stefan begs until she cuts him off.

"If you haven't heard from Bonnie, that means she's finally come to her senses. What I'm not understanding is why you came to me for help. So get to the point and stop wasting my time."

"Can you call Kathy and ask her to do a locator spell? Also that trick you pulled on us with Elijah, we need you to do the same with Elena-"

"No." She tells them shocking them both. "What are you morons not understanding? This started with the doppelganger, it will end with the doppelganger."

Stefan stares at her with a look of disbelief. "How can you be so unconcerned about this? Elena is your friend."

"Yeah but I don't consider her a very important person like some of you do." She shrugs. "Elena can do this one thing for all of our sake. She'll be fine after."

Damon frowns. "I'm sorry but did you hit your head against something? You do realize that Elena-"

"Elena this, Elena that! I'm so sick of it! The rest of us have our own lives, the world does not revolve around her! Why do the rest of us have to sacrifice while she comes out unscathed? Say if you do succeed in saving her from the ritual but did either of you think of the consequences of what would happened after? There's no telling what Klaus would do! I swear that you jackasses are the most selfish beings I have ever seen in my life!" She screams at them.


The trio turn to see Jeremy coming up behind Eun Mi and he places a hand on her shoulder. He notices her fuming expression and frowns at the brothers.

"You two should leave."

"Jeremy, your sister is in danger." Stefan says taking a step forward.

"I know that and I don't want her to die but did you forget? Thanks to the dick standing next to you, she'll come back as a vampire."

"But we have to stop that from happening. She never wanted to be-"

"She should have thought about that when she chose to stay involved with you both! She knew of the consequences but didn't care enough about what her decisions would do to the rest of us! Don't even get me started on you two! Because you both had multiple chances to leave all of us out of your drama, so whose fault is it?!" Jeremy snaps at them. "The decisions that my sister made, she has to live with them... It is what it is."

Both teens words seem to have some effect on the Salvatore brothers as they both share of look of remorse. However before either brother can say another word...

"Now get off my property!" She slams the door shut. She sighs and faces Jeremy. "I'm so glad I never invited them in the house."

"...Am I a bad brother?"

"...No. If anything Elena has an annoying brother that she doesn't deserve." She says the last part while slowly smirking.

He lightly chuckles and begins to walk away. "I hate you." 

"Love you too!" She goes to follow him.

The next morning, Eun Mi arrives at the Bennett house and walks into the kitchen. 

"Kiki! I've discovered something very important- Why are you covered in flour?"

"Morning, Mimi. I'm making honey muffins for Anthony. He is stopping by later and I want to get these done in time." Kathleen explains while putting the muffins in the oven. "So what's your important discovery?"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute... Anthony is coming over? Your dream guy?" Kathleen nods. "Why?! You cannot seriously be tempted because he's cute!"

"Well... I have to tell you something."

"Tell me what?" Eun Mi asks after she picks up a towel and beings wiping Kathleen's face.

"Uh...Well... So I learned the reason behind my connection to him... He's actually Klaus' son and my soulmate."

The towel falls from Eun Mi's hand as she just stares at Kathleen with an unreadable expression.




"Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute." Eun Mi laughs. "I'm sorry, it sounded like you just said that you have a soulmate that's not me. Because you know that soulmates are meant to be together... You're not laughing. Why aren't you laughing?!"

Kathleen sighs and puts her hand on Eun Mi's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Mimi."

"...So that means that I have competition now?!" Eun Mi whines while stomping her foot.

A knock on the door interrupts the two and Eun Mi begins pushing Kathleen towards the stairs.

"Eun Mi, the door-"

"Hell no! You're going to go get cleaned up while I talk to Andrew! Shoo!"

"It's Anthony and by "talk" you mean interrogate?" Kathleen asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Get your ass upstairs!" Eun Mi yells while pointing upstairs.

Kathleen playfully rolls her eyes and heads upstairs. Eun Mi then makes her way to the front door and opens it, revealing a smiling Anthony.

"Eun Mi, I've heard so much about you from Kathy. It's nice to finally meet you-"

"Hold up." Eun Mi takes her sunglasses from the back of her jeans and puts them on. "If you think you're her only soulmate, you're wrong. Hate to break it to you but I had her first. We've been best friends since the day we were born." Eun Mi says with a smirk. "Now what are your intentions with my best friend?"

Sorry for the late update! A lot was going on these past weeks, I also got a little sick earlier this week and I've become such a simp for The Darkling.

So can you guys take a guess to the big reason why Kathy and Celine know they can't kill Klaus? I threw a hint in there so...

How did I do with Jeremy's feelings towards the whole situation? It was kinda hard to write because I tried to write him in a way where he's not going to sacrifice so many people for Elena like the Salvatore brothers do but he still cares for her. I tried to make him still true to his character but more reasonable at the same time. What do you think?

I also loved writing Kathleen and Anthony teasing their parents about their possible friendship.

What was so important that Eun Mi had to tell Kathleen? Hmm...

Also to make up for things, I don't think I've ever done this but to give you all a little tease of next chapter...

Eun Mi: "Geu godaeui gang-ajiga bang-geum mwoloago haess-eo?!"

Klaus: "What... Did you just call me an ancient puppy?"

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