Round Plaza Arc Chapter 3: New Faces!

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Time has now passed and Ushio is now fit enough to move, all four of them now go on to the living room to meet up with everyone and stop them from worrying. However, before they can make their way to the living room they were stopped by some unknown faces.

"Long time no see, Akihito! Gina! Good to see that you are doing well", said a smart looking man.

"Have you proposed to her yet?", teased a well dressed woman.

"Airi! Asao!", exclaimed Akihito.

Airi! She is a young woman who is 23 years of age and the Elite Captain of the Water users and Asao is a young man who is 24 years of age and is the Elite Captain of the Electric users. Alongside them are their candidates who will be participating in the Elite Successor Tournament. The water user goes by the name of Isumi who is a 15 year old girl and the electric user goes by the name of Goro who is of the same age. Isumi has brown hair that goes down to the bottom of her neck and stands at around 5"3, where as Goro has wild blonde hair and stands around 5"6.

"So this is the Ushio Akagi we've all heard about! Does look strong!", pointed out Goro.

"Goro! Take no notice of him Mr.Akagi! My name is Isumi, it's nice to meet you!", bubbled Isumi.

"Likewise!", replied Ushio.

"So, I take it you have heard everything from Amari then, Airi, Asao.", asked Akihito.

"The whole story. I have had my doubts for years.", acknowledged Asao.

"So did I! Ever since the Eishun and Eita incident all them years ago, I started to get a different vibe of Commander Sato. Even since you guys left a year ago, he's had some weird smirk on his face and a lot of solider's have gone missing for some reason.", explained Airi.

"I see! I never knew the situation was this bad.", said Gina.

While the adults where talking, Ushio, Goro, Isumi and Mai where also having a conversation.

"So they say you're strong, so why are you coming out of a hospital all bandaged up.", provoked Goro.

Ushio gave out a sigh and said, "Look! I haven't got time to entertain a little kid like you. Things happen and once you see the horrible truth of this place, you'll see that stuff like these injures are nothing. Innocent people are dying or going missing and I want to be strong enough to stop both of them things happening."

"So...So cool!!!!", both Mai and Isumi said.

They both gave each other a look and thought 'Is she another rival'.

"You pass!", stated Goro.

"Passed?", quizzed Ushio.

"My sister, Isumi, said that you were cool but I wasn't too sure but I guess she was right.", praised Goro.

"You're both related", said Ushio in a surprised voice.

After they talked a bit more, they all decided to go to the living room but before they did Goro and Isumi wanted to show off their powers to Ushio.

"Mr. Akagi, watch me!", pursued Isumi.

"Ushio is fine, Isumi.", stated Ushio.

"Really!", said Isumi in a surprised tone.

Feeling even more motivated, Isumi takes her stance and uses the breathing technique to keep herself composed. Suddenly, water came from the ground and started to surround her feet. The water then started to spiral around her.

She then chanted, "Be one with the waters of this world! Military's Special Weapon: Water: Multi-Water Canon!".

Once she said them words, a pool of water developed around her hand and she shot out three types of water which where Sea Water, Boiling Water and Ice!

"Amazing! She can use ice in her power when she is not a Ice user!", gasped Ushio.

"With her Special Weapon, she can dictate the temperature of the water so she does it to the point of frozen. I guess that is the greatest advantage of being a Water user", Goro Clarified.

After he said that, Goro is now stood up to the plate to show off his power.

"Feel the electric sensation that is flowing through me! Military's Special Weapon: Electric: Submerged Discharged!",

Submerged Discharged is where all the electric power swelling up in his body is discharged. That discharged energy then submerges with the air to other things around the user to make the attack even stronger.

"This is amazing! To think that both of you are younger than me and can produce such power it's amazing!", complimented Ushio.

"Show us your power, Ushio!", asked Goro and Isumi.

"Okay! I have two Military's Special Weapons so it will take me a bit for me to muster up my strength for both!", stated Ushio.

"You have two!", exclaimed Goro.

"That's amazing, Ushio!", congratulated Mai.

"I told you he was strong, Goro.", said Isumi with a smug face.

*Thanks for reading this chapter of Military's Weapon: Elite! If you enjoyed please leave a vote or a comment. Apologises for the late chapter, I promise that it will be on time next week. What is Ushio other Military's Special Weapon? Find out in the next chapter when Amari reveals about the Round Plaza!

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