Round Plaza Arc Chapter 6: Invisibility Queen!

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"I guess you call that a grand entrance.", joked Akihito.

"Well, we've made it to the front door, all there is to do know is to continue to each of the rooms that our targets are in.", Ushio pointed out.

"It was a good thing that Asao told us about the flooring in this mad Plaza.", said Isumi.

"I wouldn't expect less from him.", proudly said Goro.

"Let's make a promise! These guys are the first step to revealing the truth about Commander Sato. In saying that, this also means that these people do some of the dirty work for Commander Sato, so these guys won't be push overs. So promise me to keep on your toes and survive!", cheered Akihito.

"Yeah!", shouted out everyone while punching the air.

They all enter the building and split into the their designated groups. There are split paths that go to each of the members of the Round Plaza so they all follow the plan that was given to them by Asao and go to their targets rooms. The first one to get into the battle was Yui and Miyasaki vs Hisoko. Hisoko's room was just a large blue room what looked something similar to the training room. On the right hand side of the room from Yui and Miyasaki's perspective was a rack of swords.

"So you two girls are the ones that are causing all of this commotion. That's not very girlish of you.", provoked Hisoko.

"Miyasaki, let me go ahead.", asked Yui.

"Are you sure?", questioned Miyasaki.

"Yeah! I'm not going to hold back! Military's Special Weapon: Flame: Crimson Claw!", chanted Yui.

Yui unleashed her Military's Special Weapon, which caused flames to envelop themselves around Yui's hands and give shape to something like a tigers claw. Yui closes in on Hisoko but when she got to close she slammed herself into an invisible wall.

"How unfortunate for you! Hahahahahha!", laughed Hisoko.

"Yui!", yelled Miyasaki.

"I'm okay! Like some wall is going to stop me!", reassured Yui.

"I would of rather played with that Ushio Akagi than you two! Sorry but female bring nothing but jealousy to me.", Hisoko told.

"That's a shame! You are going to have to play with me!", fumed Yui as she broke down the invisible wall.

"But will you be okay? You don't even know where all of the invisible walls are?", exasperated Hisoko.

Ignoring Hisoko's clear taunts, Yui proceeds to go on further towards where Hisoko was standing while punching the air just in case there was a wall in the way that she couldn't see. Before she carried on swinging, she realised that there was a more efficient way to destroy all the invisible walls.

"How could I be so stupid! Military's Special Weapon: Flame Create: Flamethrower Cannon!", exclaimed Yui.

As Yui chanted those words, a cannon was created in front of her. She infused the cannon with her flame powers which was able to up her fire power. She aimed it all around the room and luckily brought down all the invisible walls. Looking shocked, Hisoko began to take Yui seriously and made her way towards Yui. Knowing that Hisoko's power is somewhat related to invisibility, Yui takes caution when she approaches and fires her cannon towards her but the fire spread out and didn't hit her at all. Hisoko came in to close quarters and starts to swing her fists at Yui but she was able to move away from her fists. Yui gets rid of her Flamethrower Cannon and creates her Flame Spear and swings down at Hisoko. Hisoko backflipped out the way and smirked at Yui.

"Well aren't you good. I guess I'll have to go all out. Military's Special Weapon: Invisibility Granter!", snickered Hisoko.

"What the hell is your power?!", thought Yui.

"My Military's Weapon is Invisible Protector! It grants me the ability to set up invisible walls, shields and allows my to turn anything I can keep a hold of invisible. Just like this!", demonstrated Hisoko as grabbed a sword from the side of the wall. 

Hisoko ran towards Yui once more and thrusted her blade towards Yui. She moved her spear to the side where she struck to deflect the blade but then all of a sudden, Hisoko swung her arm to the other side of Yui and punched her in the side of the stomach. It felt like there was something else was there when her punched connected. Hisoko jumped back while Yui was coughing up blood. She released her Invisibility power and revealed that she was also wearing knuckle dusters. Turn her power back on she gets in close quarters once more but this time she is just swinging her sword around making it hard for Yui to use her Flame Spear. Using her expertise, Hisoko swings hard on Yui's spear and swifts her blade down and swipes across her stomach. Luckily, the blade didn't go too deep but it still caused Yui a great amount of pain which caused her to fall to the ground. Hisoko stomps her foot on Yui's belly which caused her to yell out in pain.

"What a lovely sound that was. Too bad that it's over.", gloated Hisoko as she pointed her sword down to her. 

Before she could strike hell down upon Yui, Miyasaki turned on her Steel form and kicked Hisoko hard at the back of her leg. Hisoko dropped to one knee and looked up to see an enraged Miyasaki cack one back and swing hard towards Hisoko's face. Smack! Due to the force from the swing and the heaviness of the steel, Hisoko came flying off Yui but was able to stop herself from crashing into the wall by using her shield. She spat out some blood and then realised there was a tooth that came loose so she spat that out as well.

"How bold! Seems like you are more worthy than her!", Hisoko pointed out.

"No I'm not! I can't allow some like you to hurt my friend like that! Sorry Yui but I'm going to take over, please just don't move and allow the blood to stop.", ordered Miyasaki.

And so the Steel Princess has joined the battle!

Thank you for reading this chapter of 'The Military's Weapon: Elite!'. If you like this chapter please leave a like and vote to show your support! Well we are back with this story! I am planning a new schedule where we are uploading regularly on both this and Mysterious Ways! So please stay tuned for that!!! I'll announce that plan tomorrow! 


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