The Ground and Steel Combination!

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"I must say that both of you have become really strong in this past!", Ushio admired.

"Thank you, Ushio", Yui said gracefully.

"Heh! I told you I want lose to you", stated Seiji.

"It was also a good thing they have a new nurse here or your wounds wouldn't have been so quickly. I mean Yui your nose got busted but that nurse sorted it out really quickly.", explained Ushio while trying to ignore the comment from Seiji.

"But don't you find it a bit scary that we still have to use HQ as our base!" Miyasaki pointed out.

"Yeah, but we have to keep what we know under lock and key as if we just come and blurt out what we know not many will believe us.", stated Ushio.

"Right, lunch is over know! It's time to show us what you've learnt in the past year Ushio! Miyasaki", instructed Akihito.

They finished eating the last of their lunch and made their way back into the Training Room. As they walked in they saw Captain Tatsuya and Captain Genjiro standing their with their game faces on. As they moved further into the room they saw someone standing behind the two of them but who was it?

"Long time no see everyone!", said the mysterious person.

"Is is! Amari-Sensei!", Ushio blurted out.

All of the students went running towards Amari-Sensei who is in a wheelchair since the Eishun and Eita situation.

"I see you are looking somewhat better than we last saw you Sensei!", Yui complimented.

"You're right! Well there is even better news! I'm getting a prosthetic leg!", Amari-Sensei confirmed.

"That's great!", everyone congratulated.

They had a great chat and it was about time for Ushio's and Miyasaki's Teamwork Test. Everyone leaves the field and makes their way to the side of the room. It was time for Ushio to show what he has been doing this past year and he doesn't want to let anyone down. It's time! Ushio wasted no time and got his Ground: Bloodstream Pillar up and running. He extends the pillar that is developing on his arm and sends it straight towards Genjiro. While that is going on Miyasaki goes into her steel form and heads straight towards Tatsuya. The high pressure coming from both of them but the Captains on guard straight away. Tatsuya uses his strong winds to move away from the rampaging Miyasaki and Genjiro uses his extreme flames to stop the pillar from touching him.

"What the?! Ground is suppose to not be affected by fire.", said Ushio with a shocked tone.

"If you remember my flames are the highest temperature there is. I'll stop anything that is in my way. And that's you Miyasaki!", shouted Genjiro.

All of a sudden, Genjiro sent his roaring flames towards the full metal Yui but in the nick of time Ushio put his ground guard in front of Miyasaki which scattered the flames all over the place. While Genjiro was amazed from the speed that Ushio put the guard up, little did he realise that Ushio was up close to him. Ushio digs he Bloodstream Pillar right in his gut and pushes as hard as he can. This knocks Genjiro off his guard and sends him flying to the other side of the room. While this is going on Miyasaki takes advantage of the situation and diverts herself towards Genjiro while he is down. However, Tatsuya attempts to send a powerful swirl of wind towards Miyasaki but due to the fact her steel is strong and weighs a lot she didn't move a inch. As Miyasaki was running one way, Ushio ran the other and they high fived each other as they went passed each other. Ushio looks Tatsuya right in the eyes and sends his 'Ground: Million Daggers' flying towards him but Tatsuya counters them by activating his 'Wind: Galeforce Punch' and letting them all collide into his fist. Once again, Ushio tries to quicken the pace by extending his Bloodstream Pillar and sending towards Tatsuya at extreme speeds. Tatsuya didn't have another time to react and quickly put his still activated Galeforce Punch to try and stop. This cause a powerful swirl of wind to go all over the battlefield.

"How strong as he gotten?", questioned Amari-Sensei.

"Well as you do know I don't go to easy on training but he was up to it. This is the new and improved version of Ushio Akagi!", Akihito announced with a big grin on his face.

"Oi! What are you doing you old fart!", bellowed Seiji.

"They're both amazing!", said Yui in amazement.

In the other corner was Miyasaki and Genjiro going at it. This is a bad match up as if his flames was to hit her should would be out in an instant. But thanks to Ushio she is able to have a go blowout with him as he has weakened him. However, this was not the case as Genjiro suddenly swooped behind her and did one of his hidden moves on her called 'Flame: High Kick'. Flames spiralled around his leg and he kicked her in the middle of her back. Miyasaki could really feel this and put one knee to the ground. He was using the attack to take more damage of her but once again Ushio came to her aid by putting his Ground Guard up. As this was happening Miyasaki got as far away as possible but Genjiro wouldn't let her escape.

"Military Special Weapon: Lions Shotput!", growled Genjiro.

"Shit! Is he trying to kill her!", Ushio commented.

He created the lion looking shotput and threw it towards Miyasaki. Ushio knew if this attack lands then Miyasaki is good as dead. Leaving his position he runs over to take the attack on instead of Miyasaki. BANG! Before Miyasaki could look back Ushio was already engulfed in flames.


  *Thank you for reading the fifth chapter of the Elite! I hope you have enjoyed and please leave a vote and a comment! Is this the end of Ushio? Is this fight over? Find out next time in "Ushio's New Found Power. Next chapter we will have a look in what happened over the course of the past year. 

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