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Taehyung was staring at the building in front of him, totally confused. Henry woke him up by nine in the morning saying that he had an event to attend to represent the Korean culture. Taehyung expected it to be an art gallery or museum because he had done that before, along with the representatives of other nations. This was something totally out of his league and he so wished it was a dream.

"Why are we here?" Taehyung asked as he stared at the court in front of him.

"To watch the match." His manager said, as he guided Taehyung inside.

He never remember watching NBA as a way to support the Korean culture. What does his manager mean by that? There is not even a single Korean player in NBA at the moment as far as he knows. Just went he stepped in, there were like staffs and coordinators of the match waiting for him. The reporters started flashing their mics and cameras onto his face.

"At least, let me know which team is playing." Taehyung mumbled to his manager.

This had to be the most awkward moment in his entire life. He was just showed to watch a national match without even knowing who is playing against who. He didn't even know when the league started this time as he was quiet caught with his schedules. Henry whispered an answer to Taehyung subtly and moved aside for the camera.

Soon the reporters started bombarding him with questions and with all the might Taehyung answered them. He have seen Yoongi attend NBA matches as he is one of the ambassador, he knows how to answer a few questions from those. Taehyung fortunately also had the basic knowledge of the game and the team that was playing so he was basically saved.

They all praised him for coming for the match, showing him in the big screen that earned a loud applause from the audience. Henry soon took him to the seat, which was the vip section at the back, a little behind the regulars where he could comfortably sit. Taehyung was very glad that he was not given the front row because he definitely was not in a mood for the game and the teases by the mascot.

Once he settled down, he grabbed a drink and scrolled through his phone to kill the time. The game might take a while to start and as he noticed, there was no one else in the vip section other than him and a few officers. He assumed them to be working for NBA or the stadium. He looked up from his phone when Henry tapped his shoulders and then pointing at the big screen where his face was shown.

Taehyung smiled and showed a V sign, his cheeks getting puffed like bread as everyone's attention was on him. He enjoys attention but definitely not when he is unaware of the situation so this time, he felt extra shy or taken aback. As he was about to change his focus back so the camera can be turned away, he saw another person on the screen. He instantly dropped his phone and looked to the side.

"Hi, looks like we have a lot of common schedules." Michael smiled as she also waved at the screen.

"Hmm." Taehyung stiffened at that, he really didn't want another encounter.

"Let's just enjoy the game."

Michael sat next to Taehyung with her staffs as well. The man was all disturbed through out the game that his focus was not anywhere fixed. He was watching the game but his mind was clouded with the upcoming rumours. This is going to end up so bad, Taehyung knew there wouldn't be an escape as time passes. He informed Henry that he is not feeling well and had to leave to the hotel.

"You have to meet the players after the game, Taehyung."

"I really need to get some rest. I wouldn't make it till the end of the game." He was not kidding when he said that, his energy was losing.

"Hmm, let's leave then?"

Taehyung immediately got up and left the room as Michael stared at him bewildered. He didn't even spare a glance at her or inform her. Taehyung skipped through the stairs as he walked with his securities, the camera was not focusing on him as the game was almost about to hit half time. He rushed to his car and settled down, breathing heavily when his phone started ringing.


"Where did you go in between the game?" It was the head from his agency.

"I am not feeling well so going back to the hotel. And can you please inform me the schedule before agreeing to those? I am not even informed where I am heading to."

"We are only agreeing to the important ones as of now. You wouldn't get to cancel any of those."

"It is not about canceling. I need to be prepared before fixing on even what to wear. Today I didn't even know which team was playing here. Are you planning to make me look clueless?"

"I will ask your manager to be careful next time, then. Get good rest because you had be travelling to Nice."

"Why? I was supposed to be back in Korea by today. I have my personal schedules planned."

"There is a fashion event you have to attend tomorrow. You can travel back after that and I have to inform that your sns will be open tomorrow. So just post the picture I send you for promotion. No pulling any other stunts, Taehyung." The man warned.

"I know you all are feeding the rumour for something but please stop taking it to extremes. My fans are really disappointed and worried." Taehyung informed but the other ended the call just then.


Taehyung just woke up from the nap and he heard a good news. Finally, something he can smile about and that was one of his friends is also joining him in Nice. His company refrains from sending him to shows which involves his friends saying that had slack him off. This time, he wondered what had happened for a change but he was not much curious. He just got someone with him.

"Hyung, I can't express how happy this makes me."

"Why are you so excited this time? Are you all bored?"

"Hell, yes! It would be nice to have you here. I have been working non-stop all by myself." taehyung pouted, earning a laughter from the other.

"Sure sure, I will be at Nice by afternoon and I guess even you will be there. After the event, let's hangout for a while." Bogum suggested.

"I had love that. I am returning the next day anyways."

"I am travelling to Paris after this event but you are already bored of Paris."

"Trust me, I can accompany you to any hell but not Paris. I am so done with this place and the people." He groaned.

"If it is about the shit as fuck rumours, I suggest you should give no importance to those. You owe nothing to anyone, not even your fans if it is about your personal life. They had understand it." Bogum advised.

"I don't want to be that kind of an idol they look upto and wonder...'heck, how did I like him?' You get what I mean?"

"You need more trust in your fans. You just have to genuinely smile at them or talk to them at all the chances to get. It is more like, you have make your own chances at times...greeting them casually on your own and initiating a small talk when you walk down the street. I will help you with those." Bogum assured as he was a senior and his company doesn't restrict him at all.

"Thank you, hyung. I will follow what you say." 

"Stop thinking so much about your fans and changing everything for them. The day, you trust them more and be yourself, everything will be fine." Bogum smiled before ending the video call.

"I wish." Taehyung sighed as he laid back on the bed.

He really wanted to be as cool as his other hyungs but he was just scared as Bogum mentioned. He never did anything against his fans still there were people who picked on him for the silliest of the things. Taehyung was once scared to even smile at his fans at one point because the others thought, he was having intimidate feelings for them. 

He was about to watch a series when someone knocked on the door. He groaned, he doesn't want to meet his manager at any cost. That man really eats his brain and sometimes his urge to snap his neck is too high. Andreas was perfect from the start, he had a genuine care for the boy even though, he is powerless half of the time. He remembers how the other sneak in food for Taehyung or stay with him till he sleeps.

"Yes, come in." Taehyung said as he sat up in his bed.

The moment, the door opened and the man stepped in, Taehyung's eyes went wide and he almost squealed. It was not even in his wildest dream to see the person he was thinking about day and night. Taehyung jumped out of the bed and ran to the man for the biggest hug he could ever give.


"Taee, my bot." Andreas smiled as he engulfed Taehyung and managed to stay in position.

"I missed you a lot. D-don't tell me that you are leaving again." He was almost at the verge of crying while desperately holding onto the other.

"It is not even a month since we last met, Taehyung."

"You have no idea how this one month was for me. I can't be without you, hyung."

"I can see that. You really look so weak." Andreas peeled the boy off him and made him sit on the bed.


"Was it too hard to even eat some food? You lost a lot of weight, it seems. Was he not even feeding you?"

"I was on a diet. I was only allowed salad for one week and that too just once a day. I was in the gym for five hours everyday and even went for yoga." Taehyung complained like a small kid.

"The hell with those people. Your shoot is done, right?"

"Yes, two days ago. I am travelling to Nice, tomorrow."

"Then we need to eat something first." Andreas smiled as he removed his back pack and producing it to Taehyung.


"Your mag kuksu and kimchi jigae. This will definitely help you now. I just grabbed it on my way here." 

"H-hyung." Taehyung looked at the man, teary eyed at that.

"We are not here to cry, Tae. I know that they tortured you a lot but we need to stay strong. You know that the people out there loves you and trusts you. Have you seen the campaigns going on for you?" 

"My sns."

"Use mine for the time being and see how they are trying to protect you. They know that you would never stoop down so low." He patted Taehyung's shoulder before arranging the food.




"It feels so good to have you back, hyung." Taehyung said eating his chocolate.

"You won't always have me. I am just on a break for a week so I decided to join you. Henry is still in denial."

"I don't care about him. He even shouted at me."

"The company is taking this too far and I am sure soon you would be able to stand up for yourself." Andreas nodded his head.

They were on the flight to Nice. Henry and the remaining staffs were also there but they had to take the economy as Taehyung dragged Andreas to sit with him in the first class. Henry protested at first but Andreas had more power as he was the senior staff member. Taehyung was very glad that his hyung talked over it or else he had fixed his mind to stay in the toilet for an hour.

Taehyung was going through weverse and twitter using Andreas's phone and realized how many people were still covering up for him. He wondered how they would even trust him when he can't speak up or prove anything. He even tried to enter into his account but Andreas stopped him. The Taehyung in impulse can do anything which would mess up the entire situation.

'I am glad, they still trust me."

"We shouldn't take that for granted. You slowly needs to rebel a little by little. First, you gotta tell yourself that you need no company. You are capable of much more than you think. The agency needs you and not the other way around." Andreas explained.

"You think so? Who would get me work if I am out of the agency?" 

"You can start solo, Taehyung. I agree it will be definitely hard but definitely will benefit you more. All the brands know your impact by now. You can endorse them by yourself and still make it a sold out." 

"Hmm, I will think of it soon. I can't cause an uproar now about it because all will think it would be because of the rumour."

"I can't believe the agency stooped that down. Like really? What kind of scandal was that?" 

"They are just messing around." Taehyung huffed out as he doesn't care about it anymore.




Taehyung was walking the show with the others and Bogum, all were shooting him and he felt oddly good. People were still focusing on him, by that he means almost everyone had their camera on him. The moment, he went to take the photos, all the medias swamped him with cameras and Andreas stood there smiling and encouraging the younger. The show was a hit as the outfit Taehyung wore was sold out before he even got out of the event.

"You can access your social media now. The agency sent the details of your post." Henry mentioned as he passed the phone.

"For how much time?" Taehyung asked as he remembered the man asked him to not use it for anything else.

"Till there is another reason to confiscate the phone. I hope you use it wisely." Henry smiled before leaving.

"Ahh?" Taehyung had to pinch himself to believe that the agency went easy on him that easily.

He had to be extra careful now because they would have already planned something worse. He quickly opened his weverse and posted a hi which would be enough to gather attention. Posting the photo was the least of his concern. He really needs to communicate something to the fans and that is how he ended up recommending a song. 'Lies' by En Vogue, he knew that his fans know that he talks through songs.

"Hyung, let's go to the hotel that Bogum hyung suggested. He said, he reserved seats for us too." Taehyung squealed out.

"No, Taehyung. I will just drop you there and send a guard too. I do not want to be around you always. I have something to deal here with the staffs."

"Why? I want to be with you as well." He was scared that the other would disappear if he let's him go.

"I will pick you up too if you want. I want you to enjoy your time for now. Don't stay on your sns too much now. You need to just be free." 

"Okay, that sounds good to me but never leave me. I want you to be there at the hotel when I am back." Taehyung scolded as he sprinted off to Bogum and the guard running behind to match his pace.

The lunch went pretty fine as he had no one around to watch. The hotel was almost empty as Bogum said and he didn't have to maintain the image. He was talking everything under the sky and even mentioned how the things are rocky with the agency. Bogum advised Taehyung to be careful and lowkey as the agency can do anything to harm their artists.

Once, they were done with the schedule...Taehyung was meeting his fans who were accidently passing by. They didn't make him uncomfortable at all but he could see a pinch of disappointment in their eyes. How could he not notice that? He loves watching his fan's eyes more than anything. He believed in the emotions that their eyes held rather than the loving words.

"Listen to the song I recommended. I can personally relate to it now." He smiled at them.

"We trust you, Taehyungie." One of the girls said with a smile.

"And I trust you all too. Please, stay with me for a long time. I will make you all proud." He bowed at them and Bogum was just watching the soft interaction with a small smile.

"Can we have an autograph?" They asked and only Bogum could do it as Taehyung was banned from it.

"I am sorry. It is a personal schedule." Taehyung apologized.

"We understand. But don't hang around Bogum oppa a lot, Jungkookie will be angry." One of them whispered to him and Taehyung just laughed at it.

He remembers how Jungkook asked once in TV, who matters the most of him. It was really silly of Jungkook to ask such a question but he understands. Jimin asks these kind of questions so often to the point, Taehyung had to sit and explain that Jimin is his bestest friend ever.

On way back, Taehyung decided to call So Hyun as he wanted to tell her that he was getting back to Korea where he will have a two days free of schedules. They had to fix a meeting and he could only do it when he was in the car with Bogum and a security who wouldn't be accompanying him to Korea.

"New friend?" Bogum asked.

"Actually, yes but you all know her." Taehyung smiled shyly at that.

"Who? Is that the girl from the cafe rumour?" 

"H-how did you?"

"Apparently, your hyungs know you the best. The way you smiled with her was not like that of an official meeting or the first time meeting." Bogum ruffled his hair into a mess when he saw Taehyung pout.

"It was that obvious?"

"Hmm, can say that. The Taehyung who is even scared to look at someone was sitting with a girl and laughing. That cannot be a first time meet. But I am happy, you found someone to smile to. She must have done wonders."

"Actually, I was the one who initiated the conversation and brought her to Korea. She is one of my fans and she genuinely cares for me and lets me know everything that is happening in the fandom. I can trust her easily."

"Are you keeping a spy?' Bogum asked in confusion.

'No no, but she helps me. I just wanted to meet her once and apologize for everything that happened because of the rumour." He nodded as he fidgeted with his phone.

"I am proud of you. You are still true to yourself." 

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