95 Truths Tag

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I was tagged by the lovely Fantasy510 to do this stupid tag.

Yay .-.

Note: I answered half of these questions on a different day.

1. Real name: Megan

2. Nickname: Meg, Haggie (by writerchick212  -.-), Meggie

3. Favorite color: Sea foam/mint green

4. Male or Female: Obviously male.

5. Elementary school: I cannot say because I don't want you people tracking me down and selling my soul to Satan, but my elementary school kinda sucked.

6. Middle school: Same as previous question.

7. High school: Same thing. I'm not in high school (I'll be there in 1 year), but I know where I am going.

8. College/University: I'm not sure yet, but as of now, I want to go somewhere good. I like science, so maybe somewhere that is quite sciencey.

9. Hair: Mine is blond-ish brown, curly/wavy, frizzy, and a couple inches past my shoulders.

10. Tall or short: Average for my age.

11. Jeans or sweatpants: I'd rather wear jeans, but I wear leggings or skirts more often.

12. Phone or camera: I know I can do so much more with a phone, but honestly I am more of a camera person.
I absolutely love photography.

13. Health freak: Of course not! I mean, I eat fruit and go outside, but I despise exercise and prefer candy.

14. Apples or oranges: Oranges for the win!

15. Crushes:
Fictional- Ron Weasley, Ponyboy Curtis, Percy Jackson, Leo Valdez
Real Life- I've had a couple when I was little, but none now. I realize now that most of my crushes were based on their hair. Oops.

16. Guy or girl best friends: Both. Most of my best friends are girls, but I'm friends with some of my brother's friends.

17. Piercings: Just one ear piercing on each ear, sadly. I wish I had two per ear.

18. Pepsi or Cola: I don't really care.

19. Ever been on an airplane: Once.

20. Relationship: You've got to be kidding me. Never.

21. Car accident: Nope. My life isn't exciting.

22. Fist fight: Kind of. Not really. Just my brother punching me and me trying to escape.

23. Best friend: Emma (ShortHazelnut ) aka the person who writes this book with me, Hayden (haydenwritestories ), Julianna (_KiwiStar ), and Amelia
(-HermioneGranger )

24. First award: Probably some participation award.

25. First word: I think it was "more" because I wanted more candy. That really says something about me.

26. Talents: Acting? Maybe. I don't know if I'm good at it, but I find it fun. Reading and writing might be talents of mine.

27. Last person I spoke to: Some kid from camp. We're on a bus and he asked what time it was.

28. Last person I texted: My mother.

29. Last person I watched a movie with: I watched Paper Towns with Hayden haydenwritestories , my brother Jeff JeffsBookStore , Kathleen writerchick212 , and my friend Lia last Friday.

30. Last thing I ate: Some Smarties!

31. Last movie/TV show I watched:
TV show- Once Upon a Time
Movie- Either Paper Towns or Cyberbully

32. Last song I listened to: I have no idea. Some song playing on the speakers at a waterpark.

33. Last thing I bought: $10 worth of candy.

34. Last person I hugged: Probably my mom?


35. Food: Probably pasta or chips.

36. Drink: No clue.

37. Bottoms: I don't really care about what I wear.

38. Flower: Sunflower or lavender

39. Animal: Panda or a moose

40. Movie: I don't know. Probably Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

41. Subject: Science. I wish we had a more fun class. Like acting or writing.


42. Fallen in love: With a fictional character, yes.

43. Celebrated Halloween. Yes...

44. Been heartbroken: Only every once in a while when I get emotionally attached to a fictional person and then realize they aren't real.

45. Went over text on phone: What?

46. Knew someone who liked you: Yeah, but only a couple people. And that was when I was, like, 8.

47. Hated how someone changed: Quite so.

48. Had PM: What? Private message?

49. Had an abortion: Of course not.

50. Did something you regret: I regret every sentence that comes out of my mouth because I always end up embarrassing myself. Or the person I am conversing with.

51. Broken a promise: No. -wink, wink-

52. Kept a secret: Probably not. People used to confide their crushes or something with me and I always ended up telling someone. But I don't know. I am kind of trustworthy though I think.

53. Pretended to be happy: Of course.

54. Met someone who changed my life: Most of my best friends, my internet best friends (Rachel and LibraryLynx ), and although I haven't met her, J.K. Rowling.

55. Pretended to be sick: No.

56. Left the country: Yes. I went to Bermuda once.

57. Tried something you normally wouldn't like but liked it: I don't think so. I trust my gut, and it's usually correct.

58. Cried over something small: Yes.

59. Ran a mile: Probably not. I think I'd rather walk a mile. Exercise isn't really my thing.

60. Gone to the beach with a friend: Yeah.

61. Gotten in a fight with a friend: Yes. Looking back on it, it was so stupid. My friend and I fought over some video game.

62. Disliked someone: Yep.

63. Are you currently single and have been single: Indeed I am. I believe that I am too young for dating, maybe...


64. Eating: Nothing.

65. Drinking: Nothing!

66. Listening to: My air conditioner. Its melody is quite soothing.

67. Sitting or lying: Sitting.

68. Plans for today: I went to the beach but then I left because my friend didn't show up -cough- Emma -cough-

69. Waiting for: I don't know.

70. Want kids: I want a child, but I don't want to be pregnant. I don't want to adopt, though, because then it won't be mine, you know? I pretty much want to be a father.

71. Want to get married: Yes. But I can't really find anyone who finds me appealing for one second...

72. Want to travel: Maybe by boat. I dislike planes.


73. Lips or eyes: Eyes

74. Shorter or taller: I don't care...

75. Older or younger: Probably older, or a little younger.

76. Romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneous.

77. Hesitant or troublemaker: Hesitant.

78. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship, obviously.

79. Looks or personality: Definitely personality, but I do take hairstyle into consideration.


80. Lost your glasses: Yes, but I always find them.

81. Snuck out of the house: Nope.

82. Held a knife or a gun in self defense: No.

83. Broken someone's heart: I'm pretty sure I made it clear that nobody likes me... so...

84. Been in love: Book characters.

85. Broken a bone: No.

86. Cried when someone died: Yes...


87. Yourself: Possibly.

88. Miracle: Depends.

89. Love at first sight: Not at all.

90. Heaven and hell: I believe in some sort of afterlife.

91. Santa: Not anymore.

92. Aliens: Definitely. I just don't believe that they all look all green and with big black eyes or something.

93. Angels/ghosts: Ghosts, I believe in, angels, I do not.


94. Who do you want to be with right now: I wish I could meet LibraryLynx

95. Do you know who your real friends are: Maybe...?


Post this 100 (?)  truths.
Answer truthfully.
Tag 20 people.

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