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3rd POV.

It was a normal day for our two authors, but that day, their lives will change into a spectacular day, we see Axel or Shiryu which is his name on wattpad talking with his big brother ShiroWhiteWizard on Discord.

Axel: Hello, big brother, have you seen the trailer for the new kamen rider?

Shiro: I haven't check it but I do see the PV of Kamen Rider Gavv.

Axel: I'm so excited to see this kamen ride, plus his theme is candy, my mouth is watering

Shiro: Same here but we have to wait the show release.

Axel: I know. And tell me, have you played the new Hoyoverse?

Shiro: I haven't play it.

Axel POV.

When I was talking with big brother, I heard a horrible noise

Axel: Ah, what is that noise, wait a minute, that sound is that of kamen rider ryuki?

I wrote to my big brother to wait because I have to do something. I got up from my chair and left the office, the noise became louder and louder, when I arrived in front of the mirror that made the noise, I got a little closer but I got sucked in by the mirror.


Shiro POV.

I was talking to Shiryu, suddenly I heard a noise from the window.

Shiro: Alright! Who make Mirror world noise from window?!

Shiro went to check the window suddenly the noise louder and look at the window, I suck inside the mirror.


3rd POV

He sees two people falling and he falls to the ground


Axel falls to the ground with a little pain on his buttocks

Axel: Ouch!! my butt. look around Where I am? Why am I not at home anymore?

Then sees Shiro fallen


Shiro fall down on the ground and feel the pain.

Shiro: Ugh... Why me?

Then the two authors see each other and they both scream

Axel: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! Who are you?!?!?!


Axel New appearence


Shiro new appearence

Shiro: I DON'T KNOW! Wait... Are you Shiryu?

Axel: Wait......serious How do you know my name? Also my true name is Axel.

Shiro: Deadpan It's me, Shiro Aka Tycoon The Tanuki Ninja.

Axel:......Wait, Aniki? It's you, but why you looks Shinichi Kudo? Also, why i look Xiao from Genshin?

?????: It's because it's both of us that we invoked you

When they heard someone, they moved closer and put themselves on defense

Axel: Aniki, did you hear a voice?

Shiro: Yeah, and their voice are familiar.

Axel: Yes, but who?

?????: maybe one should show up, that way you will be able to recognize us

They show up and reveal themselves, it was Shinji Kido and Ren Akiyama.

Shinji Kido and Ren Akiyama

Axel: shock S-shinji Kido and Rend A-akiyama!!!

Shiro: Nani?! But why are you two here?

Shinji: It is because in you we have chosen to become our successor, but also to give you a mission.

Axel: What mission and also me and aniki become you and Ren-san successor?

Ren: sight It's because it's about Odin.

Both authors are shocked, Odin, the one who tried to revive his sister with a battle royale with Kamen riders

Axel: Wait! Odin?!?!

Shiro: Huh?! Did you guys defeat him?

Shinji: Yes, but, he comes back from the dead with his mirror monsters, he goes to the world of Zenless Zone Zero

Axel: WHAT!!! Zenless Zone Zero!! But, why he goes into this world?

Ren: He try to restart the Rider War in a new world and bring back his sister from dead.

Axel: angry  呢個仆街,點解佢仲想試下當人哋因為呢場大逃殺而死嘅時候,佢已經唔係人,而係怪物. (This bastard, why would he try when people are dying because of this battle royale, he is no longer a human but a monster)

Shiro: Growl This bastard is nothing but a siscon! (Sigh) I blame Shiro and Yui's parents for abandoned them and turn Shiro into a villain.

Axel: Shinji-San, Ren-san. serious looks Me and my big brother accepted this mission, promising that we would protect this world from Odin and his monster mirrors!!

Shiro: And we will stop this goddamn War with our hands!

Shinji and Ren smile, both raise their hands, then a red light and a blue light appear in their hands and send it towards our two authors, the red light goes to Axel and the Blue goes to Shiro, the light enters the bodies of the two authors

Axel: What was that light?

Shinji: This light was our power in passing on to you, use it well, so I must give you this

Shinji makes a briefcase appear and gives it to Shiro. Shiro take the briefcase and holding the briefcase.

Shiro: What's inside the briefcase?

Ren: Open it and you'll find out what's inside

Shiro open the briefcase and see something inside, reveal it was.... The Advent Deck. Shocked to see inside, but he see the Ouja Advet Deck is missing.

Shiro: Where is Ouja Deck?

Shinji: Ouja deck already give it to someone else.

Axel: Who?

Ren: Shiki Asakura, he was from our world and son of Takashi Asakura.

Axel: What ! he's Origin Ouja's son, tell me he's not like his father!

Shinji: Don't worry, he is Anti-Hero and he fight for fun.

Axel: sight I'm glad.

Shinji: Also Axel, I have to speak in private only you and me.

Axel: Okays?

Shinji and Axel go somewhere to talk in private

Axel POV.

I follow Shinji-san, then we went far from big brother and Ren-sen, Shinji turns around with a serious look 

Shinji: Well, away from these two, Axel I have to warn of something dangerous

When I heard, I knew what he was talking about

Axel: It's about Ryuga?

Shinji: Yes, as you know, he is my shadow version, but after my fight against him, he is part of my body, now that I have given you my power, you must be careful, you must not only negative emotion appear otherwise, you will not be able to control Ryuga, do you understand?

I look at Shinji-san with a worried look, then I turn my face to see big brother, I have to keep this secret at all costs, I turn my face to see Shinji-san.

Axel: I understand

Shinji: Good, now let's join the others

3rd POV.

Shiro look to see Axel and Shinji walk up to them and see they arrive.

Shinji: Sorry about that, I had to talk to him about something

After that, Shinji and Ren open a portal to go to the world of Zenless Zone Zero

Ren: This portal will take you to the world where Odin went with his mirror monsters

Shinji: Good luck in your fight against Odin, find allies and defeat him once and for all.

Axel: 我明白 (I understand), Aniki, let's go!!

Shiro: Got it.

They went inside the portal and went through the portal.

At New Eridu. 

A portal then opens, Axel and Shiro come out of the portal

Axel: I see that we are in the Hollow Zone.

Shiro: Yeah, which mean we are in chapter 01 where we meet Anby and Billy and Proxy.

Then heard some noise

Axel: Aniki, you hear that?

Shiro: Yeah... Let's go check it!

The two authors ran to see what the noise was. They arrive and see two figure fighting the monsters known as Ethreal, this is Billy and Anby.

Anby Demera and Billy Kid

Axel: Looks! It's Billy and Anby!

Shiro: Let's go help them!

Axel: Yes!!

Anby and Billy are fighting two Ethreal as the other Ethreal attack Anby, I try to dodge their attack but their attack were together.

Billy: Anby! You're good?

Anby: Yes, and you, do you still have any ammunition? worry

Anby: It's okay, my sword is not broken yet!

Ethreal 1: Attack and charged at Anby

Billy: Anby! Look out!

Anby saw the Ethreal too late, she closed her eyes, but suddenly she heard a voice

?????: Take that your monster!!

Anby open my eyes, I see a young man who punch the Ethreal in the face

Reveal it was Shiryu as Shiro just arrive.

Shiro: Oi little bro! Don't be reckless fool! 

Axel: Sorry, but I couldn't let this watch hurt this beautiful girl smirk

Shiro: Sigh Fair enough.

Billy: Who are you two?

Axel: Nice to meet you, my name is Axel, this is my big brother Shiro.

Shiro: I'm Ngo Chan Quoc if you don't understand, call me Shiro.

 Then, the four heard the Ethreal arrive

Axel: I know we've only just met, but they tell you we'll find a hiding place.

Billy: What?! You two can't be serious?

Shiro: Nope! We are serious, buddy. We will handle them. 

Abby and Billy look at their situation, but suddenly, several bombs appear and begin to emit smoke and confuse the Ethreal

Shiro: Oi Shiryu! Here the bunny coming!

Axel: I know and my name is Axel, I want you to call it that, Shiryu is my nickname

Shiro: Yeah, I know. 

??? (Proxy): Over here!

Then sees a bangboo appear behind a container, the four run to get behind the container

????(Proxy): Nice work, all.

Anby: whispers to Billy It's a scarf-wearing, talking Bangboo...

Billy: Whisper to Anby Yeah... Wait, I know this voice! It's Proxy!

Proxy: Follow me, must take shelter before the smoke disappears

They follow Proxy to the shelter before the scene change to the shelters.

Anby: I can't hear that superior Ethereal anymore.

Billy: sight Uh, great, i fell my legs pistons are gonna break!

Axel: It's been a long time since I ran like this, right big brother?

Shiro: Yeah.... Almost every day I have to run, huh?

Proxy: Excuse me, but who are you, I don't know you two at all?

Shiro: Smirk I'm just a passing through writer, remember that.

Axel: My name is Axel but you can also call Shiryu, he's my big brother and also, sees Shiro seriously?

Shiro: What? We make the reference from Kamen Rider show, plus it's pretty cool to do that.


Billy: I have a question, how did you and big brother get in here?

Shiro: Have you ever heard of... Multiverse theory?

Anby: The Multiverse theory, wait you mean that....

Axel: Yes, we come from another universe

Billy: Wait what?!

Proxy: No way! Shock

Axel: Yes and to tell the truth, me and my big brother really come from another parallel universe.

Shiro: In our world, you three are fiction characters from video games.

Anby, Billy and Proxy: WAIT, WHAT?!?!?!?!

Axel sighs, he takes out his phone and pulls out a video of them

Shiro: Here the video if you three won't believe me.

After they have the video, they are still in shock

Billy: shock So, we're just that character from a video game?

Shiro: Yep, and we know you guys are fiction but we treat you guys as real life person to us.

Axel: My big brother speaks the truth, we sees you as a real person.

When they heard this, they cried with joy and Billy hugged Axel and Shiro

Shiro: O-Okay, this is awkward...

Axel: A-air, I need air.

Anby: S-Sorry. Let go of them

Billy: My bad, well, actually what now?

Axel: We have to get out of here before the nasty effects on our four, Proxy can you help us get out?

Proxy: Got it!

When suddenly a spider web touches proxy and captures him


Billy and Anby: MANAGER!

Shiro: Was that...?! 

Then another web comes at Billy and captures him


Anby: Billy!!

A third web arrives towards Anby, fortunately Axel managed to catch Anby

Axel: Anby, is everything okay?

Anby: blush Y-yes

Shiro: Shit, what the hell was that?

They look inside the mirror and see it was Dispider who capture Proxy and Billy.

Dispider, The Spider Mirror Monster

Axel: Dispider, Aniki!!

Shiro: Right! Take out Knight Deck

Axel: Place Anby on the ground Stay here, me and big brother go save Billy and Proxy Take out Ryuki Deck Aniki, let's go!!!

Shiro: Yosh! Ikuzo!

They point their deck at the mirror and summon their belt on their waist before say the words.



Kamen Rider Ryuki, the Dragon rider

Kamen Rider Knight, The Bat Rider

They entered the mirror world

At the Mirror World

We see Billy and Proxy trapped in the spider web and that the Dispider is watching them

Billy: AAAHHH!! Someone save us, I'm too young to die!!

Proxy: This is bad!

Dispider hiss suddenly they heard a motorcycle sound and reveal it was Ryuki and Knight's Rider Machine, Rideshooter.

Billy: We are saved!!!

Knight come out of Rideshooter and cut off the web as he save Billy and Proxy and they fall down.

Ryuki: Billy, Proxy, is everything okay both of you?

Proxy: W-We're fine, thank you for saving us!

Ryuki: Alright Billy, protect the proxy, me and big brother will take care of this monster.

Billy: Alright! Just be careful!

Billy takes the Bangboo with him, Ryuki and Knight see them off and they head back to fight the mirror monster

Ryuki: It's time to take down this spider!

When the dispider started making a sound, another dispider appeared next to it

Knight: Two Dispider, huh?

Ryuki: Okays, I take the one on the left, you take the one on the right.

Knight: Right.... IKUZO TEMERA!

Ryuki: YOSHA!!!!

The two riders begin their fight against the two mirror monsters

Shiro/Knight POV.

We Never Die Playing!

(Start the music)

Knight charged at Dispider as he slash at Dispider many time, the Spider roar in pain and Dispider shoot the web but he dodge it. Knight jump on top of Dispider and stab at his back as Spider roar in pain.

Dispider: roar of pain

Knight jump to get out and he take out his card, reveal it was Sword Vent as he insert inside his Visor.

Sword Vent!

Knight take out his lance and charged at Dispider as he slash Dispider many time, the Dispider roar in pain before Knight cut off Dispider's two legs.

Dispider: roar of pain and rage

Knight: What's wrong? Are you mad? Taunt

The monster gets angry and throws its webs at me

Knight dodge it and take out another card, reveal it was Final Vent card and insert inside the visor.

Final Vent!

(Begin to 00:38 to 00: 43)

Knight use his Final Vent on the Dispider as Dispider roar in pain and explode before Knight land down.

(Stop the music)

After that an energy ball appeared after the mirror monster exploded, then Darkwing swallows the energy

Axel/Ryuki POV.

Hatenaki Kibou

(Start the music)

Ryuki starts hitting the mirror monster hard, the mirror monster receives the punches

Before Ryuki uppercuts him, the Dispider manages to dodge and starts throwing his webs at Ryuki, Ryuki has time to dodge, he takes a card from his deck, and places it on his Drag Visor

Sword Vent

Ryuki starts running towards the mirror monster, the spider throws its thorns at Ryuki, Ryuki dodges and destroys the thorns, he arrives at the mirror monster and slashes it on the monster's body

Dispider: roar of pain

Ryuki backs away from the monster, he takes out another card

Ryuki: 係時候完成喇!! (It's time to finish!!)

Ryuki put the card in the drag visor

Final Vent

Ryuki use his Final Vent on the Dispider as Dispider roar in pain and explode before Ryuki land down.

After that an energy ball appeared after the mirror monster exploded, then dragreder roar and swallows the energy

(Stop the music)

Ryuki: It's time for me to find big brother, billy and proxy

3rd POV.

Ryuki and Knight find themselves at the place where Billy and Proxy are hiding.

Ryuki: Aniki, i see your defeat this spider.

Knight: Yep, I did. I assume you defeat Dispider?

Ryuki: Yes, where Billy and Proxy?

Billy and Proxy arrive as they come out and look at Ryuki and Knight.

Proxy: Did you two did it?

Ryuki: Yes, defeated both spiders see particles coming out on Billy, Proxy and Knight Shit! We have to get out of this world now!

Billy: Why?

Knight: If both of you stay here too long, both of you gonna die!

Proxy: shock D-die!!

Billy: Oh crap! Let's get out quickly!

Ryuki: We have to find the mirror we used, Aniki, take proxy and go on your motorcycle, Billy, come with me, we don't have much time left!!!

Knight: Right! Look at Proxy and carry Bangboo Let's go!

The three ran towards the Rides Shooter, Billy enters Ryuki's motorcycle, Knigh puts proxy in his motorcycle, the two riders start the motorcycles and exit the mirror world

They get out of the Mirror World as Anby was shock and Knight and Ryuki revert back to Axel and Shiro and Billy comically land down and Proxy land on the ground.

Axel: Just in time, is everyone okay?

Shiro: We're okay.

Billy: I saw my life through my eyes, but thank you very much for saving us from these monsters.

Axel: No problem, now proxy, can you lead us out of here?

Proxy: Alright, follow me!

After a few minutes of walking, the five managed to exit the Hollow Zone.

Anby: The oppressive weight of Ether is gone.

Billy: We're out....We're finally out! Aha!

Shiro: Glad we out of this place!

Axel: Finally, I can finally get some fresh air

then, two noises appeared in Shiro and Axel's shoulder, it was Darwing and Dragreder who became small and the size of Fou from FGO

Axel: Ah! Dragreder!

Shiro: Eh?! Darkwing!

Billy and Anby: confus Dragrerder? Darwing?

Shiro: Oh yeah, they are our Contract Monster from Mirror World.

Billy: Wait, they like those damn spiders!!

Shiro: Those Spiders called Mirror Monsters, they hunt people by absorb and drain their energy life for their food.

Anby, Billy and Proxy started to get scared, what kind of creature can be horrible than the ethereals that they come across every time in the area.

Shiro: But Us Rider contract Mirror Monsters and become our companion, Contract Monsters. They help us fight those Mirror Monsters and eat those Contract Monster.

Anby: How does he make the contract and why they eat the mirror monsters?

Shiro: Simple, we use our Contract Advent Card with them. And our Contract Monsters are hungry like Mirror Monster so they eat Mirror Monster to become stronger.

Billy: Like level up?

Axel: Bingo!

Shiro: Yep, now we need to look for your boss.

Then they hear the sound of a horn, they go back to see it was Billy and Anby's boss, Nicole

Nicole: Phaethon got the time and location on the spot on. Hey, you four! Get in the car!

Billy: Boss!

The four get into the car and go to new eridu

End of the Prologue

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