The Mirror

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I woke up again. Everything around me was very... weird.

-Are you okay boy?

--Where I am?

-In the woods. What's your name?- Asked the man, he was hooded and dressed in black.

-I'm Jack.

-Well, I'm Greer- he said, removing his hood, revealing that he is very pale -. You're lost?

-Yes I think so.

-Where are you from?

-From San Diego.

-That's quite far... How did you get here?

-I was at school...but I fell down a hill...I got to a building where there was a mirror...and I...did he teleport? I don't know.

-A... mirror you say?


-I thought they were hidden... very hidden.

His gray eyes suddenly darkened.

-If you went through that mirror... that means that... I understand.


His gaze dropped to my leg.

Did your leg break?

-Yes... it hurts too much.

-Calm. It will pass.

-For the pain to pass, it has to be treated... Is there a hospital nearby?

-The closest one is a few kilometers from here.

-I understand.

-Your eyes... that wasn't caused by a fall.

-At my school some classmates hit me.

-You suffer from bullying, right?

-I suppose.

-Poor boy... Anyway, it was nice to meet you, bye.

-Will you leave me here!? I'm hurt, you can't leave me here to my fate.

-What do you want me to do? Do you want me to be the father you never had?

-I-I didn't say that...

"-Better, because I won't be- he said, and then vanished, leaving behind black smoke.

-Did he... just disappear? What the fuck just happened!?

I started walking, thinking what the hell should I do. Get a shelter, food or water? I never expected that I would be in this situation worthy of a movie.

Suddenly, a blizzard hit the forest. Bad time to have a torn shirt and pants.

I crossed my arms to keep warm, which didn't work much.

Suddenly Greer appeared.

-I figured you'd need this- he said, handing me a jacket.

-What...?- I took it with a bit of mistrust.

-Are you wondering what I did to disappear and reappear?- I nodded -. I figured. I can just and that's it.

-And couldn't you take me home?- I asked, putting on the jacket he gave me.

-Unfortunately, it is impossible for me.

-Oh yeah, I understand...

-By the way. You should be careful if fungi appear, they are very dangerous. Don't touch them under any circumstances- he said, and he disappeared before he can ask why.

-I see that is typical of Greer- I sighed, while I continued walking with pain.


As I walked, I could see how strange mushrooms were appearing little by little. Not the typical red or brown ones, these are... off-white I think. I had never seen them in my life.

-"Don't touch them under any circumstances"- he said quietly -. If he said it, it's because it's dangerous.

Suddenly, a nauseating smell of decomposition surrounded the place.

-God, what a smell. Where does it come from?

It didn't take long until I found where the smell was coming from.

-A corpse? It's full of those weird mushrooms.

-They're Penicillium sp- Greer said, appearing behind me -. They grow on corpses.

-God, disgusting... Wait a second... I know this corpse.

-Yes, me too.

-It can't be... Is it me!?

-Jack, you're dead.

-It can't be... I can't be dead.

-Isn't it strange that suddenly it's very cold? It is because the body temperature of your body dropped.


-Those mushrooms... grow from you, from your body.


-And that one there... is how you are right now. Months have passed since your death.


-They never found your body.

-Who are you!?

-I'm Greer, the Grim Reaper.

-The... the grim reaper?

-Since we met for the first time you're dead.


-When Daniel and Peter threw you down the hill and you passed out from hitting a rock in the river. There you died of hypothermia and were the feast of some wolves.

-It can't be... Am I dead?

-Unfortunately yes.

A few tears began to flow from my eyes.

-don't worry, now you will have the rest you deserve- Greer smiled.


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