Chapter 1

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I've been dreaming in the form of memories lately, and my memories aren't the best. I know my father has dreams like this to, although he would never tell me about them. It's just me and him now. It has been for quite a few years. I used to have a mother, a sister, and a brother, but they're gone now. We lost them one fateful day, and that's what my dream was about last night. My mother was a snow elf. A Yelwa. A princess among the snow elves to be precise. Her mother, my grandmother, is Princess Aska, sister of King Rowen, father of Lellania, wife of King Thranduil. and it was on our way back from Snow mountain, or Yelwelyn, the biggest mountain in the blue mountains, my mother's place of birth, where we lost her. It had been a time of celebration, as always for the snow elves on winter solstice, and my mother never missed this day. We had travelled to the great elvish City atop snow mountain without any problems, and the day had been joyful. Until it wasn't. That morning, Naneth had us all dressed in warm clothing, and our hair braided and beaded in the dwarvish way. Mine blonde, same as my mother's, with silver beads and ribbons, and Primevere's with gold. She then had all three of us all bundled up and placed into the wagon. Gastring, one of my father's best friends and the leader of the 20 dwarvish soldiers taking us home, sang the traveling song in his loud voice, making us giggle.
"Here we travel away, away, here we go home, so far so far, but soon we'll be there, be there be there, our travel travel will not be waste" Normally we didn't travel with such a large number of soldiers, but it was orc season. And orc season was the most dangerous time of the year. Doors were locked, weapons were kept close at night and even the most solitary of families resided in the many dwarf villages for the season for the extra protection. All was going well, and we were almost home, until we heard a horn. Nana knew that horn and dove into our wagon, grabbing her bow and arrows. "Olyn, ride ahead and get help!" She ordered the soldier with the fastest pony. "Lera cover you and your siblings with the blankets" she said giving us each a kiss on the forehead, before handing my brother a small dwarf sized sword."Thorne, protect your sisters." Thorne nodded with a Stony look on his face just before I covered us with the blankets. The whole situation was frightening but we weren't scared. We were heirs of Durin and of Aldon, we didn't fear anything. It was more like anxiety that over took us when we heard the pained yells and screams of our kin. Thorne pulled Prim closer and tighten his grip on his sword with every grunt, every cry, and every scream of agony. I was positive he wouldn't do anything rash, that was until we heard out mother cry out. Thorne's eyes widened for a second before they filled with anger. Before I could stop him, he threw the blankets off and jumped out the wagon with an furious roar. Prim gasped and screamed his name but it was to late. She turned and stared at me in shock for a moment before we quickly came to a silent agreement that we weren't going to sit and wait for everyone to die. Prim grabbed her bow and quiver of arrows and stared picking of the ugly beasts one, by one. Why we didn't have her doing this in the first place, I don't know. Primevere Marigold, daughter of Kili, never missed. I grabbed my sword made specifically for me, and jumped out of the wagon. All I could see was the biggest mess I have ever seen. Dwarves and orcs laid dead and dying everywhere. I ran over to my friend, a young dwarf a few years older than my fourteen, by the name of Cowen. His arm had a deep gash in it and a cut on his forehead looked like it needed stiches. I had barley gotten to his side when a orc came barreling towards me with the his ax raised. I sliced his stomach and shoved him, the second one came at me from the side, which was a dumb decision. I cut him down easily. Gastring came and helped Cowen get up so I went to find my siblings. I heard Prim yell so I started running. I got there just in time to see the biggest orc I've ever seen pick up my sister and carry her away kicking and screaming. Panic and shock held me in place for a moment before I sprinted and jumped on his back. However, he was to big, and he threw me off easily. I landed in the dirt with a a hard thump and the breath in my lungs left me for a moment. Luckily, my mother noticed and stabbed my sister's kidnapper in the arm. He yelled angrily and picked her up by the neck. She struggled and tried to make him let go, but all he did was throw my Nana, My beautiful, Serene, brave, loving Naneth, across the grass where she landed twelve steps away from me. I wanted to yell, scream, react, but my voice made no sound. I was so caught up in looking at my mother that I didn't notice the orc come up behind me. He ran me through with his sword before I noticed he was there. My mother had just turned her head to face me, she had most likely expected to see me fighting orcs, but instead she saw me with a sword in my stomach. "No!!!!" She yelled rolling over and Stabbing the orc. She painfully got up and held me. The last few dwarves in our company were still fighting off the orcs around us but I couldn't hear them. Tears sprang into my eyes not because of the pain, but because the orc that ran past us was carrying my brother's limp body. I watched them carry my siblings away, and I couldn't do anything about it. Soon after, the pain was to much and I blacked out. I fell out of consciousness to the sound of my mother's voice saying the words I had heard so many times, "what grace is givin to me, let it pass to her, let her be spared"

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