Part one

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      Hey guys, yay another story. Ok this will be my first actual romantic story. So please don't judge, ok enjoy.

      "Do you have your assignment, Skyler?" Carol Core, a girl two years older than me, asked.
"Of course! It's just like any other day, and any other assignment." I smiled at her, then ran out of the classroom. I had a big smile on my face; most girls don't like getting assignments. Not me, I love 'em.
Now you're probably wondering what I mean by assignment. Well it's just a normal thing, my assignment is to break Tommy Lake's heart.
Now by this point most of you are probably gasping, or saying "How could you?" Well he gets what he deserves, he's a class A jerk (think about what the A stands for). Now he gets what's coming to him, because he chose me to go out with. And I am a member of The Miss Heartbreak Society.
The Miss Heartbreak Society is a society of all girls from my high school; CherryFalls High. Not all the girls in my school are in the club, only those that the high council and teachers choose. Our mission, put men or should I say boys, in their places. Show them they're not the only ones that can break hearts in 3-5 dates. No one in the club can tell any boy in the school about this; or else they'll be kicked out. I'm so happy to be a member me, Skyler Break. What a perfect name, Break like heartbreaker.
As I ran out of the classroom, the school bell rang that beautiful sound. That bell meant school was over for the day, a smile was plastered on my face. I ran down the stairs, then started to run past the locker. When someone stopped me.
"Sky, wait a sec." My best friend Lana Petal said. She grabbed me by the arm and made me come to a stop in front for her locker.
I knew it was her locker because unlike the rest, her's was painted hot pink. Not just the inside but the whole thing, and it had little flowers all over it. I still can't believe she convinced the principal to allow that. I'm just glad she's in The Miss Heartbreak Society with me.
Now Lana is a very odd girl, she has light blonde hair, alway wears a flower shirt and skirt. Not just that but she has bright green eyes. But I guess that can't compare to my blue hair, and purple eyes.
Next to Lana stood a girl with bubble gum pink hair, a party dress, and light blue eyes; Gigi Light. She's my other friend, who's also in the club. Gigi was smiling and leaning against the locker next to Lana's.
"Where you heading so fast. School just got out, plus it's the first week back." Gigi asked.
"I got to finish my assignment, you know." I whispered so only those two could hear me.
"What, that's today! You're not going without me or Gigi, you'll need backup."
"What? What do you mean no?" Lana asked upset.
"I mean. You're. Not. Going. I can handle this myself, don't worry." I smiled.
It's not like I wasn't happy she asked, but it was just a quick break up. It's not like someone was going to kidnap me or something.
"Please, I haven't had an assignment since before break." Lana whined, Gigi looked at Lana and gave her a look.
"Be glad, summer was such a hassle with assignments. I barely got anytime to go to any parties." Gigi gave me a bored look. "Come on La' let Sky do it quickly then we can go to the mall. Or we could go to Brandon Glee's party."
"Is parties all you think about?" Lana asked still a little ticked off.
"No, you know I have you keep up my cover."
We Miss Heartbreak society members, must have a cover. Our covers are types of cliche groups girls are put in. Gigi is a Party girl, Lana's a Shy-Smart girl. Some are Goth, Popular, Tomboy, Jock, Nerds (don't be offended, in the club it's a good cover), and lots of others.
Me, well I don't have a category. I guess you could call me a Jack of all Trades.
We get these cover, from our own personalities and hobbies. Before the Miss Heartbreak Society Gigi was still a Party girl, Lana was still a Shy-Smart girl, and I was still a Jack of all Trades.
      "Cover, what cover? Gigi you're a party girl at heart, you don't need a cover." Lana let out a laugh, then Gigi joined in, lastly I started laughing.
"Ok, I'm gunna go finish my assignment. I'll met you guys by my car in ten. Bye." I stated as I ran off, my book bag flew around me as I ran.
I love running, it gives me a feeling of freedom. Like I'm not even alive, like I can do anything. I ran all the way that day, all the way to the football field. All the way to where my assignment was waiting for me to break his heart.
When I finally got to the football field, I slowed down and enjoyed the walk. The crisp August air hit my face, the leafs around me we rustling, the sun in at beautiful point.
Then I seen him, his dark brown hair was in the usual stupid position it always was. He had his letterman jacket on, he slowly turned his head to me. I seen he had his normal sunglasses on, they made him look like he wanted to be dumped. A stupid smirk appeared on his face, just like he had won a prize at the state fair.
"Huh, this guy thinks he's got a pretty little girlfriend that's just an airhead. He's in for a rude awakening, I can't wait to show this guy what it means to be a Miss Heartbreaker." I thought, a smirk appeared so naturally on my lips.
My eyes moved to look at his cocky face, the normal. Cool guy look, sunglasses, smirk that looks almost too perfect, hair positioned in that way that makes you want to hit him. Yep; I've seen this almost too much. That's what makes me want to dump him so badly.
"Hey babe." He said in his deep voice, that's smooth and slinky but rough at the same time.
"Listen, Tommy..."
"Tom." He corrected me.
"Tom, I don't think this is working out. I just don't feel like you're treating me with respect, so I'm dumping you." My voice never wavered, my face unreadable, no emotion whatsoever.
      "What are you saying?" His voice however, quivered at that thought of being dumped. His hands shook, he pulled of his sunglasses and I seen his brown eyes. That looked like they were scared.
      I knew what this meant, he had never been dumped before. He did all the dirty work, he was the one that broke girls hearts, he was the one that never had to cry. But now he would know it felt, everyone should know how it feels to be heartbroken. Even a heartbreaker.
      "We're done, it was nice when it last but it's over now. See ya around." I turn and started walking away, leaving him stunted.
      As I disappeared from his sight, as big smile appeared on my face. It may seem cruel, but that's what love is.
      As I walked to the parking lot, I seen my cherry red sports car I got from my parents. Sitting on the hood of the car was Gigi and Lana leaning on it, they both looked bored. When I got closer to my car, I grabbed the keys out of my pant pocket. Hitting the button the two suddenly jumped not expecting that. Gigi even fell off the hood of the car, and landed on the ground on her butt.
      "Sorry to scare you Gigi." I chuckled.
      "Finished already, how'd he take it?"
"What's that old saying, Karma's a bitch." I smirked.
"Ready to head to the mall?" Lana asked overly excited.
"Yep. I've got my credit card in my car."
"You know only children are spoiled rotten, right?" Gigi growled getting up from the ground.
      "I know you tell me that everyday, now hop in and... Shit! I forgot my textbook in my locker. I'll be right back," I started running back into the building.
      It was practically empty, it was a Friday afternoon after all. I ran in the halls so fast the lockers were just blurs. Then I came to my locker, I grabbed the lock in my hands.
      "569." I said my combo and turned them accordingly. When my locker flopped open, I grabbed my text book holding it between my arm.
      I slammed the locker, then ran again.
      I don't know why I was in such a big hurry that day, maybe I wasn't and I just wanted to run. But if I would have known what was going to happen. I don't know if I still would have been running that day.
      As I past the many classroom; I got closer and closer to the front door. But before I could reach it, something stopped me. It was a voice.
      "Where you off to so fast." It said, I slowed down.
      Leaning against the wall was a guy, he looked my age. Blonde hair, black jeans, plain black shirt, just a little taller than me. He had his head down looking at his watch. 
      "Somewhere, now why would I tell you? I don't even know who you are?" Then he looked up.
When I seen his face all, all the air was knocked out of me. I felt a few tears fall from my face in joy. When he say me he had also the same reaction (not the tears though).
"Break?" He inquired in a deep voice. I nodded.
"Chris?" He nodded, I ran into his strong arms. It felt amazing to see him again, I missed him so much.
But if only I knew, the joy I felt that day would turn. It would turn into hate, loss, sadness, and lastly heartbreak.

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