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am i dreaming.

did she... did she talk to me? she said something !

i quickly ran to the button on the other side of the bed, pushing it quickly.


i shouted over and over. i was so excited that i couldn't contain myself. my baby sister finally spoke to me. she remembers me.

tears welled up in my eyes.

"she remembers..."

i whispered. i walked back over to the chair and sat down, sobbing into my hands. i was so unexplainably happy that i could no longer contain my emotions.

i saw her face against the pillow, eyes shut, and muscles relaxed. she looked so peaceful. i began wiping my eyes as the nurse walked in, asking what the emergency was.

"Nurse, she talked! she remembered me!"

i almost shouted. i couldnt stop smiling. i laughed at myself a little. she looked at me and then back at my little sister, concern wiped all over her face.

"oh no."

she said.

Jacob's POV:

i couldn't stop thinking about that girl. i couldn't get her out of my head. something about her just... i don't know how to explain it. i feel connected to her somehow.

i sat in my room staring at the ceiling. everything was quiet.

"i can't do this,"

i said out loud.

"i need answers. now."



i took the keys out of my mom's car as soon as i turned the ignition off, and closed my door behind me. i took a deep breath as i looked at the house in front of me.

"i should be in the right place."

i muttered to myself.

i placed the keys in my pocket and started up the stairs that led to the door. i knocked a few times and studied the yard as i waited.

looked.. trashed. but it wasn't horrible.

i heard footsteps coming and as soon as i turned to face the door, i was met face to face with the man i met there. he held chocolate cake in his hand and looked at me weirdly.

"hi um.. you're... steve, right?"

i asked the man with huge muscles. he finished off the last piece of cake and wiped his hands on his jeans.

"one and only."

he said, leaning against the doorway.

"what do ya want, kid?"

he looked at me.

"i want answers. i can help you guys. but i need to know about elizabeth. i need to know why me and her are connected somehow."

i got straight to the point. steve looked at me weirdly, as if having a hard time deciding wether he should allow me to help or not.

"i mean no harm to her whatsoever. but please, let me speak to her brothers."

i begged. he looked behind him inside the house and held up a finger.

"one sec."

he said, closing the door.

i patiently waited for a few minutes outside, admiring their neighborhood and thinking to myself how cute it was to imagine elizabeth growing up on these streets.

the door started to open and i turned around, and i was face to face with only two of her brothers. they looked at each other, and back at me before i started explaining myself as to why i was there.

"where's her other brother? soda can? pop? it was sodapop, right?"

i asked, a small stutter in my voice. the older one looked down and sighed, while the younger one answered me.

"he's at the hospital with her."

he said. the older one looked up.

"he needs to be home soon."

he muttered. and then the phone rang.

"must be him now,"

darrel said. he walked into the house as i was standing with ponyboy, and he looked as if he was studying me.

"you do kinda look familiar if you ask me."

he said after a moment of silence. i smiled a little and we both shared a chuckle and a few words before darrell came crashing out of the door, along with the rest of their gang.

me and ponyboy looked panicked, and we had no idea what was happening.


he yelled.

"what's happening?"

"your sister, we need to hurry to the hospital, NOW!"

he pushed everyone in the car. ponyboy asked me if i could take him so their truck wouldn't be crowded, and of course i said yes.

we were about to haul ass.

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