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The update you all have been waiting for :)

Fizz's POV:

I was struggling to stay awake. It's almost as if suddenly I was drained of all my energy. I asked the man to stay with me. It was almost as if the name Sodapop just slipped off my tongue.. Like I knew his name was Sodapop. His eyes widened and he called for the nurse at the sound of his name. She quickly came in as he frantically asked her for a phone to use while running out of the room. I was hardly awake when the nurse came to the side of my bed and felt my head.

"You're warm."

She said quietly. She wrote something down on a clipboard and asked if I felt sick. No, I didn't. Just exhausted. She smiled and said that I would be fine, and that I could go home soon. Wow.. I thought to myself.


Sodapop's POV:

I got Darry on the phone as fast as I possibly could. I told him she remembered me. My baby sister remembered me! He didn't even respond but only disconnected the line, assuming that meant he was on his way down here. I felt tears in my eyes as I hurried back to her room, only to find her struggling to stay awake. I walked over to the edge of the bed and crouched down so our faces met.

"Hey honey, you can take a nap if you need to,"

I said, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. It was so long and soft, it's been so long since I've hugged her or even felt how soft her hair was, and it was enough to make a grown man cry. Which it did. She stared at me, and I saw her mouth starting to move, as if she was trying to say something.

"Ssshh, it's okay Fizzy, listen I promise I will stay right here with you, I promise. I'll hold your hand and everything and I won't leave without telling you."

I said. She smiled, and I smiled back. I was so happy to see her face again. Her beautiful smile. I loved her smile when she was younger. It made me think I made her happy. And that's all I've ever wanted for my family. Her eyes struggled to stay open, so I stood and pulled up a chair right next to the bed, where I grabbed her hand and held it tightly in mine. It's almost like she was afraid to fall asleep, until she felt my presence next to her. Her eyes slowly shut and I sighed a breath of relief.

She's safe now.

About twenty minutes later Darry and Ponyboy came rushing into the room. I quickly hushed them and held a finger to my lips so that they knew not to wake her up. He looked over at her and realized. Him and Ponyboy pulled chairs up beside me and looked at me. I could practically see the questions flowing out of their heads there were so many.

Fizz's POV:

I felt myself fall asleep and lose all control of my body. I felt my muscles relax. I can't remember the last time I was this relieved to go to sleep. I didn't go to sleep in fear of my life. I felt lightheaded and it was comforting to have Sodapop holding my hand. I felt myself smile as a thought popped into my head. I think I remember... Sodapop when he was just a teenager. I remember laying on top of him and wrapping my arms and legs around his torso because I did that when I was bored. He played cards with me.. Him and his brother read stories to me. The blonde one. I remember him telling me, "You know I won't be able to carry you when you're older now."

It flashed across my mind quickly. The boy with the brown hair, the one who saved Jacob from the fight. He stays at a bar and.. They wanted to put me in speech therapy. I ran to Soda when he left and I punched a Soc that night.. Sodapop ran and carried me all the way home.. He drew pictures with me. He read my journal when I was bullied and I could remember what it felt like for him to embrace me in a tight hug. I remembered.

I opened my eyes and saw all three of the boys standing next to my bed, not realizing I was awake until I stretched and yawned. They all stared at me, Soda's hand still holding mine. I looked at our hands. I studied them. I remember he had two freckles between his pointer and ring finger. And there they were. I looked up at him, him staring back at me. I opened my mouth and I felt it quiver, as if something was holding me back from speaking.

But I pushed past that barrier.

"Soda.. Sodapop.."

I whispered. They're eyes all got wide. They didn't reply. I looked at the older one.


It barely came out. My vocal chords felt like they were on fire. But I kept going.

"I.. Remember you."

I finished. The last brother stood behind them, tears in his eyes. He slightly moved Darry out of the way and grabbed my hand that Soda once held. He stared at me, his lip shaking as if holding back more tears. I smiled at him before taking my hand from his ans running it through his soft hair.


I said, moving my hand to his face. He put his hand on top of mine and the tears came flowing. He grabbed both sides of my face gently and pressed my forehead to his.


He whimpered. Soda and Darry's smiles were so big and I smiled as my eyes shifted to each one of them.

"I remember you. I remember.. The things we've done.. The.. The places. The gang.. Our home."

I said in a shaky whisper. Just as I had finished, the door opened. It was Jacob. He seemed out of breath.

"I'm sorry.. I ran all the way from your house. I made it as fast as I could."

He panted. Darry looked at him before apologizing.

"Shit.. I'm so sorry man, I was in such a rush to get here I totally forgot to give you a ride."

Jacob told him it was fine and looked at everyone.

"Why is everyone all emotional? Is everything okay?"

He asked. Everyone was silent for a moment and turned back to face me. Ponyboy still had tears streaming down his face and his voice cracked as he spoke.

"She.. She remembers us. She said our names. She remembers her home."

He said softly. There was so much emotion in the room and I felt a burst of happiness inside of me. A happiness that I haven't felt in so long. And it felt.. Amazing. I sat up and embraced all of my brothers tightly as the doctor knocked lightly on the door.

"Elizabeth, we came back with your results."

She said softly. She means the test they did when they watched me overnight trying to study the patterns of my repeated night terrors.

"It seems that you have severe night terrors and signs of psychological trauma, we strongly suggest you see someone to help you in the long run. So sorry to interrupt."

She said. Darry turned and walked out of the room with the nurse, and it was a few minutes before he came back in alone. He let out what sounded like a breath of relief as he looked around the room at everyone.


He started. I looked at him, wondering what was going on. His smile got even bigger than before.

"Are you ready to come home?"


how do you guys like this update? i worked really hard on it and i hope you all enjoy it! if any of you would like to suggest things for the story, please don't hesitate to message me! let me know how you liked the update so i know what to do more or less of :)

thank you!

- author.

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