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The doctor took me out of the room leaving my question unanswered.

"Hey I asked you something."

I said. He turned around and looked at me, and sighed.

"I'm not allowed to give out this kind of information to you about other patients, Jacob."

He said. I squinted my eyes as I listened to the ridiculousness in his voice.

"She's my friend."

I told him.

"Jacob, you knew her for maybe a day, and you never had any contact with her before she was-"

"Just answer my question."

I interrupted him.



Fizz's POV:

It was dark, and I couldn't see anything. I reached out to feel for any signs of life, but only then is when I realized I was restrained.


I attempted to scream. But not a sound came out. I was scared, I remember.

Something inside me wanted to run, I had the instinct.

I sobbed and cried for what seemed like hours. And something ran through my mind.

Ponyboy... Sodapop and... Darry?

Who are those people? I feel like I remember those names but... I just can't put my finger on it.

So I yelled, and all of a sudden, my chains broke, freeing me.


I called.

But no response.

I searched the room I was being contained in, and found nothing but blackness consuming everything around me.

I turned around and what appeared to be a door was only a few feet in front of me.

So I slowly walked to it, and had my hand on the doorknob. I slowly turned it, hesitant to open it.

I was scared.

I started to push the door open, and I saw-


I heard. I jumped and yelped at the sound of people calling my name and shaking me. I was disoriented.

"No! I have to find out who they are! Where did I come from?"

I yelled. I opened my eyes to see the doctor and a man in front of me. He sighed and took his hands off my shoulders.

"Doctor please, I know she'll remember if she comes home. Please, we can bring her medications and follow any instructions you give us, just please.. Let her come home."

The man said.

Me? Home?

I reached beside my bed and felt around the nightstand beside me, looking for my pen and notebook.

The doctor noticed I was struggling to find what I was so desperately searching for, so he pulled out the drawer and handed it to me softly.

He continued to talk to the man as I wrote what was on my mind.

"We don't have very many options, we could consider it but it would be another day or so before she could actually leave our care."

He said. They both turned to me as I handed them the notepad.

I have a home? Does that mean I have a family? Where did I come from?

I wrote. The man had the most hurt look on his face and I felt as if I said something that hurt his feelings.

"Darrell, everything will be fine."

The doctor said. My eyes lit up a little bit. I snatched the notebook back quickly and wrote very fast and sloppily, but I didn't care.

Darrell? You sound familiar. Like the name I heard in my dream.

I wrote. The doctor looked at it and had a look of disbelief on his face, and so did the man. I gave them a questioning look and the mans smile took up most of his face, a single tear dropping to the floor.

"Is she remembering??"

He asked desperately. The doctor continued looking at the notebook.


The man repeated. The doctor looked at him, and back at the notebook.

"This is impossible."

He muttered.

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