Chapter 1:Beginning to end

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Ok guys. Ovesely your here on this book because you finished the first one, "The Fox". If you haven't, go to the first one please :).

Last on "The Fox" -


*Knock knock* the door buzzed it seemed like. there were 3 people there. they looked at me. "Kuroe, you ok?" a boy in orange hair asked. "Yeah, but theres one problem." I said.

"yeah?" he asked. "

"Who are you?"


"What?" He asked. I could see sparkles from the few tears in his eyes. He looks like someone who wouldn't cry. Same did the girl next to him with black long hair. The other one stood there paralyzed I guessed.

The nurse looked at me and asked. "Kuroe, honestly tell me of you know these people or remember them?"

" am I suppose to?" I said. My heart started racing. I was worried. "Who are they? What happend... Did I lose my memorie... I remember seeing a girl then looking forward and crashed... Then I blacked out and I don't remember anything else" I thought as they left the room.

A doctor can I'm and said I had lost my memories but doesn't know if I will get it back... What the hell am I suppose to do..

"The people who came in" the doctor said

"Yeah?" I asked

"Well, the oranges haired is your boyfriend...the girl is your best friend and the other boy is your friend, well your boyfriends brother. That's what they told me" he said

"But how could I forget some I love? Or my own bestdirend or even just a friend. Please tell me I get my mind back." Tears slowly started rolling down my eyes."this is crazy" I said.

"Most likely you will get your memories back but I don't know how long till you get then or when you will. Well I got to go check on a few more people. Bye for now" he told me.

"Bye.." I said wiping my tears.

"This is freaking crazy...this can't be happening to me. Ugh!" I thought.

I started looking around.

"That's it" i whispered. I sat up and started to rip the things in my arms and wrists out. I pulled the blanket off my and got up. "OW!" I silently screamed. I looked down and saw my leg was all scared. "What the hell happend to me?!?" I thought. But I put that behind my thoughts and started waking to the door.

"Egh!?" I breathed and looked behind me. "Stupid hospital robes.. I wished they would cover the hind end" I thought. I saw my clothes on the side of my bed and changed into them. I had a limp to my walk but I dident care. I peeked out the door, then to the other side. Both sides of the hospital are full with docters and nurses. I looked around the room and saw a window. Luckily I was on the first floor.

I hoped out the window on my good leg then my bad one. I started to run tithe road and thought on were I was gonna go. "Where are you going?" A girl said. I turned around. " she looks really fimiler", I thought. "Wait! Your the person I was staring at before I crashed and blacked out!" I said exited.

"" I stuttered trying to remember the name.

"Amina" she said

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