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Cassie Bay.. My adoptive mother.. who's love was like a real mother's..

Shinko Kamikaze(faith)... a great friend... A bestfriend...

Mai Yume... My best friend... not only my friend, but like a sister...

Yuki Sohma... My boyfriend's frenemy... but a loyal friend..


Kyo Sohma... Not only my first true love... but my last...

*Kuroe's POV*

*Ba-Dump* I felt my head pulse in pain, the pain throbbed on the right side of my head; I couldn't help but groan in agony. My mind was unsteady, I felt dizzy, a sickening feeling whelmed up from my stomach. Not only that, my whole body felt numb and cramped. My mind was mostly distracted from the pain, but if I really concentrated my senses, it was obvious all I could see was black. I could see traces of light through the black thread covering my eyes. I could hear the sound of constant thump, and rumble below me, as I lay in wait. Where was I? Am I on a truck? What happened?

Suddenly, my body jerked forward, signaling the automobile has reached it's destination. I felt myself gasp, as I heard the trunk door open behind me. I felt myself sweat, and shake a bit in fear. Anticipating what was in store for me.

"Welcome Home Kuroe..." My breath hitched. I heard a feminine voice, but it was obviously male from above me. As my mind was trying to process everything, the Chloroform was still messing with my mind.  I felt one arm hook under my legs, and the other cradle my back; then suddenly I was lifted up in the air. My stomach jerked from the sudden movement against gravity. "Just a few more steps, Kuroe." He said as I was being carried bridal style. Awkward...


*Third POV*

"Okay.. it's been almost 4 hour's since I've last seen her.. maybe I should call Yuki?" Mai started walking back and forth in circles around the house. Her hands kept rubbing against eachother as her palms were sweating. She tried to understand why Kuroe hasn't come home yet. Mai dialed the 10 digit number in her phone. After a while, finally Yuki picked up. "Hello? Yume-san? What is it?"

"Kuroe hasn't been home for almost 4 hours! Is she there?!"

"Kuroe-san? No, I haven't seen her all day" Yuki responded

Mai felt herself start to panic, worrisome overcoming her. "She hasn't come home, please tell me if she shows up!"
"Okay, I will. Bye" Yuki said in a concern tone.
On the other side of the line, Yuki started to worry himself. "Oi!..." Yuki snapped back into reality, turning away from his emotions, he snapped his head toward the entrance. "Kyo..." "Stupid Rat, what's got you worried?" Kyo grumbled, taking off his shoes in the process, since he just arrived home. Yuki realized his face was full of panic, he felt anxiety well up inside him. "Kyo, Yume-san just called, it's Kuroe." Kyo halted his movements. "What happened?" His voice lowered, like he was ready to snap or tackle anyone to patronize him.


*Kuroe's POV*

I weakly started to struggle, but I was getting nowhere, I still felt nauseous. At some point I gave up and decided to focus my thoughts on my surroundings; trying to get a clue to where I was. With each step taken under my captor's feet, I could hear leaves and sticks snap and crunch; but at the same time, there were sounds of water or moisture. Above me I could here trees rustle, a cold breeze hitting my face. The air was crisp and clean, but slightly damp from the moisture in the air. It brought chills down my body. There was a strong scent of decaying wood and leaves.

"Finally, I have you. Nothing is going to get in my way form now on." An unpleasant fear grew in my stomach by the sound of a familiar male voice. What does he mean by that? I started to tremble from the unknown. I heard a sound of the door open; I felt the temperature of the air change suddenly. I could hear the sound of footsteps below me on a wood floor echo throughout the area.

Before I knew it, I felt my body drop onto a soft cushion; I was bounced up and down, till it finally settled. I didn't know what to expect next.Even though my eyesight was cut off, I could still feel the presence of my captor. A crippling sense that he was drawing closer and closer toward me. I flinch as I could feel two hands touch the back of my head. Slowly I could feel the clothe that was around my eyes get loose. The fabric around my eyes was finally taken off, but my vision was a complete blur. After a while, not long my eyes finally adjusted from hours without light. In front of me was a tall daunting figure, I look up and down processing who he was. He was wearing a long sleeve pure black shirt, along with black pants and shoes. His hair was black, and somewhat long. I could see nothing but the reflection of myself in his grey eyes.

I slightly turned my head to the right, then the left looking around at my surroundings. It was a plain room, a single bed. It had a small wooden dresser against the wall, and one wooden rocking chair near the corner. There were two doors, one I was guessing one lead to the hallway of other rooms; and the other must be a bathroom. I turned my head straight forward and looked up, my eyes met his.

"Kuroe" I gulped from the sudden voice. "I... I know who you are.." I said. his eyes grew slightly bigger, not long till he squinted his eyes back. Piece by piece, everything was slowly coming back to me. Mai Yume, Shinko Kamikaze, Amina Lilly, Yuki Sohma, and even Kyo.. I remember them.. but not only them, but..

"Akito" I said. My heart thumped in agitation. He continued to look down at me, he slowly moved to the end of the bed. I looked over and scooted myself to the other side, away from him. "Why? Why do you keep doing this?" I ask, hesitating a little. "Why are you so persistent?" He asked in a slightly angry, irritated tone. He moved from in front of me to the chair, he looked annoyed, but I need to find out. "Answer me! I'm tired of you chasing after me everywhere I go!" I raised my voice loudly; in a irritated tone as I stood up.
He jerk his head and darted his eyes at me, I gulped in fear, and slowly sat back down.
"No matter where I go, I have to worry! Because you always after me! you took my best friend hostage, you've put bags over my head and used some kind of chimical on me more then once! What did I even do to you?!" I couldn't help myself but yell at him. His annoyed look grew worse; not only that, but the atmosphere grew negative. I could feel my eyes blur slightly with tears; but I held back the tears that almost flowed from my eyes.

"Tell me!" I raised my voice again. He quickly jerked his body up and started to walk towards me. My eyes grew wide and my stomach ached. He forcibly lifted my chin up towards him and spoke harshly. "Stop yelling! If you want to know why, I suggest you shut up." I yanked my head away. "Then tell me! I'm tired of this!" He stood straight up and rose his hand up. He swung it towards me. I flinched and put my hands up to block my face and closed my eyes.

A few seconds went by and nothing has happened, I slowly opened my eyes. Akito heisted and steadily put his arm down. He lowed his face to the ground.
"I can't do it.." He said instantly. My stomach dropped by the suddened words. A sweat formed from my head once he looked at me again.

*Third POV*

Kyo felt his stomach drop in agony. "What happened?"
"I'm not sure, Yume-San just called me saying she hasn't returned home yet.." Yuki's face was still filled with anxiety, Kyo had the same look. "Damn it! I was just with her about an hour and a half ago! I should've never left, I should've walked her home! Not lef..." Yuki interrupted him. "Instead of blaming yourself, let's find out where she is. Since you were with her last her, where was she?"

"she was by the bench at the pond, the same place we.." Kyo blushes slightly, he started scratching the back of his neck. "Never mind" he averted his gaze from Yuki's.
Yuki looked at Kyo with a queer look, having a idea what he was going to say. "Well, we should probably go looking for her, I'll call Yume-San back to see if she can meet up with us" Yuki said already dialing the number.

Mai anxiously sat on the couch, her stomach twist and turned from confusion. She bouched her legs by moving her feet up and down. She thought about all the things that's happened in the past, as her fear increased. A suddent rang broke the silence in the room filled with agony. Mai snapped back into reality and looked over by the counter. She saw her phone buzz followed by every ring. She hesitantly got up to pick up the phone.
"Yume-San! Can you meet up with me and Kyo at your shop? Me and Kyo are going to go look for Kuroe."
She heard Yuki's voice from the other end and sighed. "Alright. I'll be there in 15 minutes. See you then!" She hung up and Yuki did the same. "Alright, Kyo lets g.." He looked over where he last saw Kyo. He disappeared. "Stupid cat....already took off without any warning.." Yuki mumbled to himself getting ready to meet Mai.

Almost 20 minutes later, Yuki walked up and opened the door to Mai's sweets. The bell from above the door loudly rang. He walked in and his eyes met Mai's. Not long till Mai blushes lightly and studdered. "H..hey Yuki!"
"Hey.." He responded. "Where's Kyo? Didn't you say he was coming along with you?" Mai questioned him. "Yes, I did say that. Once I got off the phone Kyo already took off, I'll call him if we find her or if not, ask him if he found her."
"Alright. Do you know where she might have gone?" Mai asked. "Kyo told me she was at the bench by that pond close to y'all's place"
"Oh..." Mai thought for a minute and spend or up. "Wait! I know I did ask her to stop by the convenient store for a few things, let's check there!" Mai said as she got eager. "Okay."

Mai and Yuki walked to convenient store and looked around if they saw her. Mai's stomach grew with anxiety once she was nowhere to be seen. She walked up to the register. "Have you seen a girl, about my height, reddish hair walk in here? Black hoodie.. " Mai asked the owner.
The owner Obviously started to think till she responded "No ma'am, I haven't. I'm sorry" the owner bowed. Mai's face grew a wretched look. "Okay, thanks.." Mai turned around and clicked her tongue. She told Yuki as they left.

"Where could she possibly be.." Mai thought as her stomach got a horrible sickening feeling. "If you told her to come here.. But she didn't show up, something bad must of happened." Yuki faced the front of the store, then back to Mai.
They started walking around town to asking around if anyone has seen Kuroe. But they had no luck whatsoever. "Where else would she have gone?" Mai asked. "Im not sure.. She's not even at the hospital.." Yuki answered her question. "Yuki,This has to mean something dreadful had of happened to her..." Mai said. They looked at each other and both had a unpleasant feeling. They both knew without a doubt, what must have happened.
"Akito." The both said in sync.

*Kuroe's POV*

Our eyes met. "I can't do it.." I kept repeating what he said in my head. What does he mean he can't do it. After all this? My eyes grew a little wider while he slowly stepped backward, but soon walked back up to me. He placed his soft big hand on my cheek and peered into my face.
"You remind me so much of her..." He said looking almost like he was going to cry. I felt a short pain from my head. A blinked a few times, and saw my reflection in his. He grew closer and closer then stopped.

"Who?" I whispered just loud enough for him to hear me.
He hesitated to answer, but he did.

"...just like sister...."

Hey guys, I really hope you liked this! Thanks to Made2352 for helping me! Best friend EVER! Tell me what you guys think, and hopefully you guys think my writing has improved hugely! I'll start updating around every week or so! Thank you for staying!

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