Chapter 12-Enjoy the little things part 2 -Rides-

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While Mai, Kyo and me were all sitting on the bench waiting for Yuki, I spotted a fairest wheel. "Look! Lets go on that next after a few more games!" I said. "Yeah, it should be the last thing we should do." Mai said. 

Yuki finally came back, we all went to a whole bunch of rides. "Lets go on this one!" Mai and I said pointing at the haunted house. yuki sat in the back seat and Kyo sat in the front. "Here, I will let you and Kyo sit together" Mai whispered were only me and her can here. I gave her a thumbs up. I sat next to Kyo and Mai sat next to Yuki.

The ride slowly started going in. Before we went in I was already ducking and covering my eyes, so was Mai.It was near the end, I looked up, before I knew it the cart stopped in darkness and I thought it broke. "AHHHHHHHH" we all screamed when  a spot light popped up on a guy dressed in a clown suite standing next to the cart on my side right next to me. I crawled over Kyo, "HEY!? What the hell?!" He said. then I jumped out of the cart and ran out from the exit. I was so scared I ran all the way to the other side of the Carnival.

"Oh my god! Sorry to scare ya'll so bad!" The clown said. "Its fine, except you scared my girlfriend out of the ride...." Kyo said smacking the man. I ride finally pulled to the stop back to the front. Kyo, Yuki, and Mai all got out to go searching for me. I went to the food cort and just sat at a bench and placed my head down.

After a while..."There!" Mai yelled. I peaked my head up to see my friends. I got up and walked towards them. "So...Sorry about that, Clowns and spiders are my worst feared things in my life, I cant stand to be close to one.." I said. "Its fine, its just a ride." Yuki said. "Yeah, lets just not go on that one anymore.." Kyo said. "OMG!" Mai said. "Lets go on the tea cups!!!!!!!!" She said. "OK!" I say while running to them following her. Yuki and Kyo caught up with us, "3 tickets each please" The worker said. "K" we both say. Mai sat in the Purple one and I sat in the pink(there was no other colors left) " coming you two?" I say to Kyo and Yuki. "Theres no way in hell I and getting on that!" Kyo said. before we know it Kyo sat with me and Yuki sat with Mai.

The ride started to go. Yuki and Mai were spining the wheel to make it go faster."Help me!" I yelled at Kyo. Kyo was just sitting there with blushs. "Really....." He said. "YES" I replyed. "FINE!" Kyo snaped. Me and Kyo both started spining the Wheel in the middle to make the T-cup go faster. Kyo looked out of the corner of his eye still spining the wheel, and he sees Momiji and Hatsuharu standing there watching. "All CRAP!" Kyo thought. Momiji Was eating cotton candy. The ride ended.

We all got off when me and Mai were about to go to another ride till we saw Yuki and Kyo going the other way.Me and her jogged up to them and stoped. "Where you going?" Mai asked. They stoped to a Blonde boy and A white and black hair guy. "Who are they?" I asked. "Hi!, I am Momiji Sohma!" The blondie said jumping up. He was about to hug me till the white hair stoped him. "Do you not relize where we are?!" He said. "This is Hatsuharu Sohma" Yuki said. Hatsuharu looked up and waved.

"Why wer you riding the T-cups..?" Hatsuharu asked Kyo. "She made me..." Kyo said pointing at me. I opend my mouth wide with a dirty look at him. "What? NO!" I said. "Hahaha, so now a girls bossing you around?" Hatsuharu asked. "What...No!" Kyo says till I smacked him. "Hi, I am Kuroe Bay, this is my friend Mai Sweet." I say as we bow. "So is this your girlfriend" Hatsuharu says sarcastically to Kyo pointing to me. Kyo started to blush. "Wait, what?! I was just messing around with you, so its true" Hatsuharu said shocked. "Yes, I am his girlfriend." I say. "Hey guys, its getting kind of late, we should go on the fairest wheel now!" Mai said. We all went to it. Me and Kyo sat on the left side, and Yuki and Mai said on the other side, Hatsuharu and Momiji sat in the next seats. The wheel went around 3 times, when we hited the top, it stoped. "Wait? its over?" I say. "No, I dont think so, It should of stoped us at the bottom sense we when the first on!" Mai said freaked out. we all looked down from the side to see a worker with a mega phone saying.."The ride has stoped working everyone, we might be light this for a while." He said. "ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!" me and Kyo yelled.


tell me what you think! hope you liked it guys!

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