Chapter 14-Breakups are alway harsh...

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"FAITH! STOP! My arm hurts!" I yelled trying to get her hand off my wriste. "NO! Till I talk some sense into that boy then I will" Faith said. "You will NEVER talk sens into him!" I yelled. Before we knew it we saw Kyo, Momiji and Hatsuharu standing by were I ran off.

"What happend? Where is everyone!" Momiji jumped. "They left...." Kyo said. "Well, not Kuroe....she right over there with some girl pulling her over here...wait....What did you do." Hatsuharu said looking our way."huh?" Kyo and Momiji both said look at us to.

"AW man! Hes still there...." I mumbled. "Now you listen pretty boy!" Faith said walking up and pointing in Kyo's face. "Pretty boy?" Hatsuharu thought. "Dont you EVER! and I mean EVER break my friends heart EVER again!" Faith said. "Well if she does not want to see anyone act like that, DONT go out with them!" Kyo said. "Wait, what, whos this?" Hatsuharu said. " "Hi, I am Faith" She said and bowed. "Now back to before" She said. I riped Faiths hand off my bright red wriste now and told them all what happend."KYOOOOOO your such a MEtANIE!" Momiji said hugged me.

"Eh?" Me aand Hatsuharu said at the same time. I closed my eyes tight. "How did I not change?" I thought and Momiji said. "Are you part of the Zodiac?" Momiji said. "Wait, so, how do you know about the Zodiac??" Faith said.(she also knows about my 2ed form but shes not one)"Yes, I am..." I said. Kyos eyes widen and remembered about my form. "What animal are you?" Hatsuharu said. "Um........" I said thinking on what to say. "Wait.... red hair..... um..... OK...what are you?!" Hatsuharu said while putting his hands up be hind his head.

I started to look around. "Shes the fox...." Kyo said. Hatsuharu and Momiji's mouths dropped. "Kuroe..." Hatsuharu was about to say till I interupted him. "I KNOW, he knows were I am now, well at lease now that we ran off...." I said. After a while we saw our Taxi car with Yuki and Mai in it.

They pulled up to the side of the rode and rolled down the windows. "How the heck did you get over here..ugh...never mind lets go" Mai said. Faith sat next to Mai in the back and Mai's in the middle and Yukis next to Mai, and I sat up front.

"Its ok Kuroe, its just on guy...." Mai said. "Hes a jerk anyways, you dont want to date a stupid cat like him" Yuki said.

-yukis pov-

I looked out the window and started thinking. The car stoped at a red light and saw Akito walking down almost near the car. I breathed deaply. "Kuroe duck!" I said as I put a jacket over her head. "Yuki?!" Kuroe said. Akito passed the car not looking inside or at it. "Sorry, that was Akito..." I explained. "Oh, thanks..I think" Kuroe said to me. "Yes its a good thing!" Mai said. Faith was dumbfounded. "Whos..." Faith said as Kuroe interupted her. "Noone...." Kuroe said.

The Taxi pulled up by Mai and I's house. "Thanks" Yuki said and handed the driver the money. "I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door, still having watery eyes. "Ya'll two can spend the night over here at our place if ya'll want to" Mai said. "Yeah, I wanna keep an eye out for Kuroe" Faith said following me to my bedroom. "I just wanna be alone..." I said slamming the door right before Faith was about to come in. everyone staired at the door that slammed. "Ok....never mind...." Faith said wide eyed at what just happened.

"I guess I could stay over one more night... plus I also wanna see if Kuroes gonna be ok." Yuki said. Faith walked away from my bedroom door and walked in the living room.

(how the apartment looks~the door is in the middle, when you walk in the living room is the first and biggest room in the apartment. there are 2 couch's and 1 chair facing the TV on the same wall the front door is on but in the right corner. then on the right side of the house is the kitchen behind the couch about a few feet away from the couch.on the left side of the room is a small hallway, before the hallway begins, Kuroes room starts, the the bathroom, the going strait down there is Mais room and on the left side of the hallway is a small closet. at the vary back of the kitchen, theres a window and a small dinner table is there, then in the kitten on the left side is the sink/counter/stove/fridge/pantry/etc...)


sorry it took awhile, trying to ceach up with ya'll haha. hoped ya'll liked!

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