Chapter 18-I hate homework

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School started about a week ago now and I already have pages and pages or freaking homework.I walk into 8th period,-last class- and Haru beats me there. "Dang, every time huh?" I say as I sat at the same table with him.

-Middle or class-

"Hello, sorry to interupt but a student had the transfer into this class period instead of your 4th period." One of the acestent princables said as they brought the student in. "Oh hey!" The teacher "Mrs. Bera said. "I see that 4th period just did not work out for you, pick a spot. I know your not the talkitive and happest kid but sit down. you do not have to rewrite the notes."  She said. there were 5 round tables and on the vary eage me and Haru sat. When me and Haru finished writing the notes we looked up to see who it was. "Kyo!" I said. Everyone looked and I forgot I said it outloud. "Oh....heh....Hi" I said and blushed. Haru pointed to the seat next to us and he sat down.

-5 minutes left of class-

"Ok class, you have 5 minutes left, you maybe sit down and talk or be on your phones." Mrs. Bera said.

-Mrs. Beras POV-

I looked over and the only time I see Kyo smile was right at Kuroe-Chan. Kyo wrapted his arm around her and huged her with one arm and let go."He must be really good friends with her..." I thought. *DING-DING-DING-DING* the bell rang. "Kuroe-Chan! May you please come talk to me for a few minutes?" I asked. "Sure! hey Kyo, Haru, please wait for me?" Kuroe asked them. "Sure" Haru said. the 2 boys walked out waiting at the door.

"Yes?" Kuroe asked. "This is the first time I have seen Kyo ever smile, are you to good friends?" I asked her. "Well, really were boyfriend and girlfriend. its been about a year now, but we did break up and get back together.." She said. "Oh! In his 4th period, or is old 4th period he seemed he hate life." I said. "Well, hes not the nicest at first but He is when hes around people he likes or loves." Kuroe said. "Do you want me to make an rearangement on him to be in every class with you because he wont pay ANY attintion in any of his classes exept todays class in here with you.?" I asked. "That would be great know.." Kuroe said. "Yes,I will talk to the princable about it, Have a great day!" I said.

-Kuroes POV-

"Bye-Bye!" I said as I walked out. "So..?" Kyo asked. "I jumped up and Hugged him tightly. "Wha...whats wrong?" He said with a light voice from the pressure. "I let go, "YOUR GONNA BE IN EVERY CLASS WITH ME!!" I said jumping up and down. "really! cool." Kyo said.

-kyos POV-

As she told me we were gonna be in every class,  was exited.

-Now its night time at 9:57 PM.-(normal POV)

I was still hanging out with Kuroe, Haru left a few hours ago. We went to sigures house on the roof.I sat next to him."Wow, Its really pretty outside with the stars at night." I said. "Yah....hey,Kuroe..?" Kyo said. I look at him. "Yes?" I say. He sat up from laying down and looked into my eyes and waited a few seconds. "You know I never felt this way about someone...right?" He said. "Um I guess so..why?" I ask. "I.....I lo...I love you!" He said and blushed a little, So did I. I was about to say something till He quickly leaned down and Kissed me.My eyes widen, and then closed. We stoped and he grabed me and huged me. "Will you please stay with me?" He asked. I blushed. "Ya...yes!" I said and huged him back tightly. "I will stay with you!"

sorry it was short, but yah. hoped you liked.

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