Chapter 19-School...

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{Enjoy and dont forget, if you wanna enter my new charater entry, enter before Saterday!}

-Monday morning-

I walked into school and tottaly forgot about having all classes with Kyo.i walked into 1st period as oddly I saw Kyo sitting in a desk behind my desk in the back. "What the heck?" I thought as I liped mouth to myself. I walked over there with one eyebrow up.

"Why the heck are you in my class??" I said to him as i sat my bag down next to my desk and sat sideways looking at him. He looked at me oddly and scrached the back of his head. "Dont give me that look and answer my question..." I snapped. "Well....remember i swiched to all your classes?" He said. "Ohh, sorry i snapped....I did not mean to make you upset...but" I said stoping. "YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled jumping up in the seat as everyone looked. "oh..sorry" I said as I sat down blushing only look at Kyo were only he can see me and no one else.

 As done the same, Mai walked in shooked and

sat beside up. "Um..." She said. "Oh, Kyo transfered to all my classes" I said. "AW! You lucky bi..." she said stoping when the teacher walked in. we all faced forward till class ended.

-end of school-

I walked out with Kyo and Haru when the bell rang and we went down to Mais shop and opened early...Luckily, I had the 2ed key to the shop Mai suposly hid. We walked to the back of the conter as Kyo, Haru, and I sat down our bags and opened up.

Of course. . . . . Mai walks in first and yelled "HOW DID YOU FIND MY SECOND KEY...YOU..BAKA!" was in ur bag in the front pocket on the left side in the middle slide.....baka" I said back. "Kyo? Haru?......What are yall doing here?" Mai asked "Hanging.." Haru answered.

-two hours past at "Mais sweets"-

"Later! see you at home!" Me, Kyo and Haru said. When we were half way the me and Mais place, We herd a howl.

"HOWWWWWWWWWL" (LOL sorry, i dont know what to put there..) "Well thats weird...never knew we had wolves or cyotes here..." Haru said. "Theres no wolves here.." Kyo said. "Nope, there probably dogs..." I say as something ran across up. "AH! Watch out! What the hell? What the heck was that." we all said. "Ok, the house is right over there so lets go.." I said rushing to the door and opending it. We got in as I closed the door and something stoping it. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. ITS TRYING TO GET IT. OMG. HELP US. AHH." All of us said till It opend and Mai walked through the door. "OH, guys guys! Its only Mai!!" I said in relive. "What the hell was that foor??? did you think i was a freaking bear or something?!" Mai griped at us as she calmly closed the door. "Sorry, we saw something earily and thought you were it so...." Haru said grabing his stuff and left. "Later! Bye! Bye- Bye!" Kyo, Mai, and I said.

-next day at school- 

As me. Mai and Kyo were walking down the hall and one of the teachers stoped us, Mrs. Hills. "Hey guys, can you please show this new girl, Amina Lilly, to her class please? Oh, wait yall are in the same 1st period class! Anyways please take her there." Mrs. Hills asked as I said "sure". I walked over he the girl and look down. "Damn, shes tiny.." Kyo said as I slapped him. "BE NICE!" I said looking over to him and looking back at her. "Hello, My names Kuroe, this is Mai, and the jerk is Kyo...AKA my boyfriend." I said. "Hello my names Amina pretty 14" She said. "No no..its totaly fine.." I said as we walked to the class.

-in class as Yukis POV-

"A  new girl walked into the class room...but she was new...and short with Kyo, Kuroe and Mai. She was cool, she has long bangs coving up one eye with black shiny black long hair with some gold and silver streaks...she has the gourgous mightnight blue eye. . . She was really quite. " I thought. (remember Yukis POV) I looked away as she look at me and sat down.

Sorry so short but hoped you liked!! remember, there 1 spot left for a new charater later on in the future chapters!!!! keeped tooned!

-Aki & Kyo

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