Chapter 4- The gift

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As I felt the warm soft hand on my should, i stop and look back at him. "What..." I say. "Why are you going so soon and without anyone knowing?" Kyo said while taking his hand on my shoulder.

~Kuroes POV~(thoughts)

"What should I do.... should i run for it?.. no... I should just talk to him.. well..?" as Kuroe thought.

~Normal POV~

I saw Kyo start to look down. "Do you just no..." as kyo tried to say till Kuroe bolted. Kuroe started running unexpectedly and Kyo looked up "eh..?" Kyo said while starting to chase after her. Kyo finally caught up with her and put both his arms wrapped around here like rope while standing behind her so she could not run. "LET ME GO YOU JERK!" as I say trying to struggle out. "Not till you tell me why your leaving!" Kyo said while holding his arms tighter. I bend my head down forward and bit his hand. "OW! THAT HURT YOU LITTLE.." Kyo says while getting interrupted. "What are you two doing?" a male voice said while both me and Kyo look back.

~Kuroes POV~

"Yuki, Yuki was right there..."Did he see everything? even the bight?" I though

~Normal POV~

"What?" Kyo said. "What!" I say also. "Nothing, just wondering why hes holding you from running, and why your running" Yuki said. I just let my feet of the ground and dropped. I slipped right out of his arms, sitting right in front of him. "Eh.. I COULD OF JUST DONE THAT!" I say getting up and running. Kyo started to chase after me till Yuki grabbed his arm. "WHAT?" Kyo said. "Leave her alone... shes been through a lot and she does not need you chasing after her as well" Yuki said while letting go and walking back towards the house.

-Next day-(Sunday)

I was sitting on the park bench in front of the duck pond looking at my phone. "Hey...." I hear and look up. It was Kyo, he had his hands in his hoodie and was looking down. "I am sorry about yesterday, I...I just wanted to know if you don't like m.. I MEAN! us or something" He said while yelling and putting his head up when he said "I mean".

"Look, its fine. I don't blame you from wanting to know.Its not that i don't like yo.. ya'll, its that ya'll know I am the fox, and you might turn me in, and  if you do that. You will never know what Akito will do to me." I said while started to stand up. "Wait! here... its a sorry present, from yesterday." He handed me. "Thanks." I said  while grabbing it and walking away.

-1 hour and a half later-

I walked in "Madi's sweets" "Hey! I am sorry I did not come to school on Friday to get you, I was sick. "No, its fine." I say. "What happened? How did you get home? No one found out about, you know, fox, huh?" She says. My eyes widened. "I went to a friends,and y...yes. BUT! its fine, there Zodics to." I say while walking up to Madi. "Who?" she said. "TH... the Sohmas. That was "suppose" to be my real last name! But i still have to stick with bay, for reasons." I said while sitting down behind the counter on a tall stool next to Madi. "Ok, that's good, least no others found out" she says while putting a butter cream cupcake in a bag and handed it to a customer. Madi is the only other person that knew my secret, till the Sohmas found out.

I took the small gift Kyo gave me out of my jacket pocket and started to untie it. "Whats that?" Madi asked. "Its a sorry gift from Kyo,  long story." I say. I opened the top and saw a gorgeous charm bracelet, it had a a sunglasses charm, a heart charm, a rose charm, a fox charm, and a cat charm.

"Oh my god... its gorgeous!" I say slightly. "That's beautiful!" Madi said. "yah" i say. "Is He, Kyo your boyfriend?" Madi says with a curious and silly tone "NO!" I say starting to stand up "Ok.. Ok.. no need to get so defencive." Madi said. "I gotta go, I still have Homework to do, by the way Madi, you have an exta 5 page bok report to do that we had to do in school" I say walking out the door. "AWW MAN! more work.." she thinks.

-monday morning-

The school bell rang *DING DING DING*. I ran inside late to class. "The whole class was sitting down looking at me and the teacher and...Kyo was standing up in front of the class looking at me also. "Kuroe, your late" Sit down please." Mr.Saku said. "Sorry Mr. Saku, I promise it wont happen again." I say sitting in the second last row on the left next to the window. The only seat empty was the seat next to me, on the 2ed to last row in the 3ed seat down. "What is he doing here? Kyo" I thought. "Kuroe, If you were here you would know Kyo Sohma had to transfer classes to ours, just to let you know" Mr. Saku said. "Ok" I say. "Sit down please Kyo, your seat is next to Kuroe, the only one with no one in it" Mr. Saku said. "Ok" He said walking over here. 

~kyo's POV~

As i sat down, I looked at the corner of my eye and saw that Kuroe was wearing the bracelet I gave her.

~Normal POV~(schools ending)

*DING DING DING* the bell rang for the end of school. I grabbed my bad and got up and headed out the class room. While I was walking down the hallway going towards the back doors, Kyo jogged up to me. "Hey" He said. "Um, hi.." I say. "I see you like the gift." He says while looking down at my arm and back up. "Yah, I love it." I say while we walk out the back. I stopped and sat at the bench while he kept walking. He stopped and looked back, "whats wrong?" he says in confusion. "Nothing, I am waiting for my friend." I say. "I can take you home, where do you live?" He asked. I got up and ran to him and stopped, I gave him my address and we started walking there.



                   Me: hey, you dont have to pick me up.

Madi: Why?

                   Me: Kyo is taking me home.

Madi: ok... ;)

                   Me: really..... well cya at home


Sorry for the wait, hoped you like it :) Tell me what yall thought,  was is cute? funny? cool?

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