Chapter 7-The invitations

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*Who let the dogs out?" "WOOF WOOF, WOOF" "Who let the dog.."* the phone alarm rang getting interrupted by Kuroe hitting it. I hit the phone to make it shut up, my face was berried in the pillow and my blanket half on the ground and on half of me. My hair was a giant not and it was hard to keep my eyes open.

I got up and rubbed my eyes. I started walking to the closet, opened the door and picked out a pair of black skinnies and a gray shirt that said "Meow...".My dad bought me that shirt a few days he died in a car accident. I went to my desk and grabbed a bra and a pair of socks. I took of my tank and put my bra and shirt on and stuck my self in my skinnies and slipped on my socks. I brushed and straitened my long red with some orange highlighted hair, put some eyeliner on and stuck my phone in my back pocket.

"Good morning" I herd  Madi say right when i stuck a piece of toast in my mouth."Hey..." I said back. Of course, she was all ready for school early. I grabbed my invitations and stuck them in a empty pocket in my school back pack. I grabbed and slipped on my high tops. I grabbed my bag and finished eating my toast.

I closed the door be hind us and me and Madi started walking to school. Looking down at my feet walking forward, Madi says.."Hey, look. Is that Kyo and Yuki?". I looked up quickly. "Omg, it is... I cant let them see me!" I whispered and went behind her. "Why?" she questioned me. "I...I just don't want them knowing were like...10ish feet behind them," I said still behind her."Ugh..." Madi breathed.

-In school-

Madi walked to her class and I walked to mine. Kyo was already in his seat with his head down, every time the class door opened he looked up to see who it was.I walked in and he looked up and kept his head up looking at his desk. His banged we in front of his eyes where you could not see them, but he could see through them. His eyes looked up with out moving his head looking at me walking to my seat. I put my bag on my seat and sat down. I few minutes later the bell rang for class  to start. 

Unfortunately we hand to do a pop quiz, after it we are now doing a group project. "Here are you 3 group members, Madi, Kuroe, and group...*ect..* now get in your groups" Mr. Saku said. I was in shock when he said Kyos name in my group. He stood up. I got up and walked right past him to Madi acting like I had know clue who he was.

"Hey, are you kind of shocked as I am when he said Kyo?" Madi whispered to me. "More then kinda" I whispered back. Kyo walked over to us and sat in a desk. "sorry...." He whispered while slowly putting his head down. Madi walked to the other side of the class room and I followed. "He seems really sorry.... did you not like the kiss or something?" Madi said softly where only me and her could hear. "Well, I was shocked but I did not, not like it, i just don't know why hes saying sorry" I said and walked back to where our group spot was, Madi did also.

-after the project-

Math was not my essayist thing, but of course now, that what we have for homework.*DING DING INDG* the bell rang.everyone else always runs out but me and Madi, now even Kyo did not burst through the window for getting called cutie and getting asked all these questions about his hair. "I will meet you in the back by the bench, ok?" madi said. "Yeah, sure" I said back. I still had to put 3 stupid math books back up and then zip my back up and leave. Kyo got up and saw the invitations. "Hey, do you need help with passing them out?" He asked. ""I say back. I split them up in half's and give him some and i still have some to pass out.

We walked out together and started handing out invitations."Come to the party, Dover craft ST, 66677."(Fake Address)We both told everyone that we handed invitations to.


Sorry is was short guys, but Yeah. tell me what ya'll thing!

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