The Decision, Part 2/2

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Siblings never fight? Heh, what an excuse. The fights strengthen bonds, not weaken them. 

Not this time, though. My fights hurt my brother. 

~FC Cha Hana

"Morning...." Hana yawned as he and Semo dropped into their seats on the dining table. 

"Ah, morning, Hana, Duri, Semo-" Doun stopped when he noticed the two. "Hana, where's Duri?" 

At that, the caramel-haired male blinked in confusion. When he had gotten up this morning and found himself alone, he had thought that Duri had gotten up earlier. "What are you talking about, Appa? Isn't he here?" 

Doun shook his head, "No... He isn't here." 

"Strange...." Semo frowned. He prided himself in knowing people, and Duri was not the kind to get up early. "Maybe he went to Nebok-hyung's place?"

"Makes sense. We'll go check after eating then," Hana decided.

"Alright," Semo agreed.

Doun beamed proudly. Hana was really  more mature than his brother. He truly raised him well.

"Well then, let's eat," the oldest of the group suggested.

"Okay then!"

An hour later found Hana in front of the house in front of the Cha residence. Semo had been dragged away by Dingyo to buy stuff in the mall, and poor Z was her ride, which kinda made Hana sympathise with him. Before Semo came along, X was her ride. (In her words, she didn't have the courage to take a car with Duri.) So he pitied and liked it at the same time.

"Alright, let's do this...." he mumbled to himself.

Ring ring!

He waited patiently, chocolate eyes so like Duri's watching the door, expecting it to open.

But unlike before, it didn't.

That brought a frown to the ten-year-old's face. Nebok wasn't the kind to ignore them. In fact, he was the opposite.

"Maybe he's out," he eventually decided. "Well, I guess I should go accompany Semo so his wallet doesn't die." 

With that, he turned his back on the maroon door and stepped away, unaware that his objective had not left the house....

Instead, there he was, slumped against the wall, curled up into a ball. Memories flashed. Duri's last scream of fear before the sea claimed him. Acnee's proud tone as she commended his act of  murder.

"I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry.... I'm so sorry..." he kept on repeating to himself. A mantra that was supposed to help soothe his pain, but only made it worse. 

After all, sorry wasn't going to bring Duri back. 

The deed had been done. 

He prided himself in knowing right and wrong, but...

He ended up choosing wrong. 

Sniffles bounced off the walls as the pink-haired teen let his guilty tears fall to the ground. 

I killed someone I killed someone I killed someone no no no-



Navy blue eyes slowly looked up to the entrance just as a letter was slipped in. 

Fear entered his heart once more. It couldn't be Acnee, right? Why would she contact HIM? Why? Did she want him to commit more crimes? 

However, when he made his eyes focus, he relaxed slightly upon realising that it seemed more like a kid's scrawly handwriting. Even more when he noted that it wasn't Duri's, Hana's or Semo's. 

But if that's the case... 

Who is it?

Curiosity in his eyes, he crawled over like a baby towards the letter, letting his hands take it gently, as if worried that it would break from his grip. 

Written in messy kiddie handwriting was his name, only with an additional "Neon" at the bottom. When he opened it, he took out the piece of paper that was in it, flipping it to reveal the words addressed to him. 

Dear Kim Nebok, 

Greetings. I am Motomiya Daisuke, your brother.

He gave a start, eyes widening. His WHAT now?!

I'm pretty sure that you're shocked. Believe me, I was too when I was told about your existence. But it is never too late to gain the right training, no? 

You're probably wondering what kind of training I'm referring to, right? Well, to put it short, I'm the leader of a society called the Grimm Society, dedicated to keeping the balance between the fairy tale world and our world here. You were originally supposed to be brought in when you were six, but somehow the data got messed up and you couldn't be initiated.

Anyway, this letter is to inform you that your training will be happening in Odaiba, Japan, as soon as you get to the base. I have enclosed the tickets and everything else you need in the letter, so it's all on you. You may be a late bloomer, but I believe that you may be able to make us proud. 

I hope to see you soon, Neonni. 

Regards, Daisuke

Nebok's eyes widened, before they softened. 

It was at that moment that he knew that he was a coward. 

Because that moment, he decided to take Daisuke's offer. 

He knew it was a bad thing to do. 

But he had to stop Acnee. 

At all costs. 

For Duri's sake.

That's why, with a swift sweep, the house was clean and Nebok was gone. Vanished. As if he had never been there. 

Of course, Acnee didn't notice. 

For a horrible reason. 


That shout made X stop driving in the middle of the road. 

Hana rubbed his ears in pain, grumbling, "Why have you graced my presence with your inhuman screech, Semo?" 

"I have  good reason to, Hana." 

"What is that, pray tell me?" 

"Your dad told me to call you to the city square! He said that someone was attacking it!"

"Let me guess, the Elvisbot?" 

"Seems that way." 

"Alright then. But don't think I'll let this go, Semo." 

"Aha, please let it go." 

"Nope. I'll send Duri on you once we get back and find him." 


Dingyo could be heard snickering from the other line, implying that she was there as well. 

Hana smirked, satisfied by this. He was so going to get Duri on Semo's case once they got back! 

Oh, how naïve Hana was. 

His satisfaction was washed away the moment he and Semo arrived. 


Because a familiar Tobot was wrecking havoc. 

A way too familiar one......

The first Tobot pilot could feel the satisfaction drain away from him. Dread replaced it, churning his stomach into a knot so tight he would never get it undone. 

"Y-Y....?" Semo whispered, terror gripping his tone so tight he could be choking. 

Indeed, it was the second Tobot Hana discovered, Y, Duri's partner. 


If Y... If Y is here.....


What happened....

What happened to Duri?...

Dingyo shook him, worried as their friend noticed and rushed at them, seemingly ready to get rid of them, "HANA! TRANSFORM X!" 

"R-Right..." he fumbled for the Tokey he owned. Semo did the same, and the two shouted, "X/Z, TRANSFORM!" 

From the cars they were before to the robots standing tall and proud in front of them now.

However, when X noticed their opponent, he went silent for a while before speaking up, "I'm sorry Hana, but I.... I cannot fight him...." 

"What? X, why?! You did once!" Dingyo argued. 

"That and this are two completely different matters," he admitted. "He is still my brother through and through, and I.... I can not make him suffer anymore... I promised him that..." 

Z looked down, "Yeah, same here. Sorry, Semo, but Y's still my friend."

"Z..." Semo's eyes softened. 

Hana gripped his fists. What were they to do? Retreat? But if they did...

Semo looked just as conflicted. He didn't want to fight their friend....

Dingyo looked between four, a pale face on. They were... They looked so.... Dejected...

What should she do? Should she encourage them to fight him? She herself didn't want to see Y hurt. Sure, his partner was a jerk, but Y was okay-

"Let's retreat." 

Two heads swivelled over to Hana, eyes wide in shock. Did he actually just....

"We need a plan, guys. We can't charge in without a care of the world." 

"But Hana-"

"Plus, none of us can fight Y. We both know that. We're not strong enough alone..." 

The other two froze. Hana, as per usual, made sense. 

"... Fine then," Semo looked down. "You heard Hana, Z."

"X, we're retreating." 

"Very well," he sounded relieved but guilty at the same time. 

Hana sighed. He felt even worse for this, but he knew that he had to. The last thing they needed was any reckless moves. 

"They retreated....?" 

Watching from her monitor, sharp brown eyes widened...

Before a small chuckle echoed. 




She was beyond happy. She was ecstatic and gleeful and arrogant that she would finally be able to achieve her goal. 

"Now, all I have to do is to tie up the loose ends.... Nyahahahahahahahahha....."

"Cha Duri, you failed... You lost the gameee~" 

No one was there to hear. Only the crickets of the night and inhabitants of the house were aware of her evil laugh. 

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