Chapter 4 - No Coming Back

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4. No Coming Back


(POV) Chase

Great. This is just great. Perry is going to catch us now. This is it. Our bionics are going to be exposed, and it's all my fault.

"Guys, how are we going to get out of this? She's got an x-ray machine. She'll definitely see our bionics now." I whispered. Bree shrugged but Adam's face lit up.

"Why don't I use my blast wave ability? You know, when I concentrate really hard and everything falls apart?" Adam asked referencing to when we had been captured and he miraculously found his hidden ability.

"Oh, right. I keep forgetting your not, completely useless." Bree said slowly. Adam smiled as if he had just been given an award. I laughed as Bree turned to me. She smiled.

"You're much more help than he is." Bree whispered. She must have been able to tell I was doubting myself. Why had I been the one Principle Perry had to scan with the metal detectors?

"Thanks, Bree." I whispered back. Adam started his blast wave and the room began to shake. I quickly wrapped my arms around Bree. She quickly curled into my chest as we waited for the shake to stop. I looked off to see the control panel hanging by a few wires from the top of the x-ray machine. I smiled as I stood back up with Bree. We might actually get away with this.

"Thanks, Chase." Bree whispered as Adam turned to us. I knew she was deathly afraid of earthquakes.

"No need to thank me. I'd do anything for you." I whispered before Adam reached us. He smiled and threw his fists in the air in victory. Perry turned to us with a distorted look on her face.

"Wow, that was some jolt." Bree said. I smiled slyly at Perry who ran over to the machine. She looked at it and began to fix it. I knew for a fact she wouldn't be able to fix it. This thing needed a genius, much like myself, to fix it.

"Dang it! It's broken." Perry mumbled as she dropped the screw driver on the floor.

"Oh, well. We'll see you on Monday." I said as we ran for the door.

"Wait! I don't know what's going on with you kids but I will find out." Perry shouted as we ran for the door. I looked up to see there was a wire hanging loose from the ceiling.

"I think your blast wave did that." I whispered to Adam. He nodded.

"It's just an electrical wire. I'll fix it later." Perry said brushing off the hazard. I rolled my eyes before I heard her scream.

"Look out!" Bree yelled as she sped off to help Perry. I looked up to see the wire sparking.

"Adam, after I stabilize the wire, you sever it with your heat vision." I turned on my monocular kinesis app and stopped the wire from moving. Adam turned his sight to the wire and cut it off before I threw it to the other side of the room. I cheered as Adam and I did our handshake. Bree smiled as she made her way over to us.

"What are you people?" Perry yelled. She looked scared.

"That... was our magic show." Bree said dramatically as Adam and I gestured around the room. Perry ran off toward the other wing of the school.

"Wow, I have never seen her run." Adam said before we walked over to get her out.

"Principle Perry, it's okay. We're not going to hurt you." Bree called through the door.

"Yeah, it'll only hurt for a little bit." Adam yelled. I rolled my eyes as Bree hit him. Perry opened the door holding some sort of makeshift weapon.

"What are you people?" Perry yelled as she backed up. Bree sighed as she answered.

"We're bionic humans." Bree said. Adam nodded before continuing for her.

"Yeah, she has super speed, I have super strength, and... What do you do again?" Adam asked me. I rolled my eyes. We've only known each other our whole lives and he still doesn't remember I'm the brains of the operation.

"You're bionic? I've heard of you people! You seem all nice, then half way through the movie, you try to kill Will Smith!" Perry yelled. I sighed as Bree stepped forward. I could already tell that Perry would never believe our real story. She was dead set in thinking we were here to kill her. We've been here for almost two years, if we were going to kill her we would have done it already.

"No, we save the world. We use our abilities to go on life saving missions. Just like the way we saved your life." Bree explained. Perry back up again and began to face towards her office.

"No, I need to call the authorities. Or the police, or the fire department. Wait, Perry, think! What would Will Smith do!" Perry yelled as she ran for her office. I turned to Bree and Adam.

"Guys, did we just let Perry find out about our bionics?" I asked worriedly. Bree nodded as Adam shrugged.

"I don't think she suspects a thing." Adam said simply. I rolled my eyes as Bree sighed and turned to me.

"Come on, we have to get home." Bree said quickly. She grabbed hold of Adam and I before speeding us off towards the house. We walked up the drive way and through the door. Adam immediately ran over to the kitchen.

"Adam, what are you doing?" Bree yelled as I followed her to the kitchen.

"Our normal lives are over! I might as well say goodbye to my pudding!" Adam said back. I rolled my eyes before Bree turned back to me. We both knew the real plan would come from the two of us.

"We have to tell Mr. Davenport." I said with uncertainty. Bree nodded.

"You're right, we just need to tell him." Bree repeated. Wait, she was actually listening to me?

"Are you crazy? We can't tell Mr. Davenport!" I yelled. Bree sighed in annoyance.

"It was your idea!" She yelled back.

"Oh, so now you're gonna start listening to me!" I yelled back. It really wasn't true though. Bree was always the one who payed the most attention to me. The doorbell rang.

"That could be the FBI." I stated. Adam smiled.

"Or we won a sweepstakes. Either way I'm willing to take that chance." Adam said with a smile. The doorbell rang again.

"Am I the only one capable of getting the door?" Tasha asked in a teasing tone. This was the moment if truth. Tasha opened the door to reveal an FBI officer. Bree took our hands and sped us off to the lab. We stopped the second we crossed the threshold of the lab. I began to pace as Adam stood there with a dull look on his face. Bree looked expectantly at me.

"Guys! What are we going to do?" I yelled. This was getting bad. I never thought that Perry would actually tell the authorities.

"I don't know! You're the brains, you think of something!" Bree yelled back. I sighed and threw my head back as I began to think. What could we do except... Wait.

"Guys, do you remember that pack we made?" I asked. Adam nodded.

"The one you told us never to talk about. No." Adam said with an obvious wink. I rolled my eyes.

"The one we made just in case anyone found out our bionic secret. One that would protect us and Mr. Davenport." I continued. Adam sighed while Bree nodded along.

"I don't know what to tell you, did you not see me wink." Adam said in a duh tone.

"It's time. We have to do what ever it takes to protect ourselves, and Mr. Davenport. " I said. Adam nodded then moved over to put his hand on mine.

"Bree?" I asked hopefully. I wouldn't be able to make this journey without her. She shook her head.

"There's just got to be another way." Bree said on the verge of tears. I frowned in sympathy for her. This was going to be hard for all of us.

"There is no other way." I said. I had to convince her to come with us.

"Our lives will change forever." She pointed out. I nodded as Adam stared blankly at our hands.

"I know. But it's what we need to do. Are you in?" I asked again. She nodded.

"I'm in." She said as she placed her hand on ours.

"Good, lets get supplies and move out as fast as we can." I ordered. Adam and Bree nodded before moving to their capsules. I sighed as I scanned the house for the FBI officer. He was talking with Davenport upstairs. We had to get out now.

"Wait! We have to leave a note for Mr. Davenport." Bree mumbled as she took out the holographic camera. I sighed and dropped my bag on the desk behind it. I walked over to Bree. She tossed the remote around in her hands as we thought about our final words to the Davenport-Dooley family.

"What do we say?" I asked. Bree shrugged and turned to Adam.

"Let's just all say what we have to. We'll take turns." Adam suggested. Bree nodded and turned to face me.

"Yeah, that works. Okay, let's do this." I said as I got ready. Bree sighed.

"Will you go first Chase?" She whispered so Adam couldn't hear. I smiled and nodded. Bree brought the remote up and aimed it at the device. I got ready to start as soon as I saw the flashing light.

"Testing... Testing. Echo, Echo-" Adam said. Bree slapped him in the arm. I rolled my eyes at the two cousins as I began.

"Mr. Davenport. We really messed up." I started. Bree sighed and took over.

"We didn't mean to expose our bionics to Perry. She was in danger, we had no choice." Bree continued.

"You always trained us to handle any mission, and right now, the mission is survival. Yours and ours." I went on.

"I mean, if we aren't around, there's no proof we exist, so, we're leaving... For good." Adam explained.

"Thank you. For all that you've done for us. You've made us who we are. We're sorry we let you down." Bree finished on the verge of tears. I smiled over at her as she pressed the button. The light flashed off and Adam walked back over to gather his things. I turned to see a single tear sliding down Bree's face. She looked up at me with a sad smile. I moved closer and wrapped my arms around her.

"We can't leave." Bree whispered into my chest. I could feel my own tears trying to surface. I hated having to tell her this.

"No, Bree. We have to. The FBI is upstairs right now. If we don't leave, I can't see a life of only seeing you guys through glass as they experiment on us." I whispered. She looked up at me and began to regain her calm composure. She took a deep breath and turned to grab her bag. There was no way to make this better for her, and I hated that the most.


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