28~ You are Special

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On their way to Monica's home, Eshaan noticed Monica was restless. She kept checking her phone and always looked disappointed. Maybe she was hoping someone from the fashion week would call her. Anyway, Eshaan wasn't liking that she was looking so tensed and so he decided to lighten the mood.

'Oh, so now that you have become a celebrity I would have to take an appointment to meet you.' He turned his head and looked at her. His trick worked, and Monica smiled.

'Of course not.' She answered shifting little in her seat. Eshaan looked away from the road and back at her. He raised his eyebrow.

'Really? Why?'

Monica smiled while staring at him, - 'Because you are special.' She said. Momentarily, Eshaan froze. He looked at her and she smiled widely. Eshaan smiled too.

'Eshaan can we go to your place tonight?' She asked. Eshaan noticed her seductive tone and instantly nodded. Monica smiled and leaned against him. He was surprised as she rested her head on his shoulder. He tilted his head and admired her for some time before looking back at the road. Monica sighed and closed her eyes.

Earlier, she was so happy and excited as her fashion show went so well but now she was restless as to why Kabir hasn't responded. She hoped and prayed that he wasn't offended by her.

She was at an initial stage of her career and Kabir could easily ruin her hard-work. And he wouldn't even flinch while doing so.

Eshaan hadn't expected Monica will come home and so his apartment was messy. Luckily, Monica didn't seem to mind. She looked distracted when he pointed it out.

'Shall I get drinks?' He asked.

Monica shook her head, - 'I am going to sleep.' She answered removing her heels. Eshaan frowned but doesn't probe her. He walked with her into his room. Instead, of going to bed Monica walked up to his wardrobe and took out a loose grey Tee. Confused, Eshaan watched her.

'I need something comfortable.' She said turning around. Her back facing him. Eshaan nodded.

His brain ordered him to leave but his feet were rooted. He watched her remove her Boho top. Then, her fingers moved to the hook of her lavender bra.

Leave you shameless pervert – Eshaan's brain scolded him but his feet couldn't move. Eshaan kept staring as she unhooked her bra and dropped it on the floor. As she bends to pick up the Tee from the edge of the bed she caught him. Eshaan felt like a fool and began looking everywhere else. Monica smiled and picked up the shirt. Eshaan looked at her from the corner of his eyes. She slid the tee over her head and turned to her side.

'Getting out of your underwear is a bliss.' She said putting her hand under the tee and pulling down her black underwear. Eshaan gulped.

Is she planning to sleep naked with me? – He thought, and his heart began to flutter at the thought. She turned her head and looked at him.

'You can strip too?' She eyed him. Eshaan felt shy and excused himself.

He was about to leave to the bathroom when Monica hurried to him and held his arm. He paused for a moment and then turned.

'Don't tell me you are shy.' She said softly and tugged his arm. Eshaan gasped inwardly. She smiled and moved her arm resting her palms on his shoulder.

'Look at me, I changed in front of you.' She shifted closer and placed his arm around her waist.

'But you were turned the other way.' Eshaan managed to speak. Monica let out a small laugh and then looked seriously at him.

'You wanted me to turn your way?' She held the back of his head and stared into his eyes. Eshaan was numb.

What the hell are you doing, Monica? Snap out of it – Her brain alarmed her, and Monica's smile faded. She shook her head and took a step back.

'I am,' – She faked a yawn, - 'going to sleep.' She said stretching her arms. Eshaan was confused by her reaction. Simply, he watched her walk around the bed and slide inside the duvet. She made herself comfortable and closed her eyes. Eshaan shrugged and turned to walk into the washroom.

After the door to the bathroom closed, Monica opened her eyes.

What is happening to her? Why does she always lose focus with Eshaan? Why does she get carried away? Is it that she has unintentionally fallen in love with him?

Love? Nah? He is just interested in your body. Just like how Kabir is interested in ****ing you. That's it. Don't feel guilty Monica. They are selfish, and so you be selfish too.

Monica turned her head to her right. She moved her hand and grabbed her mobile from the bedside table.

She was disappointed not finding any message from Kabir. She had an urge to call him but before she could the bathroom door clicked. Quickly, she placed her phone on the table and turned to her side. She closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

Eshaan walked out of the bathroom dressed in his boxers and found Monica was fast asleep. He smiled and walked up to the bed. Slowly, he climbed on the bed and lay down facing her. She looked so serene when asleep. Eshaan moved his hand and pushed away a strand of hair that fell on her face. He wanted to caress her cheek but resisted lest he woke her up. He smiled and kept staring at her until he fell asleep.


Awww, Eshaan *_* and Monica is on some other page *sigh* 

How was the Chapter, guys? Drop your thoughts, please *smiles*

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