37~ Boss's New Mistress

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Eshaan was fast asleep in his bed. It's Sunday morning and he has full plans to laze around. But he was awoken only when someone switched off the ceiling fan.

'Argh, Shumi.' He groaned moving the pillow from under his head.

'What Saheb? I have to clean your house na.' She said in her Marathi accent. Eshaan let out a muffled sigh from behind the pillow. Shumi looked at him, pressed her lips tightly and returned to work. Eshaan tried sleeping again. He was relieved when she switched on the fan and left. Unlike other maids, Shumi had that decency.

Eshaan had just moved the pillow from his face when his phone rang.

'****.' He picked up the phone and blinked his eyes.

Kabir Sir – Flashed on screen and Eshaan sat up straight. For a moment he wondered what he had to say. Kabir hardly calls, let alone on Sundays.

'Hello, sir?' Eshaan spoke in a groggy voice.

'Good morning, Mr. Ranawat.' Kabir sounded cheerful and that made Eshaan even more suspicious.

'Good-good-morn-morning, sir.' He replied rubbing his eyes. He heard Kabir sigh from the other side.

'You are still sleeping, Eshaan.' – He paused only for a second before speaking again, - 'Come to my farmhouse, now.' He ordered.

Eshaan frowned, - 'Now?'

'Yes, you idiot. And bring the list of shortlisted models.' Kabir ordered and cut the call.

'Okay, sir.' Eshaan replied and then realized the call was already cut. He moved the phone away from his ear and stared at the screen.


Eshaan honked his car in front of the main gate of the farmhouse. A security guard stepped out and checked who was in the car. Eshaan nodded and smiled at him. He smiled back and then opened the gate. Eshaan drove his car inside. He parked the car in front of the main door of the farmhouse and stepped out. He walked happily on the block paving and reached the main door. He rang the doorbell and waited. Soon the door opened.

Eshaan was surprised to see Kabir on the other side. Strangely, he was shirtless. He had freshly lit cigarette pressed in between his lips. He looked at Eshaan and smiled.

'Ah! Eshaan, come in.' He stepped aside.

'Good morning, sir.' Eshaan greeted him humbly.

'Whatever.' Kabir replied dryly while shutting the door. Eshaan didn't mind, he was used to this treatment.

'Sir, the file.' Eshaan said forwarding the file to him. Kabir took a puff of the cigarette and took the file from him. Eshaan looked on as he flipped through pages. Then, he closed the file and forwarded back to him.

'Here. Go, keep it in my room.' Kabir said.

'Yes, sir.' Eshaan replied instantly and took the file. He turned and Kabir smirked.

'Third one from the left of the stairs.' Kabir informed. Eshaan turned around, nodded and then walked up the stairs. Kabir blew a puff and smirked as he watched Eshaan climbing the stairs.

Eshaan opened the door and entered. He frowned upon seeing someone sleeping on the bed. He wondered if he got into a wrong room. He took a step back and looked around. He was in the right room. Then, he looked back again and found Kabir's shirt and some woman's red dress and lingerie.

Sir is being himself. Another girlfriend – Eshaan thought, shaking his head. He hesitated for a moment and then thought he would simply place the file on the dressing table and leave. He walked up to the dressing table and placed the file. He was about to leave when he paused in his tracks. The girl moaned and shifted in bed. He felt awkward but couldn't look away from the mirror. He saw her reflection shift. She pulled her hands from inside the duvet and stretched. Then, slowly she sat up. Eshaan was about to move his gaze but he froze.

Monica – He looked at her in disbelief. She was oblivious to him as her eyes were closed. She adjusted the duvet covering her naked frame and slowly opened her eyes.

'Argh.' She squealed seeing someone in the room. She clenched the duvet tighter. Eshaan turned around and Monica's eyes widened.

'Esh-Eshaan.' She said in a shaky voice. Eshaan blinked at her. He was still trying to absorb what he was seeing. Monica, naked, in Kabir's bed. Surely, it was some sort of nightmare. For Eshaan he hadn't thought of this even in his wildest dream.

Monica gulped. She shifted covering her naked body with the duvet and got down the bed.

'Eshaan, I can-can-ex-explain.' She said. Eshaan clenched his fists tightly. This wasn't a dream. It was really Monica. She walked up to him.

'Esh-Eshaan.' She extended her hand but before she could hold his hand. Eshaan moved his hand away and glared at her. Monica noticed the angry eyes and flaring nose. She had never seen him this angry before.

'Don't touch me, filthy woman.' He said angrily.

Monica pressed her lips angrily. 'Now, Eshaan you are crossing your limit.' She said. Eshaan scoffed and took a step towards her.

'Look who is talking. I didn't know, Monica that you could do something like this.' He gritted his teeth. Monica looked back, unabashed.

'Oh, so as long as I was sleeping with you I was the most amazing woman and the moment I chose to sleep with another man you are calling me filthy. You know what, Eshaan. Filth is in your head.' She replied.

Eshaan couldn't believe she was justifying her disgusting act.

'I am not married, Monica. Kabir is. There is a difference.' Eshaan retorted. He didn't know what he was doing here, this woman was not worth his time.

Monica shook her head, - 'Oh, so if Kabir wasn't married then you wouldn't have had a problem.' She folded her arms and continued, - 'And who are you to have problems? It is my body, my life, and my choice.' She sounded confident. Eshaan clenched his fists again. Desperately, he wanted to slap her but controlled himself.

'You know what people call girls like you, Monica. Sluts.' Eshaan took a step closer and now they were dangerously close. Monica maintained the eye-contact. She didn't even flinch or blink.

'And what about you, Eshaan. And Kabir? What people call men like you?' Monica countered him. Eshaan sighed and took a step back.

'Whatever, Monica.' He looked away, he could feel his eyes getting moist and he didn't want her to see his tears. He blinked his eyes rapidly before looking back at her.

'Just don't ever, ever come in front of me again. I don't know what I will do to you.' Eshaan warned her. Monica's expressions softened when she heard his shaking voice.

'Eshaan.' She called softly but Eshaan had turned around. Without wasting even, a moment, he walked out of the room. Monica sighed and held her forehead.

Shit! Shit. This is not what she had wanted. Even if she was planning to break off with Eshaan, she didn't want him to know that she slept with Kabir. Damn!


Eshaan is so hurt *heartbreaks* He was crying :( Monica, why?

How was the Chapter, guys? Drop your comments, please *smiles*

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