45~ Super-Duper Awkward

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With gentle breeze coming from the large open window the living room felt cooler. Even the fan rotating in low speed doesn't bother Monica, who sat crossed legs on the sofa. Dressed in low neck camisole bralette and white cotton shorts she felt very comfortable. She continued eating salad and watching fashion TV. As she watched there was a door-bell. She got startled and clicked her tongue in agitation.

'Coming.' She said annoyed and got from her seat. She wondered who it could be this late. She glanced at the wall clock, 10.00pm. She walked into her room. The doorbell rang again but she ignored it and wore a night robe over her clothes. It was mismatched, but she wasn't bothered. As she walked towards the door, the doorbell began ringing continuously. Monica frowned.

'What the ***?' Monica cursed opening the door. She looked at Kabir and sighed.

Oh God! I am not in a mood to **** him, please make him go. – She thought in her head. But outwardly she smiled seductively at him.

'Hi!' She said.

'Hi.' Kabir said. He sounded tired. Monica held his wrist and pulled him inside. Kabir loosened his tie and quietly walked towards the sofa. Monica frowned watching him. She shrugged and walked towards the wine cabinet. She took out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses.

Kabir removed his coat and threw it on the sofa, then he dropped on the sofa.

As she walked towards the kitchen she passed through the living room and found Kabir sitting on the sofa, his face buried in his palm. She frowned.

Why do I care? – She shrugged and walked into the kitchen.

Monica took an ice tray and carried it to the sofa room. She picked up the bottle of whiskey from the dining table and walked towards the sofa. Kabir looked up as she placed the bottle and ice tray on the coffee table. He looked at her and she smiled at him. He smiled wearily at her. Monica walked towards the dining table again and got the glasses.

Kabir watched as she kneeled next to the table and poured the drink into his glass. Then, she dropped two ice-cubes and looked at Kabir.

'What happened, darling? You are looking depressed?' She asked passing the glass to him.

Kabir sighed and took the glass from her, - 'You won't understand.' He replied. Monica poured a drink for herself and rose from the floor. She stood in front of him. He looked up and she winked at him.

'Can I help in any way?' Monica asked sitting on his lap. She moved her leg placing her right leg over the other. The slit of her night robe split, exposing her leg. Kabir eyed her legs briefly before looking at her.

'I am screwed, Monica.' He said.

'Really?' She asked taking a sip of the whiskey. Kabir nodded and shifted. Getting the hint, Monica got up from his lap and sat beside him. Kabir narrated everything and she listened intently to him. She looked away momentarily before looking back at him.


Kabir sighed, - 'You will have to leave this apartment.'

'What?' Monica sounded outraged. Kabir held her hand and leaned forward. He placed the glass on the table and turned to look at her. He held both her hands.

'It's only temporary.' He assured her. Monica tugged her hand to move away but he held it firmly. She twisted her lips and kept glaring at him.

'Where am I supposed to stay till then?' She asked. Kabir left her left hand and held her other palm with both his hands.

'I have made arrangements for you.' - He said and staring into her eyes he continued, - 'Just for few days please adjust at Eshaan's place.'

Monica gaped at him and then freed her hand from his grip, - 'Eshaan? Are you mad? Never.' She said standing up. Kabir sighed and got up. He held her waist from behind and placed his chin on her shoulder. She nudged him, but he doesn't move.

'Please love, he is my most trusted person. You are very important to me and I can't trust anyone else.' He explained.

Monica sighed and placed her palm on his palms and moved his hands away. She turned around and looked at him.

'Just a few days.' She warned him. Kabir smiled and held her arm. He pulled her closer and looked confidently into her eyes.

'Okay, baby.' He replied and pecked her lips. Monica nodded.

'Okay then,' – Kabir left her arms and took a step back, - 'I will be leaving.' He said. Monica looked surprised.

Is he not going to **** me? – She thought. She watched him pick up his coat and tie. Then, he turned and held her face in his palm.

'I am sorry, love. But I can't stay tonight. Naren wanted me home early.' He said. Monica smiled nodding. She felt relieved.

After knowing she must spend few days at Eshaan's place Monica felt disturbed and didn't want to have sex with Kabir.

'Bye.' Kabir said as he stepped out of the apartment.

'When should I shift?' Monica asked him.

'As soon as possible. Please, keep your bags ready. Remove everything and anything that could prove you used to stay here.' He said.

Monica sighed. Kabir turned around and walked towards the elevator. She watched him go.


Later that night, Monica couldn't sleep. She kept staring at the ceiling and prickling the nail-paint from her nails. She wondered how she will manage at Eshaan's place. Neither does he or she want to see each other.

What if she gets carried away again? – She bit her lip. Then, she turned around and tugged her arm under the pillow while resting the other arm on her body.

No, she won't. Things are not the same as before. Eshaan wasn't interested in her anymore, in fact, he hates her, and she too wasn't interested in him. She was happy with Kabir. Sexually and mentally. There was no need for her to go for another man. Monica shifted and lay on her back again.

'God, this is going to be super awkward.' She said out loud. Then, she adjusted her pillow and closed her eyes. She tried sleeping but sleep evaded her.

Minutes, hours passed but she couldn't sleep. Finally, giving up she groaned and sat up on the bed. She glanced at the wall clock opposite her bed and noted the time, 3 am. She sighed and moved the duvet and slid her legs down the bed. She wore her slippers and stood up.

Eshaan, his place, old memories, super-duper awkwardness, many such thoughts kept troubling her. She got some vodka and soda from the cabinet and carried them to the dining table. She sat and uncapped the bottle. This was the only way to calm her restless mind. She poured the drinks into the glass and gulped it down in one go. Few more such gulps and she felt her eyes droopy. Soon, she fell forward and pressed her cheek tightly against the table. One arm rested on the table while the other dangled.

'Eshaan!' She slurred. Unable to keep her eyes open, she closed them and within minutes she was snoring lightly.


OOOOO, I am so excited, guys... Let the fun begin

How was the Chapter, guys? Drop your thoughts in the comments, please *smiles*

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