47~ My Room, Your Room

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One hour later, Eshaan and Monica managed to reach his building. This time they didn't have much trouble with the luggage. Eshaan knew many people who helped them, him, carry the luggage up. Monica had already left and was standing outside the apartment. Eshaan unlocked the home and ignoring him, Monica entered first. Once inside, she looked around. She felt homely coming to his home after three years. She noticed the décor was the same and everything right in their place. She remembered everything like it was yesterday. She smiled and made her way towards Eshaan's room but before she could step in, Eshaan called her. She turned around and he hurried to her. In the background two men were busy settling the luggage.

'Your room is there.' He pointed to a room across the living room, next to the kitchen. Monica looked at him, surprised.

'Why? I am staying-'

'That is my room.' Eshaan said simply. Monica folded her arms.

'So, I am not sharing my room with you.' Eshaan shook his head. She rolled her eyes and looked seriously at him.

'Even I am not excited about sharing a room with you. Shift to that room.' She pointed to the room he had pointed earlier.

'No, way.' He said simply. The two-kept glaring at each other until one of the two men called Eshaan. Monica watched him turn around and walk towards them. He spoke something to them and pulled out his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans and handed them some money. He followed them out and after they left he locked the door. He turned around and looked at Monica.

'Unpack and shift to the room.' He said tugging his wallet back into his pocket.

Monica folded her arms and shook her head, - 'I am not shifting in that room.' She said firmly. Eshaan walked to her with a stern expression.

'Listen, Monica, I am not going to take your tantrums. Already to my bad luck, I have to share my house with a slut like you.' – He smiled seeing Monica's expressions change, - 'You are someone who didn't think twice before becoming a mistress of a married man.' He said bitterly. Monica was taken aback as she stared into his eyes. He smiled victoriously and took a step to walk towards his room.

'Call me a mistress, second woman, a whore, a slut or a prostitute. I don't care.' – Eshaan stopped in his tracks and looked at her, she continued, - 'It's my choice and I am not ashamed of it.' Monica replied as she stared confidently into Eshaan's eyes. He felt very disgusted by her.

What a shameless woman – Eshaan thought bitterly.

She turned to her side and folded her arms. He continued to glare at her.

'Whatever, just stay 1000 miles away from me.' Eshaan said after he formed his words. Monica scoffed.

'As though anyone wants to come even a meter near you.' She said haughtily. Eshaan felt his ego hurt with her words.

'Slut.' He said making a face. Monica looked offended.

'You can call Kabir that too.' She replied.

'Excuse me. He is my boss.'

'So? He is the one sleeping with me and many other girls as well. Technically, he is a bigger whore than me. At least, I am not with multiple men while being married.' She said confidently.

Eshaan found himself speechless and simply gaped at her.

'Or,' – Monica smiled, - 'Only a woman gets labeled as a slut and a man gets away with anything.' She completed her sentence, her chin held high. Eshaan blinked at her.

When he had nothing to counter that he waved his hand and said, - 'Whatever, I am going to sleep.'

Monica smirked watching him turn around and walk towards his room. She loves to make men speechless. It boosts her ego and her confidence.

'Men.' She said and twisted her lips.


Later that night,

Kabir walked into the lawn and took out his phone from his Kurtha pocket. He checked his inbox and call log for anything from Monica. But there was nothing. He had given Eshaan a day off and had ordered him to shift Monica to his place but neither Eshaan or Monica had contacted him. Kabir hoped Monica had successfully shifted.

He thought for a while before dialing Monica's number. Few rings later, she picked up the call.

'Hello, Darling.' Her sweet voice made him feel lighter. He smiled.

'Hi, love. Settled?' He asked walking on the grass. He frowned hearing her sigh.

'Yeah!' She didn't sound pleased.

'What happened?' He inquired. Monica took a second to reply.

'I don't want to stay with Eshaan. I can't stand him.' She said agitatedly. Kabir smiled. For a moment, he had thought something serious was bothering her.

'It's only temporary. Try to adjust.'

There was silence from the other side for a moment, - 'Fine. But promise you will come visit me and spend time with me.' She said seriously.

Kabir nodded, - 'Of course, darling.' He said softly.

'Great!' Monica sounded happy now.

Soon they bid good night and disconnected the call. Kabir stuffed his phone back into his pocket. He sighed and began walking again. He wasn't liking sending Monica to Eshaan's place, somewhere he was still insecure about Monica. Still, he doesn't want any other man touching his girl. Yet, now he has no other option rather than trust them. He placed his hands into his pockets and stared at the grass    


So, Monica has now shifted to Eshaan's home. What next, guys * wink* And how was the Chapter?  Drop your thoughts in the comments, please *smiles*

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