8~ Seduced

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'Eshaan.' She said as they sipped their wine.

'You had asked me to get my portfolio.' She said excitedly. Eshaan nodded. Monica smiled and leaned forward. She placed the wine glass on the coffee table and turned to her side. She opened her white handbag and rummaged through it. Eshaan watched her. She took out a black file and forwarded it to him.

'I had clicked these photos back in Chandigarh.' She said watching him open the file. Eshaan looked up from the file.

'Oh, so you are from Chandigarh.' He said. Monica leaned forward resting her arms on her thigh and shook her head.

'No. I was there for my engineering. But I dropped out.' She informed him. Eshaan wondered why she dropped out but didn't ask. He didn't want to get too personal with her at this stage. He nodded and looked back into the file.

He flipped through the photos. She was photogenic, no doubt. She looked stunning in all of them. She had clicked some with modern clothes and some with traditional attire. But there was only one problem. The photographer was an amateur and hasn't clicked them properly. It doesn't look professional. It was messy.

'So?' Monica asked after he was done looking at it.

'They are great.' – Eshaan replied closing the file, - 'But I think they are little old. We can re-shoot for you.' He said. Monica's smile dropped. She looked away. Eshaan held her palm that rested on her thigh. His fingertips grazed her soft velvety skin and he felt goose-bumps. He looked up at her, into her eyes.

'You will do that for me?' She asked innocently. Staring into her eyes, Eshaan nodded.

'I know few good photographers. I will handle it.' Eshaan said. He caressed the back of her palm. Monica smiled.

'Thanks.' She said. Eshaan smiled and turned. He picked up both the glasses and handed one to her. Monica took it from him.


As they drank, Eshaan chocked on his drink when he felt her feet caress his leg. He looked to his side and found Monica looking seductively at him. He looked down. She had removed her heel and was touching his leg with her toes. He looked up at her again.

Monica extended her hand and placed it over his palm. Confidently, she maintained the eye-contact, - 'You won't change your mind?' She asked.

Eshaan shook his head, - 'Of course not.' He replied. Monica smiled and shifted closer. Now, there was only a few inches gap between them. Eshaan froze.

'You are too good, Eshaan. Helping a stranger.' She said placing her palm on his thigh. Eshaan looked at her long slender fingers placed on his thigh. Suddenly, he felt uncomfortable in his pants.

This was a fast reaction – He thought in his head. Monica smirked moving her hand away. She looked front and began drinking. Eshaan kept staring at her for a while and exhaled deeply. Monica eyed him from the corner of her eyes.

As they drank Monica noticed Eshaan staring at her thigh and she cleared her throat. Quickly, he looked up at her and flashed an awkward smile.

'I think you are good looking. What you think of me?' She asked leaning back. Eshaan was taken back by her question. He wasn't expecting this question.

'Hot!' -He bit his tongue when Monica smirked, - 'I mean – uh- you are – are – good looking.' He stammered and ended lamely. Monica raised her eyebrow.

'So,' – She placed her hand on his arm, - 'You think I am just good looking.' She sounded disappointed. Eshaan didn't like that look. He shook his head.

'No. I think you are-you are hot.' He said this time he tried to sound confident. Monica smiled and slid her palm down his arms.

'Nice muscles,' – She looked up at him, - 'You should be a model too.' She suggested and Eshaan felt his cheeks flush.

Monica smiled and brushed her arm against his. Eshaan looked at her noticed a glint in her eyes.

'Refill?' She broke the eye-contact as she looked at the coffee table. Eshaan nodded. For some reason, he was feeling Monica was giving him hints. But then he didn't want to take the risk. Perhaps, she is just being friendly.

Monica poured them drink and they touched their glasses together, - 'To your success.' Eshaan raised his glass.

'To my success.' Monica replied. She blinked at him, a smile on her lips. They remained silent for some time till Eshaan broke the silence.

'I will try my best with my sources but in case nothing works,' – He turned his head to look at her, - 'I will talk to Kabir, my boss. He is very powerful. He will definitely help you.' Eshaan didn't know why he said this, perhaps it was the drink.

'Okay, Can I meet Kabir directly?' Monica asked. Eshaan regretted his statement.

'No. No. First, let me handle this. Okay?' He said. Knowing Kabir's sleazy nature Eshaan didn't want him to meet Monica.

Monica looked upset. Eshaan sighed and placed his palm on her shoulder, - 'Don't worry. You can trust me.' He said. Monica looked at him. Then to his surprise, she placed her palm on his thigh again.

'I trust you. But I was hoping for something to happen quickly.' – 'She shifted closer, her palm sliding up towards his crotch. Eshaan gulped leaning back, - 'I am tired of struggling. I want results.' She sounded slightly desperate. Eshaan knew she was getting desperate for success. But things don't work that way.

'Have pat-pati-patience.' Eshaan stammered. Monica shook her head and leaned closer.

'I have been patient for a long time now. But... you will help me, right?' She held his cheek and Eshaan gulped harder.

'Yes.' He breathed. Once again, he began to feel uncomfortable in his pants. He shifted his legs. Monica smiled as she continued to stare into his eyes.

Eshaan stared into her eyes briefly before his gaze fell to her lips. She parted her full lips and he licked his lower lip.

Damn! This woman – Eshaan felt intoxicated just looking at her tempting lips. He was sure he wasn't that drunk, yet he knew he had lost his senses to this woman.


Control Eshaan *laughs* *smirks*

What do you guys think, will the kiss happen?? Drop in your comments and thoughts on the Chapter, guys *smiles*

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