(2) Cyril's Side: Flashback to the Past

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MinatoSeta's Notes

Yes, the charms idea is from Kingdom Hearts. I had to do it. Also 5k+ words in total combining the two parts. You guys are still here and not bored? Thanks for the dedication~ It'll never be as long as this again I promise. :'D Hopefully.

"When you miss us, hold that charm close to your heart." - Cyril Morako

------Years Later------

    There are some things that you can never forget. He was dozing in his desk when he recalled those memories. It seemed like it was just yesterday. He wondered what Alice was doing at the moment. Cyril slowly rose from his desk and lifted the bag over his shoulder. He walked out of class and bumped into one of his friends, "Yuuki." he said as the blue haired teen smiled at him.

    "Hey! You're finally up! You really love sleeping don't you?" the brown haired teen shrugged in response. They both knew that Cyril somehow passed his courses at the top of his class each time.

    The other laughed, "Well... Don't forget about the meeting in twenty minutes!" Cyril nodded in response and waved to him as the other ran off. That guy was really weird. He stepped out onto another hallway and came across his little sister. It felt wrong to see her like this since she still acted like a child. Her boyfriend, Daichi, was standing right across from her. Feeling like a third-wheel, he was about to head the other way until his sister yelled out his name. 

    She dashed towards him and tackled him over, "Bro! Don't leave me!" Cyril rolled his eyes. How was she in high school again? Daichi walked up to them while the whole situation was unearthing. 

    He laughed, "You two really are siblings," Daichi extended a hand for Cyril to grab onto, "Here." the brown haired teen took his hand and stood up. He brushed off the dust that had gotten onto his uniform blazer. 

    "Sorry bro! I just haven't seen you in awhile is all!" she cheerfully brought him in for a hug. 

    Cyril replied, "Your definition of 'awhile' must be a few hours." Daichi laughed at the comment causing his little sister to pout. Cyril had to admit, he was fond of Daichi. He trusted him enough to keep Alice safe at least. 

    The eldest dug into his school bag. There was one certain object he was trying to find. He eventually took out five charms of different colours. Alice tilted her head in confusion, "Eh? Aren't those the charms you made during the summer?" 

    The older sibling nodded, "Yes. Daichi, I'm giving one to you." the said green haired boyfriend eye's widened.

    "Really?! Wow! Thanks! Looks like it took a long time to make." he said as he received the green charm. He inspected it closely and smiled. Meanwhile, his sister took the pink coloured one as it reminded her of roses. There was a reason why he gave them those charms. Cyril had a feeling that something was going to happen, but he wasn't sure what. Until then, all he could do was take measures to make it less painful for his sister. 

    "So, what's the purpose of these charms?" his sister asked as Cyril crouched down to sort his school bag's belongings. 

    Daichi pondered about it a bit before answering, "Actually, I think those charms are made so the people who hold them are always in each other's lives." Alice nodded in response and smiled. 

    Always together. He inwardly laughed at the comment. It was very cheesy in his opinion. Life wasn't always all rainbows like that. The brown haired teen lifted the bag over his shoulder, "Well, later. Have to go to the swimming club meeting." 

   The two lovebirds waved and resumed back to their previous conversation. Sometimes, he wondered how it was like to be in love. The movies always dramatize it too much. How was the real deal like? He gripped his school bag more tightly and quickened his pace. Then again, he didn't have time to think about it. His part-time work at that butler cosplay cafe ate up most of his time. Thoughts aside, he reached the men's changing room and changed into his swim trunks. Upon stepping out, he was barraged with cheers from girls. 

    "Go Cyril-senpai!" 

    "H-he's so hot!" 

    "Told you!" 

    Cyril rolled his chocolate brown eyes. This was annoying. The other male swimmers around him gave an apologetic look since they were in the same situation. Yuuki had a lot of girl fans as well. 

    "Yuuki!" one of the girls waved to him and all the blue haired teen could do was wave awkwardly back. He seemed uncomfortable and the brown haired teen did indeed feel pity for the poor guy. Cyril dipped his feet into the water. Cold like always. The other swimmers prepared for their exercises by stretching.

    "Cyril, those girls have been coming for awhile haven't they?" Yuuki sighed after asking. In response, he shrugged. They really were annoying. Perhaps they haven't realized that the teen with blue hair was actually gay. Sometimes he would see his friend staring at him during practice which was flattering.

    "Yeah." he said as he bent over to touch his toes.

    Yuuki sighed again, "Uh... I've been wondering about this for awhile..." he said quietly. Cyril realized that he must have had a confused expression because the other frowned, "W-well..." Yuuki scratched the back of his head, "You rejected Hina-chan yesterday right? I'm just wondering which way you swing. I mean, you've been refusing so many girls that it's crazy." 

    Cyril finished stretching the muscles along his back, "...Think both." he replied with a contemplating expression. Despite his refusals, he still found some girls pretty attractive. He wasn't objecting with the idea of dating men either. Or perhaps he was still questioning about it. Cyril dived into the pool and poked his head out of the water, "Reason why you're asking?" 

    Yuuki followed suit and dived into the water after finishing his own stretches, "Curiosity compels me. I'm not afraid to say that you're hot like those girls said." he replied with a smirk. Then off he went to the other side of the pool. Instead, Cyril was bewildered as he swam to catch up.

    Did he just flirt with me? He shook his head. Maybe he shouldn't think about it right now. Instead, he brushed off the wet bang that was covering his eye. He really should get a haircut soon.

    Soon, practice was done. The corner of his lips quivered from the girls still cheering from the sidelines. It was really terrifying how much they can be stalkers. Thankfully, one of their teammates were flirting back at them rendering them speechless. This allowed him to escape from the situation. He found Yuuki at their locker. 

    "...Yuuki." he said and pat his friend's head. The blue haired teen smiled in response. Cyril took his bag full of extra clothes and went into another room to take a shower. He didn't notice as someone entered the same one as his while washing.

    "Whoops, sorry!" the redhead said and he quickly made his exit. Cyril raised an eyebrow. How does one accidentally walk in when there was obviously steam coming from the stall? Once he was done, he changed into clean clothes and found Yuuki sitting on a nearby bench.

   He asked while slipping on his sneakers,  "Done showering?" Cyril nodded. He should probably not mention about the blunder earlier. He rubbed his towel against his damp hair.

   "You're flattering me." he said, noticing the other's staring.

   "Don't judge me," Yuuki answered and tied his shoe-laces, "by the way, you said about giving me something earlier?" Cyril nodded. He handed the other a blue charm from his bag. Yuuki noticeably perked up from the gesture, "What's the occasion?" 

   Cyril relaxed on the bench, "Nothing really." he responded while putting on his shoes. He tied the many laces separately. 

   Yuuki continued to inspect the charm, "Well... It's nice. Thanks," he held it close to his heart and smiled, "wasn't there this school legend? Where if people hold these sort of charms they'll always be in each other's lives in some way?" 

   Cyril approved, "Yes. Heard about it from Daichi already." he finished tying his laces and stood up. Yuuki did the same. 

   "I hope... that we do stay in each other's lives." 

   The brown haired teen held the orange charm in hand, "That would be nice," he said before receiving a kiss on his cheek, "took you long enough." 

   Yuuki nervously laughed with his blushing apparent, "S-sorry to not exceed your expectations." Cyril shook his head and brought him in for a hug.

   "It's fine." he pressed an open mouthed kiss to his neck. Azure hair gently tickled his nose.

   Yuuki shivered in response, "W-we're... still out in public..." he said in between the licks on his neck. 

   Cyril let go and decided to intertwine their hands instead, "Yeah. We should get out of here." Yuuki laughed cheerfully. 


    Parting ways with his new boyfriend, he walked along that same rounded road back to his home. Alice was waiting for him to cook. She was a walking disaster when it came to cooking. He clutched the charm more tightly in his hand. He had a really bad feeling about today. He opened the wooden gate towards their home and stepped into the yard. Yelling was heard inside and that could mean only one thing.

    He rushed into the house and grabbed his step-father, "What do you think you're doing to Alice?!" he shouted as he pushed him against the wall, "No one... messes.... with my... little sister." he said with an angry tone. Alice was beaten on the ground and crying helplessly. How his mother tried to ignore this was beyond him. They only had each other to rely on. 

    Still holding his step-father up by the collar of his shirt, he used his free hand to flip open his phone to call Daichi, "Come over. Alice needs you." he recorded to his voice mail while pinning the man who was trying to be free from his grasp towards the ground. He wasn't going to let him go free. He then used his phone to call the police. They should have done this years ago. Even if his mother despised him for it, he didn't care. Not when Alice was in danger of dying.

    Eventually, the man was taken away and Daichi was there at their door. His eyes widened upon seeing Alice, "T-this... Oh my god," he crouched down and hugged her, "baby, I'm here..." the green haired teen said. Alice was bleeding as Cyril left the room to go find those bandages. He scoured their various drawers of miscellaneous items until he found them.  

    He came back and applied the bandages to her wounds. It was going to be temporary until the ambulance got here, "B-big... bro...?" she said as she held onto Cyril's hand. 

   "...Yes?" he spoke quietly with everyone around them listening to her every word. Why did mother have to marry a ruthless man all those years ago? He never did understand her decision. 

   "Promise me... that you won't leave my life...? You too... Daichi...?" she said while her tears fell onto the ground. 

    They both looked at each other and nodded, "We won't." they both answered. Alice seemed satisfied and closed her eyes. 

    Daichi and Cyril both let the adults do whatever they could. Meanwhile, they had a chat. "Cyril," Daichi said to get his attention. 

    Cyril nodded to let him know he had his full attention, "...What is it?" 

    The green haired teen sighed, "That charm you gave earlier... There was another reason wasn't there?" Cyril smirked. 

    "When you miss us, hold that charm close to your heart," Daichi stared at the brown haired teen with his confusion apparent. He closed his eyes and added, "the Morako family has a tradition. That tradition is making these charms and handing it to people you never want to lose. Even if they are separated, they will be with you. Think of it as your equivalent of a friendship bracelet. I don't really understand, but... As long as Alice can have you by her side. I did that as a precaution." he said and covered his eyes with the back of his icy cold hand. 

    "So, you had a premonition." his question sounded more like a statement in Cyril's ears.

    "Indeed. In one of my dreams once." the other nodded in response.

     The snow outside was gently falling. The cold was beginning to get to him and he sneezed. Daichi looked at him in concern, "Are you getting sick?" the green haired teen unraveled the scarf from his neck and wrapped it around his companion. Cyril puffed warm air into his hands. 

     He responded, "I'm fine." though he knew that his premonition was coming true from current events, "we're moving away soon." 

------3 Weeks Later------     

    He didn't tell Yuuki about his dream. Daichi agreed to not speak of it in front of him. Cyril wanted his last moments being with him to be happy ones. So, when his mother abandoned the both of them and filled out some documents that placed them into an orphanage in another city, he knew he needed to break things off as soon as possible. Long distance relationships are the hardest to maintain from what he has read. Breaking it off before things got serious was a must. After all, they weren't close like his sister and Daichi. He held his breath as Yuuki approached looking distressed.

   "I can't believe I lost it," his boyfriend mumbled. He smiled at Cyril and gave a quick kiss, "did you need something?" he asked. Today was his last day here. 

   He tried his best to not show any emotion, "I think we should break up." 

   Yuuki's blue eyes widened, "...Why? I-I thought..." that was when Cyril tightened his hold around the blue charm. The charm that the blue haired teen had 'lost'. 

   "I'm sorry, Yuuki," he said as he turned around, "this is goodbye. As a couple and friends." Yuuki grabbed his left arm.

    "W-was it something I did? If it was, then we can talk it out! Please... don't leave me." Cyril could hear his quiet sobs and feel his warm tears on his arm. Still, the expression he had on his face could be deemed as cold. 

    He decided to give one last message. The brown haired teen brought the other's chin up so they could see each other's eyes, "One day, you'll understand what I'm doing. Until then, you'll just have to move on. I'm sorry." he freed himself from the other's grasp and ran off. 

    I hope that you move on soon.

    He bumped into Daichi and judging from his expression, he looked worried. "What happened?" 

    Cyril was barely audible, "...Nothing." he said while walking ahead, "...We should go." 

   Taking the hint, the two left to go to the hospital. Alice was there and looking healthy. She smiled upon seeing the two people she loved so much there, but Cyril wasn't happy. He tried his best to have his poker-face like always. One that showed he didn't care. Secretly, he really loved him. Soon, maybe it could change. For now, he had to grieve over what was once a strong relationship. The charm that was in his hand would be given to someone else overtime.

    Alice was taken out of the hospital and they were walking home. Daichi looked apprehensive, "You broke up with Yuuki didn't you?"

    Cyril bitterly smiled, "Yeah, no point in making him suffer more." he said. Alice frowned at that and pat him on the head. 

    "I'm sorry..." she added as the cold breeze whipped at their skin. It was cold. Too cold. 

    Cyril responded, "It's okay. I'm sure you two will go on strong." the snow he stepped on crunched beneath his feet. 

    "You do realize that he'll come find me for a full explanation..." stated Daichi with a frown. The brown haired teen sighed. Did he really not want to go for the extra mile? 

    Soon, they were on that rounded road. Today would be the last day they ever walk on it. He stepped on that same cracked stone in the middle when they were young. It seemed like such a long time ago. Alice appeared nostalgic too and nearly began to cry if her boyfriend wasn't there to calm her. 

    The wooden gate to their house was covered in snow. Cyril had to brush snow off the handle. With a loud click, the gate opened. They entered the house which was overwhelmed with silence. Their luggage was already packed from last weekend, so the two siblings could go right away to their destination. Daichi was strangely on his phone. 

    Alice asked, "What are you doing?" she giggled upon seeing what he was doing. Cyril tilted his head in confusion. He decided that it was maybe a thing between those two. 

    Cyril went into his room that he had since his he was born. He looked around, trying to remember every detail. They were never going to return here and that could be a good thing as well. He collapsed onto the floor with exhaustion. He never realized that today's events drained so much energy out of him. He was about to doze off until he heard a familiar voice.

    "Cyril, I'm going to kill you!" 

    Oh lord... He thought as he knew he was going to be executed on the spot.

    The door slammed open and Yuuki barged into his room looking annoyed, "Why didn't you tell me?! Daichi had to tell me everything!" the brown haired teen didn't respond which led the other to be more frustrated than ever. Yuuki laid down next to him and wrapped his arms around him, "You're... really stupid." he said as he held on more tightly. 

    Cyril sighed, "Don't you think... that it's best for us to forget each other?"

    Yuuki shook his head, "As a couple... I guess so... But as friends... I always want to be friends. We're... just not meant to be..." he stated sadly. 

    "I want you to know, that I really loved you." Yuuki smiled and brushed Cyril's hair with his fingers. 

    "Me too. Just know that I'll always be with you. No matter what happens." 

    The brown haired teen smiled, "...Same." Yuuki laughed. The one thing that Cyril failed to notice was that the blue charm was back in his ex-boyfriend's hands... 

     I'll always be by your side. Even if it is only as friends.

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