Not an Update A/N

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Hi guys I just want you to know that I am not going to make the second part *hears so no's is the background* the reason why because I feel like no one is liking this story so far I will make a second part but the first chapter has to hit 20 votes or more that is my goal so I know you guys like it and I don't feel like garbage for making this book if this hits 10 votes I will make the second chapter even though my goal was not profiled but I am doing this for you guys not me and so you know to the people who want to see more write in the comments if you want more or just to say hi I love talking to you guys and I have been bored lately and it might take a while to get the next chapter up because I have to watch the movie again and figure out where to end it so I might need your help on that and remember I don't want it to long or to short and remember I will have the next part if the first chapter gets 20 or 10 votes and this book it about me and someone I like and I said their known name in the description they are PuppyDiceTheFox but recently they changed their name and I don't know if the link still works oh found their username they are now KirbyMasterFan28 so check them out and the reason why I am saying them is in here Pup is a boy and in real life Pup is a girl like me and don't hate on who I love there is a gay couple in my area and I say let others love on who they love and if it doesn't effect your life then don't bother with it and it is their choice to love the same gender or like both genders and you are probably asking why is there an old song here the reason is I love old song so if you like old song here are some so you can rock out *puts up three fingers my thumb my pointer and my pinky*

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*starts to jump up and down and dance* this reminds me of my childhood I listened to this song so much I sang it out loud and jumped on the couch like crazy all these songs were my first favorite songs not toy soldier I didn't know about it till now

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