Chap 04

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Leon was in a chair scrolling through his tweets as Olivia Tel came inside the bus. She's the assistant of Colt. The upside she isn't a bitch. "Seems you taking this trip more relaxed."

"It's a photo shoot in Brazil and then it back home."

Olivia taps her writing pad. "Well considering if it goes well. They might send you all to different locations. To see how do well in the market."

He puts down his phone."And let me guess, if we screw it up there's consequences."

Olivia bits her bottom lip. "Leon, be reasonable with Colt. He only look for your best interests."

"My interest are his benefits. But, I'll obey."

He got up and walk towards her. "By the way, that bruise on your right ankle ankle. It looks pretty swollen."

She helped to laugh. "I guess this the perks if bring an assistant." She quickly leave the bus. Leon was a little bewildered. Olivia wasn't quick to leave on certain things.

Joshua came in with a soda in his hand. "You check her out?"

"Do it look like I'm into older women and besides she's married. And I wouldn't want to burst your bubble after the last break ups you had."

Joshua stare was cold and menacing. He didn't like anyone to talk about his past before coming here. Avian and Leon were the only people that knows.

"Sorry. I'm just little edge today."

"You're aren't the only one." Joshua lied back the chair, hands behind his back. "What was up with Colt today. He was staring at that guy like he was testing him"


"And after that, he didn't speak for the rest of the day. Is it some miracle?"

Leo leans against the table. "I wouldn't say miracle. Is if that he doesn't enjoy people prying into personal affairs."

"Either way, we've to watch our backs. My aunt company is doing well."

Avian step inside the bus after more fans tried to knock him over. He then falls on the couch.

"Jeez, how many picture does a fan want."

"Probably enough so they add to their collection of fan scarps or maybe fanfic romance novels" said Joshua.

"Hey, are those really good?" said Leon.

Joshua threw a pillow at him. And everyone was in good mood and laughing after a long days work.

Craig was stir up in the office reading books. After he and Daniella escaped the police, she slaps him in the head. He promise he would make in up to her by making her one of his specialty dishes.

She fully accepts but, she was still angry nonetheless.

He was fully engaged in Dark Violet. He can already image the scene between Dark and Bel. But, there was something different. He was sitting on bed of violets and on top of him was...Dark? His face stared to change and his voice was more strong and sexy.


Leon didn't respond but instead his fingers glide down his shirt unbuttoning each one. Craig heart was beating as Leon was touching the hem of his pants.

The redness of face was bright as a rose. He tried to push him away. But, Leon was quicker grip his arms and pulling in.

They lips touch. He froze in fear and as he accidentally open his mouth and Leon slips his tongue inside.

The ring of his phone shot up from his fantasy. His cousin Kaleb was on the line.

"Cousin, what happened? I hadn't heard from you in weeks."

"I'm all right. You know how life is for me. So, how's your hot girlfriend."

Emma is a photographer in the city. These two having been dating for two months. Craig found wonderful seeing two of them together.

Kaleb became dead slient. "We call it before you go off it was our decision. She has her hands full with her job in Thailand. I'm here making my way as a sales clerk."

"Well, long distance relationships are tough."

"Yeah. But, it's for the best. So, wanna to the bar for a drink."

"Kaleb, you should know me by now that I don't drink."

"Or say hello to Aunt Kelly. Your mother is worried about you."

He scratches his head. He hates it when he's right.

"Look, I've been busy. Daniella took me to some meet and greet. Plus, I need to make more money otherwise I'm going to be on the streets."

He got up and went to his laptop opening up his webpage.

"Please just talk to her, she's your mother. She loves hearing from you."

Craig slouches back in the chair. "This the worst day of my life."

He stares at his monitor and wasn't in the mood to read. But then, Alr2314 appears in the private chat room along with a mysterious user:Honey Honey-23.

"Now, that's a name have not seen." He taps away on the keyboard.

"Craig, I've got a major issue. I'm dealing with." said Honey.

"What the problem?" Alr asks.

"It's my boss. He been abusive as of late. And it's not just me. He nominate someone to call up and he hit them."

"What the fuck?!" Alr replied.

"Did you talk to anyone about this?" Craig answers.

"Many of the employees were trying to getting him suspended or fired. But, nothing seems to be working. I'm actually scared."

Craig didn't know what say. Physical abuse and sexual abuse always triggers him. Ever since his father was arrested drugs and hurting him and his mother, he would get piss off at anyone who think they hurt someone whenever they feel like it.

Alr quickly types to her. "Don't be. You got a friend in me now. Don't let him get to and stay strong, right Craig?"

Craig was surprised by his reaction. But then he smiled. "Of course. Well, Alr taking my advice for Mrs. Honey, huh."

"Aw, are you jealous?"

Criag blushed face came back.

"Don't tease the man." She quickly responds. "Thank you, Craig. You as well Alr. Hopefully tomorrow will be better."

Honey log out as Craig began his one one conversation.

"You seem to be a good mood." Craig answers.

"Considering how things are I guess you could say that. Are you flirting with me."

"Oh lord, help me." He quickly types back.

"Say, you have Skype?"

"Of course. But,the problem is that I set my settings so that I can see you and you can't see. What are you up to?"

"Oh you'll see. Goodnight."

Craig laid back in the chair again. "I think I need a vacation. A long good ass one. Alr2314, just who are you?"

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