Chap 07

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Craig couldn't stop pacing in the waiting room. His mother was his sunshine. The thought of losing her was something he couldn't bare.

His Aunt Sherry, Kaleb, and Emma was already there with him. Daniella was the last one to arrive. He went over to hug her.

"It's going to be okay." she whispered.

Dr. Foster came out of Kelly's room. "Everyone, I've some news. Kelly is expected to be okay. But, I need someone to look after her."

Kelly yelled back at him. "I said I'm fine. Now give me the bill."

She tried to get up but Emma rests her head back down. Sherry sat next to her bed. "Are you crazy? You should be thankful that my son and I came when you did."

Kelly smiles at Craig. "My darling, how are you doing?"

He practically ran and gave her a hug.

"Come on, dear. Stop being dramatic it been so long."

"Mom, how could you say that?!  Don't you know I was worried about you!!"

Kelly push his face to wipe the tears away.

"I'm fine. Your mother is very tough."

Sherry look at Doctor Foster. "Have you run some test on her?"

"We've and she needs to be in the hospital for a week. And she needs to have a appointment with physician."

Everyone stare at her. There was no way to reason with this.  She sighs in defeat.  "Fine. I'll do it. I'll see a physician."

Craig felt relieved.

Kelly points at her son. "But don't expect, You're free and alone in the house. I expect the place to be clean, Mister."

He salutes. "Yes,ma'am."

The nighttime was approaching. And Craig was already driving around town.  He asks Daniella if she need a ride. But kindly declined and rode with Emma instead.

Kaleb and Sherry decided to stay in the hospital for awhile. Criag wanted to hit the night on the town. There was club called Dice. Maybe it was just what he needed.

Inside was a little Las Vegas vibe. Pictures were plastered on the walls. And a bar was in the middle of it. A pole dancer was serving fans in the back.

Craig felt calm and collected as went up to the bar. A young woman was making margaritas for a couple as Craig sat. He look at her tag that reads Jen.

"Well, you seem to be in a 'so-so' mood." she answers.

"I guess you can say that."

The music pounded as the dancer starts a striptease to crowd. Criag could hear loud cheer egging the man on.

"That's Oscar Douglas. But, we called him Ace. He started to work here three years ago. The locals love him." she whispers, giggling at him.

Craig took a good look at him. "He's not bad to say the least."

Suddenly, the door burst open as old man walks into the club. And he didn't seem like he was ready to party.

Criag turns around in dissatisfaction as his landlord Ethan came in. "What the hell are you here?!" He thought. He wasn't going to hear any of his complaints about rent money.

"Mr.Wilter. I see you're having a wonderful time here."

Criag turns away. "If you're asking me for more money, then you can forget it. I've already pay you. What could you want?!"

Then, Ethan crept up and wrap his hands around him. Craig could smell the tabasco and whiskey from this close.

He immediately punches his face. The people were immediately on the action.

"Don't play with me. You know you want it."

"Go die in a whole."

The landlord blocks his exit and pointed at him with a knife.

"You think I'm afraid of you. You always been a pain in ass since I moved here. The neighbors always stares at me and spreading rumors."

"You think you're suffering. My wife left me. Fucking bitch left me for chef. Why can't I achieve happiness?"

His head turn to everyone. "What you want a piece of me, fuck."

"Ethan, you need to calm down..."

He lunges forward him. Craig step sides the blade. "I don't need someone like you. Your pathetic site doesn't give me shit."

"That's your problem, not mine."

He lunges at him when Ace came in tackling him to the ground, knocking the knife.

The people were getting worried.

"Security!!" Jen shouted.

They moved quickly and escorted him out.

"Everybody calm. It was just drunk addict. Let's get partying, huh."

Ten minutes later, everything was back to normal. Craig was ready to home one night at the club was enough.

Ace came behind wearing gym sweats and duffel bag.

"Are you okay, my friend?" he asks Craig.

"Thank you." He answers, politely.

"Why did my father decide to come here in the first place? I guess restraining order isn't in his vocabulary."

Craig mouth drops from that reaction.

"Yes. Your landlord is my dad. And it's wasn't a fun childhood I can tell you that."

He looks over his shoulder to see his boss talking to police.

"Anyway, can we talk about this privately like your place."

Craig nod in response. "All right, then. I don't aceept strangers. But,I'll make an exception."


Avain was in the lobby coming from a tour of Brazil.  He was sluggish and the loud sound of Colt yelling at him almost made him deaf.

He asks Leon that he can stay for the night in his room tomorrow was the photo shoot and then later on that night was fashion show.

Leon came right behind him with a bag of swimsuits he got at the gift shop.

"Man, that tour was snore. I would rather listen to politics than this."

"Well, did you ever read the book I gave you."

"Umm...what book?"

Before he could answer, the same man that was at airport was watching him outside.

"What the fuck?!" he shouted. "He followed us?!"

Leo glances and had the same reaction. He stares at Avain before leaving the hotel.

He was somewhat disturbed by this.

"That's it. I tell Olivia to tighten security for us tomorrow."

Avain heads towards her room with Leon following behind.

At a local bar, the stalker was on phone.

"Yes, he's all right. No complaints. Yes, I'll be ready for the show. But, l have a bad feeling that shit going down."

He nods in response to his client. "Yes, ma'am. I won't fail you."

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