Chap 14

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Leon was in his room punching out his frustrations out on Colt and the man who would be staying with them, Rodrick Jonas.

Rodrick is more in his homeland France and one of the best Paris has to offer. He was named number three on People's Top 20 Hottest Models.

Yet his hatred for Leon, Joshua and Avain was thicker than blood. The more the media talked about them, the irritated he had gotten.

Now, he's planning on staying here with the agency for a while because his personal manager was fired and arrested three weeks ago for sexual harassment and thief.

Quinn explained that he needed a break from his agency.

It aggravated Leon even more as his fists drove through the bag.

You want a getaway, Rodrick?! Then go to Aruba, Jamaica, hell go to Iceland. I don't give a damn!!

He punched so hard that the bag hit against the wall.

This was going to be torture for him.

Avain came in knocking as he saw his friend's anger pouring out of his veins.

"Leon, I know you're pissed about all of this. Trust me, I'm not jumping for joy like an idiot. But, you need to control your anger. Like Quinn said he will only to be here for at least a week."

"Yeah. One week to him is basically a month."

Avian sat down on his bed. "Look, just be considerate of your actions. We don't want anymore problems on our plate. And that goes for Joshua as well."

"Speaking of which, how is he? Did he get the news?" He said to him while taking off his boxing gloves.

"I spoke with him. His interview went smoothly. But, he was feel a little down about it."

"Why should he be? He probably one of the most all round guys I know."

"I'm not his father, Craig. But, he's coming in a bit late."

Leon sat next to him.

"Speaking of problems, what was up with you and that guy."

"You mean Craig? What about it?"

"Dude, you were whispering in his ear. You practically making the moves on him."

"All I did was scared him."

"You saw his face. He was red as a plum tomato."

"All right. I apologize to him when I see him. In the meantime, I need to get ready. "

Avain arched his eyebrow at Leon as he went his closet and quickly put on some clothes.

"You've got a date?"

"I guess you could say that. Actually,  I'm hoping that I can get just one on one time without other people barging in."

"You truly like this online Craig."

"Like doesn't even describe how I feel. It makes me feel good whenever I talk to him."

Avain thought of an idea. "Well, have you ever wondered that the Craig you love to tease and online Craig are the same person?"

He continued. "And if it true...would you want to have sex with him?"

Now, it was Leon turn to be flustered.

"I won't say that straight up to him. But yeah, I want to know more about him.
His favorite food, color. Does he like the moonlight?"

Leon felt a small tug in his chest. He never felt so compelled to be in love with someone.  Probably, it is the best thing that happened to him.

He came out wearing green tank top and black jean shorts. He lifted it up to reveal his hard six pack abs.

"Well, I'm off to do some reps. Give me a shot if things go well."

Avain quietly left as Leon kept staring at himself in the mirror.

"Oh yes, Leon. You got class, sass..."
He slaps his ass cheeks with his right hand. And you got one delicious ass."


Criag was in his room reading more of his fantasy novels. He was a sucker for those type of books and steamy romance books.

Today was weird day for him. With the hothead, the dislike boss, and Leon.  This was escape from reality.

He slowly brushes his ear back as the scene with Leon plays in the back of his mind.

Come on, Craig. Stop dwelling on what happened. Focus on how are you getting job. The rent is due in a week.

His thoughts were interrupted by his phone. As he pick it up, there was an unknown number on the screen.

"Hello." He answered.

"Craig, how are you. This is Quinn. I'm sorry that we didn't make time to talk. So, have you made your decision. If say you no, then I won't take your time.  I'm respectful business woman after all."

"A gave it some thought about it. And I would like to work for your agency. But, I would like something that fits me."

"I knew I was right. You do have family issues.  No worries, I'll schedule you for next week but as a part timer. You still get the benefits and your paid vacation time."

Craig was ecstatic. This was really happening.

"All I require of you is to bring your resume and good attitude because you're going to need it."

"T-Thank you."

As he hung up, he was on cloud nine. He couldn't believe it. He jumps out of his bed and towards his closet.

Tomorrow night was going to be a night of celebration. And he was going to party until he dropped dead.


The limousine stop at small urban home.

Joshua step outside breathing in the crisp nightly air. It had been too long since he stepped foot into the place he called home.

He walked up and rang the doorbell.

"Yes. I'm coming!"

A young lady wearing a black miniskirt and high heel shoes open the door for him.


"Amy?! Why are you wearing that?!"

She tried to slam the door on but he was quicker on that exchange and forced himself inside. He immediately grabs her arm and sat her down on the living room couch.

"I ask you a question.. why are you wearing that.?! Why does my niece look  like a bitch?!" He crossed his arms.

Amy began to tear up. She didn't expect her uncle to be coming here.

"Derick invite me and my friends to his party tonight. And Raphael  was going to be there as well."

Joshua was stunned. "Wait, your homeroom teacher?!"

"I wasn't going to stay there for long, honest."

" You're not going to that party. And you're going to give that dress because it's going in the trash.

"No!!" She shouts.

"Don't talk back. I'm doing this for your safety and because I love you."

He sat down next to her. "Look, you got your whole life ahead of you. You're seventeen you should be dating people at your age."

Amy brushes her head back. "Easy for you to say. My uncle is famous model and my mother is one of the biggest chefs to ever hit New York. A girl like me hasn't got a hidden talent at all."

Amy, what you're feeling is self doubt. You do have something that makes you special. You're a dancer, right."

She nods.

"Then expand your creativity. Don't be afraid to take risks. And if you fail get back up again and fight."

Amy looks at her uncle. He always been a big brother to her growing up.

She sighs in frustration. "All right. I listen to you. But how am I going to explain to Georgia that my uncle made me stay."

"Well, you just leave that me."

Amy got up and headed upstairs to her room.  Joshua threw his head back in relief. He hated being the bad guy in this. But sometimes you've to the bad guy in order to protect someone you care about.

Suddenly, there was sudden knock at the door.

He got up and opened it to see a tall slim man with oval shape glasses and was wearing a hoodie, sleeveless shirt and fitted jeans.

And from the look of things,  he looked pretty serious.

"Are you one of Amy's relatives?"

"Yes. Is there a problem?"

"I'm Raphael. Amy's teacher. I just came to make sure she's home. Apparently, her friend Lane and two others are being arrested for possession of marijuana."

"Wait, what?!"

Josh looks over at Amy by the stairway and seemed to be in more shock than him.

"That can't be true. Lane wouldn't."

Raphael shook his head. "Sorry, I wish it weren't true. The police found a bag in the backseat of her car."

Her emotions was all over the place. She didn't want to think about it. The true was too much.  She dashed back to her room before Josh could stop her.

"I'm sorry. I'm not interrupting, am I?"

"No. No. Not at all. Thanks for the heads up.  I let her mother know..."

They started at each other for minutes looking into each other physical appearance.  Joshua was never the type to be attracted by this man. But, this was an exception.

"Anyway, you have a nice day."  Raphael smiled  and went on his way. Joshua quickly locked the door as he stares at the ceiling.

Today was a marathon. Joshua was exhausted. And tomorrow was going to be crazy with Leon and Rodrick at each other throats.

Joshua quiet heads upstairs to his niece before he left.

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