Chap 16

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(Leo's POV)

Getting up at six in the morning was not easy for me considering I've a shoot at two in the afternoon plus an interview with Violet Magazine today.

I push myself out of bed and head to shower. As the water pelts down every muscle in my body, I started to remember what happened last night.

Criag was doing things to me. I dreamt that he was lying in bed urging me to warm him up. I literally got hard from that.

Whatever he trying to do, I need to speak with him again if I ever get the chance.

Wrapping myself with a towel, I tug into the kitchen making tea. I heard a knock on my door.

Joshua was standing  right in front of me.

He strolled in grabbing lemonade for himself and laid on the couch.

"Um..Good morning. Mind telling me what happened to you last night."

"I went to visit my aunt only to find my niece going to a party looking like my friend Debbie on crack."

"But that's not all that happened. We was about to hook up with her teacher."

"Really? Was he hot and sophisticated?"

"Actually, he stop by and told us about the party. And thankfully I stop her going too."

"Amy really is the party animal. I wonder where she takes it from.

Joshua snorts at me. "Surely,  you remember what happened in New Jersey where you kissed DJ everyone was either shock or cheering you like animals.

"That was two years ago, I was drunk. What do you expect me do? "

"And you still have that guy's number."

"Oh shut up."

I could help but laugh as he threw the cushion at me.

"And how was last night. You seemed pretty satisfied."

I grinned. "Honestly, I think I overdid it..."

"Hard as fucking rock I see."

He pointed at my cock spranging out of the towel.

He got up and patted my shoulder. Now it was his turn to feel satisfied. "Tell all the details at the shoot later that is if hold that desire of fucking that guy.

He slammed the door as I stood and look at myself. One more shower then it's shoot time.

(Avain's POV)

I gaze at my bedroom window drinking my cup of coffee.

Lately, I've been wondering how my parents are doing. I gave a few phone calls but no answer. Victor must still out there doing his job.

And I didn't think notice it before. Does my parents know he's alive?

I set my coffee aside and looked through my photo album. Pictures of us playing together brought back the good memories of my life.

My phone rang as Aunt Tia just texted me.

Tia: Is this true?! Victor is alive?!

Avain: Yes, he's well. But, I'm not sure where he could be. He already left Brazil right now.

Tia: I can't believe your father and mother didn't receive the news. They've been mourning your brother for years.

I sat back at chair. Victor likes to travel so maybe I'll invite him to our big cover shoot in Hawaii coming in two weeks.

Avain: Don't worry, I'll convince him to come back as a family.

(Criag's POV)

I was beginning to feel very uncomfortable where I was sitting.  The reason being Colt was eyeing me and pacing slowly.

I was expecting Quinn to welcome me. But, I was stuck with me. What was his problem anyway?

"Your resume is fairly good. And you got good recommendations from your managers."

He drops the papers on the table. And moved close until we're inches apart from each other.

"Don't expect that every thing is going to run smooth. You're going to learn first hand why we're a respectable company. Tolerance will not be taken lighty."

His posture showed a man of dominance and pride. I wasn't afraid of him. And I wasn't going to let him talking me down while working here.

"Colt, that's enough. You're going to scare him."

I lean over my shoulder to find my supervisor standing in the office. My heartbeat die down as he was here. I grab my stuff and headed down the hallway.

"I'm sure that Quinn told you all about me. If not, then I'm Louis Carter Jr. My father was very good designer that made Star so good. And now, you're looking at the next photographer."

"Doesn't look like it to me."

"That's because you haven't witnessed my talent. Trust me, you will see every we do in our area. And don't let Colt get the better of you. He doesn't like new people in the company that mess up in a second."

"Well, I can assure you that I have made mistakes in the past and moved on. I promise he won't piss off."

Louis showed me everything they had to offer from meeting rooms, display areas to break rooms and six floors. For a small building they do have big rooms.

We walked through the hallway of floor five.

"That's everything you need to know about our company. Now, I know you haven't already met them. But, we've shoot this morning and we're going to be working with Leo Rolando."

I groaned on the inside. This guy will be the dead to me. He literally everywhere in my mind. I pray he's not here.

"Is that going to problem Criag?" He asks.

"Oh, no problem at all." I lied.

The door on our right swing open. My eyes went wide as Leon was standing there with a towel wrapped around him and body and hair completely wet.

The drops of water from his hair down through his chest and abs. Shit. He looks like an Adonis.

"Hey, I overheard talking so I..."

He paused as he caught his attention to me. And pulled me inside his room without warning.

My back leaned against the door as his hands pressed against it. Our faces were inches part. I was frightened of what he was going to do. He looked at my attire and pulled away  from me.

"Stay here. I'm going to change."

I drop to the floor as he slammed his door. That the most intense close up I ever had.

Then, I notice that I was in his room. It looks messy for the most apart. Despite being small it was comfortable. Moved to the living room and saw he had a playstation and he had Call of Duty and Xbox One."

I didn't know he was gamer like me and trust me. I love Call of Duty. Then, Leo came out dressed in a polo shirt, jeans, and dress shoes.

"Hey, sorry for pulling you in like that. But, I didn't expect you to come back here."

"Actually, I'm working here today."

He grinned his devilish smile. "What shop didn't pay you enough."

"I've my reasons." Reason that I'm not going to tell you.

He grabs the keys on the counter and opens the front door. Only to see Josh, Avain, and Louis.

They all looked at us. I shook my head and brushed past him.

"Don't ask." I told Louis.

"Wasn't gonna. Besides, Leo can be a bit noisy. "

"I'm that person, Louis." He answered. I glance back at the three of them as they were following us.

"Yep, you keep tell yourself that."

I took a breath and kept on walking. My first is gonna be a great one.

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