Chap 25

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(Here's my vision of what French Model Rodrick would look like.)

(Rodrick POV)

I finally arrived back in Paris. My brain couldn't get much sleep after that. The agency was pushing me with more shoots and autographs signings.

It was already half a day and my knees were about to fall off. My newest manager Vivian came through my room in a completely mess.

She was little tall beating me in inches and she got a nice curves and a bubbly attitude. If only she could work on her manners.

"Sorry to disturb you in such a time. But, we've a book cover shoot just for today. Look like the author wants this completed before the deadline." She answered pushing her glasses up.

I stretched out my body and looked at her.

"Geez, how many times do I have to say stop shaking so much."

"But, I'm your manager. I want to make sure you ready. The agency is having mixed feelings about you. I don't want to believe what would happen to you."

I figure that something like this would come. Half of people can't even breathe thier own air while I'm around. Not that I care.

"Vivian, I'm going to be fine. Besides, I've been working here for years and years. I don't think there is anyone on this earth who would replace me."

I moved toward her and smiled. "Okay, smile. Now, which jacket should I wear?"

As I search through my closet, my trip to the Star agency was at fun as hoped. But, I'm not about to best by three knockoffs. And throughout it all, my mind was on that photographer, Craig.

With a nice build, it no wonder Leo is overprotective of him. Hell, I would be overprotective too. I hope can get the chance to see him and speak with him...alone.

(Leo's POV)

Last couple days were slow for now. Moreover, Avain hasn't been well since his father's passing and now Victor decides to go and leave him and his family. It made me irate. I could always see him feeling so dead on the inside. Even when we're taking our shoots, he seems so lost.

And here was now, sitting on the far end of the break room and I can't take it anymore. I walked across to his table and slammed my fist and against it.

"Hey, don't scare me like that." he responded.

"What's the matter with you?! I know it the past couple of days have been bad for you. But, that's getting you nowhere."


He stood up and we're eye to eye. "Tell me would you fucking feel to lose someone that raise you throughout your lifetime. And then finally seeing your sibling for so long only to be vanish from your life again."

He immediately grab my collar. "Well, Leo!!"

"I understand what's going on and your grief . But, you can't forget us. We're your family too. And as such, we're to have fun like a family."

He quickly let go. And just in time too. Colt was standing in the break room looking with a satisfaction.

"I'm sorry. I'm interrupting something." he asked.

"Hardly." Avain told him. "Why are you in such a good mood?"

"Well, since your trip to Hawaii starts soon. I was hoping we could've a little get to together. You know as men.

"Sorry, but I've plans with friend and let just say we having a night on the town." I grab Avain and proceed out of the room while Colt still kept smiling.

"Avain, please. Just be strong and look out for yourself it's going to be okay."

He nods and left him alone in the hallway to see Craig in photo room printing out some cover spreads.

"Busy at work, huh."

"Not really. the photo I got are amazing and yours is... surprising enough."

"I'm glad that I've made impression on you. So, you got any plans tonight."

"Not really. how come?"

"Avain is still not in his right mind and I was hoping he would let loss and have fun."

It took a couple of minutes before Craig looked at me. "Leo, you aren't going to let him wash away his sorrows by drinking are you? It's wrong in my eyes. But, I'll admit I hat e to see him in a state like this."

"So, I'll take it as a yes."

"That'll only mean that I'm with him at all times. And no alcohol or beer."

I made the peace sign with honor. "You've my word, Lord Craig."

"And don't call me sir."

"Should I call you King Craig?"

I quickly moved away from there with a smile on my face. This was the first time in a while I let loose. Tonight was going to be crazy.

(Craig POV)

I couldn't consider this a time of having fun without Daniella. In fact, I hadn't seen her a while. I hope all is well. We came by a nightclub in good timing.

Everyone is having crazy night. I was with Avain while Joshua and Leo were at the pool table.

"Are you okay?!" I shouted.

"I'm fine. It's a little loud from over there."

"That's because everyone is gathered by the stage for one thing..."

We both turned heads as the lights dimmed and masked man appeared. The music pounded as he wowed the crowd with sex appeal.

Avain was immediately in trance as his body flowed. I couldn't help but gaze as well. Then with a spilt second, he got off stage and walked towards us.

His attention was solely on Avain as he got close and ran his hand on his right cheek.

"What's your name?" he asked.


He smiled at him as turn to the rest of the crowd.

I patted his back.

"What's was that, Craig. I lost myself for a second. And...And..."

"Don't worry happens to people when they first experience this."

"Did that happened to you?"

"Not really. Anyway, if you interested why not wait a while."

I moved away from the table to find Ace   standing by the corner. "Thought I find you here. Thanks for your help."

"Well, you should thank Ron. He wanted to be on the stage for a while since his sister had her child. And instant crying kept him up at night."

"By the way, how's your father?" I ask.

"He gotten out of jail; but, he has to do community service hours. And he on house arrest."

He was quiet before looking at me. "My mother said that we try to be a family again."

"And are you sure you okay with that?"

"To be honest,  I don't know what to feel about that. My heart says yes. But my brain is saying something else."

"Give it some time. Things like this I don't happened too quickly."

"You're right. You sure know how make a person smile. Also, what happened to Leo? He seems pretty out of it."

I turn to see Leo's face all red and was smiling and laughing with shot of whiskey in his hand.

"Damn it, Leo. What did I say?!" I groan in frustration. While Ace laughs at my misfortune.

"It's quite all right. I have handle couple of drunk idiots two to three times before my owner kicks them out. So, you want to call me a cab for all of you."

"No that wouldn't be necessary. I'll take him back to my house."

"You sure? What about the other two?"

"Don't worry. We won't be staying for long." said Joshua. "Although, I would consider come here so often."

I looked over at Leo as he was drinking a can of beer. "Damn that hits the spot."

I scratch the side of my head. "So, you can't really handle you alcohol can you. I just hope nothing crazy happens."

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