Chap 28

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Welcome to the island of Honolulu Hawaii.

(Craig's POV)

Our plane touched down on Honolulu. I was amazed by the beauty. I never been on tropical island before. So, this will be one heck of an experience.

I spoke with Daniella before we left. She sounded so mad that I was going to have some fun in the sun. However, I was surprised that Joshua came along.

"Hey, we're here already."

I turned my head as Leo was getting up.

"I didn't know you're a good sleeper. I thought you slept through the flight."

"Well, I did got to take a leak. By the way, are you sure that we brought him along."

Leo was definitely referring to the guy who was sitting with Joshua, Raphael.

"I think he's not a bad person." I replied.

"I don't know. He seems like the type that has dominance written all over him."

Joshua told us about him. A high school teacher. He definitely got the muscle and if you put glasses on him, he still look hot.

"Anyway, he had already paid to come with us. So, what the harm in that."

I looked back at Avain reading his book.

"Avain, we're here."

"Uh...yes, that's great."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I guess jetlag. It was a long flight."

He leaned back in his book. I could tell that his brother was on his mind.

We stepped out of the airport as people gave us hula flowers and greeted us. I looked all over the sights if this island.

"I hope I can get to see Diamond Head. I always wanted to it."

"Don't worry once we get settled in we'll checked out." Joshua answered.

We got to the hotel. And prior before our arrival, We're each given rooms to share. Well, I was the luck one to get a room for myself. I turned to see Avain at the gift shop looking at keychains.

Give one to Victor, huh. Then, he spotted me with a flush face. He quickly picked one out and avoid my gaze.

Why is he trying to hide? Did something happen with him and Victor.

I settled my luggage as I scan out the place. Very clean and thoughtful. Moreover the view is amazing overlooking the bay.

This was going to be one of the best vacation I ever experienced.

There was a sudden knock at my door. I look through  the peephole as Avain was standing behind it all in a little worry.

"I had feeling you weren't feeling too good. What's up?"

He quietly close the door and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I'm sorry. Look like I'm still hung up about Victor. Even though, I had a good time. And to be honest,  I never told anyone about this until now."

"What do you mean? Did something happen with two after what happened?"

He nods his head. "We were back home. My heart was still grieving and then he comfort me and...we kissed."

I was stunned by this words.

"I know what you're saying. That's insect right there. And I'm delusional. But, I felt something there and he felt as well. Is that the reason he left?"

"It could be many things. It be even guilt. Listen, I know your concern but don't let it bother you. You're to have fun. And tomorrow, we're on adventure."

"Yeah. You're right. I was planning on giving something to him. But, I guess it wait until we leave."

"That's the spirit. Meanwhile, I need the  wifi for here. I haven't uploaded on my blog for a while."

"Invite me to your live streams. I may not be Leo; but, I can to helpful."

"Will do my friend."

(Joshua's POV)

The afternoon went by as I was down by the beach overlooking the sight of the sea.

I wondered about Amy and how she's opening up with her life. She wasn't a kid anymore and pretty soon she'll be off to college.

It made me think that I want to go back to school. I was a little brain nerd when I was in high school.

"It seems you enjoy the view."

I look to side as Raphael step on the sand. I had to do a double take. I never seen someone who can a swimsuit that amazing. And he was well tanned and wearing sunglasses.

"Very much so."

I couldn't stop staring at him. He looked like a movie star rather than a teacher.

"Well which is it? The view or me?"

I snap out of my trance. "That's none of concern."

"Well, it my job to make sure that people are happy."

He moved forward where our eyes made contact and our bodies were touching skin. Then, something jumped out of me. Oh shit!! There was no way.

Was I hard on for him? For Amy's own teacher?"

Before I could even try to find the restroom, he grabs my arm and pulls me in close. My back bounced on his chest.

"Don't be afraid. I don't bite. I'm really a nice guy once you get to know me. Sure I may have some baggage but, sincere as they come."

"Well can you prove it?"

"Go for a swim with me then I'm inviting you for dinner with me. I don't take no for an answer."

I gritted my teeth. He's really put up a hard bargain. I sighed and he releases me.

"All right then. I'll take your offer."

"Very well. The first one who can hold thier breath the longest, the loser has to pay for dinner."

"In your dreams."

We ran into the water and drove head first.

As expected, He was the first to reach the surface. I pulled up as shook the drips of water off me.

"It looks like I'll be paying." Raphael grinned.

"Did you let me win?"

"Maybe...Or maybe I like to be around you even if you're a model."

He walked back to the sand before smiling at me.

"Don't be late. I promise that this night will be memorable."

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