Chap 33

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Leo was lying in bed as he was still sick. He couldn't figure out how he managed to get sick.

As he wondered about in his mind, his bedroom door open as his mother came in with some groceries in hand.

"How are feeling? It seems you still want to get back in hang of things now." She smiles.

"Of course. We've a big shoot for calendar. Plus, another shoot and interview."

"Well, your health is most important. Besides, you haven't told about your trip."

"It was fine. We went sightseeing, had a few drinks, went to the beach."

Her mother smile was warm as the sun as she laughed. "Really? Are you sure you met someone along the way?"

Leo didn't like how that sound.

"Leonardo. I know you met someone and regardless of gender. I'm going to be happy for you."

"Yeah. That's the thing... the person I'm seeing is..."

Before he could answer,  the doorbell rang. "Oh, coming. We'll discuss this later."

She open the door as Craig was there with bag in this hand.

"Good evening. Who might you be?" she asked.

"I'm Craig Wilter. I work alongside your son. I'm a photographer."

"Really. Please come in." She responds. He quietly step inside.

"Please make yourself at home. I'm be in the back fixing dinner. By the way, The name is Ella Wilter."

As she went into the kitchen, Craig saw how beautiful his house was. He was surprised that he could even afford this. Moreover, he notice a portrait on the wall with Leo, Ella and a man standing next to him.

"Is this his father?" He wondered.

On instinct, Leo appeared behind him. "That was my father. Well, second father. Our first father was in the military. He died in the line of duty. "

"My apologies."

Leo chuckled at him. "It's all right. Years went by for us. That's when she remarried to Don. An excellent chef. But then, he got into a car accident. He died on impact."

Leo looked at the photo. "Don wasn't a father looking guy. But, he still loved us all the same."

"I wish my father was like that with me.  Let's just say, my childhood wasn't filled with happy memories."

"I can imagine. Also, how the hell did you know where I live?"

"Joshua. He gave me the address. He seemed pretty chill on giving it to me. "

Ella leaned against the wall. "If you boys are finished with the story. Dinner is almost ready." Ella turned away smiling as she headed back.

"Come on. We'll discuss more about this after."

Craig looked pleasantly relaxed. The more he was with Leo. The more he learn about him.

They were all in the dinning room as Ella was speaking on about the latest gossip. Craig was still thinking about Colt little threat. He could bring it up to Leo. But, it would be adding more fuel into the fire.

After a while, Ella called in for the night. As Craig was washing the dishes, Leo was cleaning the table.

"So, any problems in the office." Leo asks.

Craig turn his head to him slightly. "Not really. "

"That doesn't seem like an answer."

Criag continues to scrub the plates. Leo came behind grabbing his wet hands.

"I really do miss you, Craig."

"Are you saying that because you miss being in the spotlight?"

Leo lean into his ear and nibble on it. He was surprised that he almost drop the plate in his hand. "Wait...Leon. Knock it off. You're sick. And besides your mother is here."

Craig wasn ready to think that he was only here to hit on Leo. He calmed himself and looked down at his pants as Leo moved away.

"Geez, are you going to be so grippy with me."

"Only when I need to. But, I mean what I say. I'm falling for you, Craig. And I'll make sure you'll love me back."

Craig blushed.

"See. Your face is adorable."

"Oh, shut up. Anyway, I'll be heading out soon. Promise me you'll get better."

Leo nodded in response as the taxicab pulled on the front. He quickly pulled Craig on just in time to seal his lips on him.

Craig literally had to step on his foot to break the kiss. Covering his lips he ran out the door. The pain stung Leo but he chuckled. He always loves his reactions with him whether it was happy, sad or just pissed off.  He walked up and locked the door as the taxi drove away.

"I see you at work, Craig."

At the corner of his desk, Victor was looking over his computer finding any new leads to the attack.  He drank coffee a few times and he was already tired. Then, he looked through a interesting filed that popped up.

"What do we have here?" He opened it up and there was a picture of a young man that looked like he was in his late 20s or 30s. Moreover, he was a model. And he was under the same agency  that Avain under by.

"Malcom Fredrick. What else you got for me." Victor scrolled down and noticed that he signed with them seven years ago. But, he was kicked out the company due two scandal with one of the employees. And he wasn't seen since then. Moreover, he got into a lot of trouble with the law at an earlier age.

"Look like the records won't show me anymore than it already has. Perhaps, Avain might know or rather someone who worked here for a long time."

He saved the information on his drive and call in for the night. As he laid in bed, his brother happy smile came into his mind. All of the hardships that they went through and being reunited was feeling that he never felt before. More so that he always wanted to be by his side.

He wanted to holding him, touch him and kiss him more and more. He let out a groan as he felt the cold air hitting his soft skin. He could feel his touch.  It shook him that he wanted to more of him. Victor wondered if he feeling the sensation right now. His lips touching his soft cheeks.

He opened his lips sighing as he felt his tongue inside. he wanted to be gentle ; but at the same time, he wanted to show him he was dominant brother. he laid on his side and close his eyes as he wish that Avain to appear by his side.

Back in France, Rodrick was at home reading on his book of horrors. He was  the kind of that loves to scared out of his wits.  But right now, he was more concern about his position as model. Moreover, he wanted to see Craig. Not because he dream of  him being dangerously close to kiss him and being in his bed.

But, it was more of a serious note.  Three days ago, one of his friends, Sharon was found dead in her apartment around 4 o'clock this morning.  There was no foul play but it was said to believe that someone put something in her drink and died short after she came home from a shoot.

He was devastated when he heard the news. A just a while ago, his boss said he was heading back to Star's to collaboration with them along with a new guy. His name was Marc. And by first glance, Rod was already starting to feel uncomfortable. His eyes was a shade green and his hair was curly like french fries.

He wondered why his boss did this. But, there was nothing to be done about it. Rodrick hope he would when arrives back here. He could come clean and explain to him about his life and his feelings for him. Assuming that Leo doesn't beat him down to a pulp.

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