Chapter 1

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This chapter was edited by @TehSp00keySnake

Thank you Andyjo1 for your help 😄


The System 423 had enough. It wanted the former host, not the crazy current one. Who the heck was this suicidal host? He killed himself five times already.

"Alright, let's go."

[To where?]

"To the first world of course. I need to kidnap this girl, now that I have a second chance, I can't let her run back to her parents. I need to keep her-"

[Let's go.] 423 didn't want to listen to this paedophile anymore. It wanted the previous host who was an ordinary high schooler or the one before him who was a CEO. Even though they were scary, at least they were easy to handle. How was it supposed to communicate with a criminal? Shouldn't this host be behind the bars?! In short, System didn't care which previous host he had, as long as it wasn't the current one.

Asato didn't have time to think because a strong and bright light blinded him. As soon as he opened his eyes, he wanted to die again.

What the hell was that sound?!

"1,2,3! Run! Jump! Okay, now 10 push-ups!" A strong and rough voice shouted from his left side. There was a group of people who were doing push-ups. in a military uniform.

Who was that gorilla?

[Host, you are now in the first world. Let me explain the world, the protagonist and the male lead are madly in love and host you are-]

"Stop, stop, stop." Asato observed his surrounding and smiled nervously. He looked at himself and saw he was wearing a military uniform, couldn't he wear a suit?


"Just to be clear, we are in a military camp?" He didn't know why he was far away from the training group and didn't care, he didn't want to be spotted up by the gorilla. Better run away quickly.

[Yes?] System didn't know what his host wanted to say.

"And I am a soldier?"


"So this country is involved in a war?" As he spoke he saw a gun on the ground, he picked up and wiped it.

System had a bad presentiment when he saw his host hold the gun, it wanted to warn his host about the gun, but it knew better than to protect a criminal. [Yes, we are losing. But more importantly host, the body was in love-]

"Wait, wait, I don't care about that. Answer my question first."

[Yes?] Host, please drop the gun.

The gun was the body's gun. The body had stolen a gun in the basement and wanted to kill the male lead so to not repeat this scene, please drop the gun.

"Your name is System, right?"

[Host can call me however he wants but-] System 423 wanted to talk about the gun but was once again cut off by his new host.

"Alright, big poop trash -"

[Please call me System.] It didn't want to be called that! Among his four hundred something host, no one called him that. It was usually 'fluffy', 'cutie', 'sweetie', 'Ann' anything but big poop trash!

"See? It wasn't that difficult to say your name. Anyway, System, do you think someone who doesn't know how to fight can be a martial artist in a few seconds?"

[Of course not?] Again, System was at a lost with this host. Was his host a scholar? Is that why he couldn't understand a thing?

"Then we agree that someone who doesn't know how to fight can't learn in just a second? Then I can't become a great fighter and the best soldier in a second, right?" Each time Asato looked at the system, his smirk would grow bigger. So the more uneasy the system would appear, the happier Asato will become.


"If that same person was sent into war, he would die, wouldn't he?"


"Okay, then it's settled." Asato smiled brightly at System, loaded the gun and shot himself in the head.

Back in the white space, System couldn't help but yell desperately, [HOST!]

"I don't even know how to fight, how do you expect me to be a soldier? Moreover, take part in a war? No way, no way. I want to be protected not the other way." Asato rejected the idea as he shivered while imagining his death.


"I was just an ordinary office worker, how do you expect me to become a soldier all of sudden?" In fact, he was a singer, although he classified himself as an office worker because he worked for a record label. So when people asked him for his job, he will naturally answer: an ordinary office worker.

[Host, don't you know there are punishments if you aren't successful?] System tried it best to reason with its host.

Asato nodded and shrugged. "Go ahead, torture me, punish me all you want. I don't care." He looked at the system with a provocative face as if he was saying 'bring it on'.


Asato sat down cross-legged, he placed an elbow on his leg and rested his head in his hand. He smirked and said, "What are you waiting for? Aren't you going to punish me? Or do you need some ideas about the kind of punishment? Just ask me, I can help you. I know many ways to torture people, to make them feel pain and such."

System didn't know what to do. All his previous host were afraid of punishment, thus they worked very hard to be successful. [Host, you won't have all the information regarding the next world.]

Asato was stunned by the words that had left the system's mouths. Now, he wanted to kill himself even more so he wouldn't have to hear that annoying ball of fluff or whatever it was, speak. But there was something bothering him, "That's all? This is the punishment? And here I thought it was something scary. In the end, the punishment was something useful."

System didn't have anything to retort. System won't talk to a criminal. Criminals were, indeed, different from the normal living. [Let's go to the next world.]

"Sure." Asato looked at System like it was stupid, 'sure? what do you want me to say?'


Asato looked around again and was delighted this time. The scenery was very beautiful, there were at least hundreds of trees and mountains in front of him. The beauty of nature was the most beautiful view. Nothing could compare to it. He missed that refreshing scenery. The grass was fresh, such a good place to eat and sleep. He could even tan.

[Host, you are in a cultivation world. You are actually-]

"Wait, repeat that again? Cultivation world? Like a world with martial arts, magic powers, meditation and such?" Asato said, horrified by the thought.

[Yes, anyway Host-]

"I don't even know what is qi or chi or the purpose of yoga and you want me to be in this world? I never understood a thing when I watched movies about it and you want me to live here?" Asato made a disgusted and sceptical face at System.


"I don't like this world, it's too much for my brain to handle. Gun, gun, I need a gun so I can kill myself." He hummed in slow speed. His behaviour was the opposite of his words, it wasn't desperate.


"Shut up or I am going to use you as a toilet tissue."

[...] The system trembled at that thought and nearly fainted. It knew that a criminal was always serious.

Asato observed his clothes, "Oh yeah, since it's a wuxia world, guns don't exist. Let's see how could I kill myself? I could bite my tongue? Nah. Break my skull on a tree? Nah."

[...] The system was crying but still didn't dare to make a sound, it was too afraid to be used as a toilet paper.

"Yeah! A cliff!" Asato quickly ran toward the cliff and observed the depth. He should die at this height. "Alright System! See you in the next world!"

[HOST!] System could only shout desperately again as he saw his host jump into the cliff with a smile! A criminal! Not only that but a suicidal paedophile!


"Oh god, how are you? Look at those dark circle under your eyes. You should file a complaint against your employer. He can't make you work that much. If I were you, I would quit," Asato said with a worried look, his voice was sweet and innocent as if he was truly worried about the system.

[Host, it is your fault.]

"How is that my fault? I am not your employer. Look at you, working so much until you become stupid."

[Host, let's just go to the next world alright?] The System declared, exhausted by his host. It seemed that talking to a cow would have more results than with its own host.

"Sure, I don't mind but are you sure you can still go on?"

[As long as Host don't die, System will be happy.]

"I can't promise you that."

[...] System sighed and transported his host to the next world. It hoped this time that his host wouldn't die. Not like he could with his new body. The system's mood became better at that thought.

"Aw, aw." A high-pitched voice giggled.

A cat? Oh, it was a baby.

Asato looked at his tiny hands and cringed, he was once a baby and didn't want to become one again. As a baby, he couldn't defend himself, what if the family was a bad one? What if they were abusive? Or what if they were in the underworld? Or what if they were rich people that wanted to groom him to be perfect as they were? Or what if someone kidnapped him?

Moreover, he only had one mother in his life so he didn't want to have other mothers.

[Host, let me explain this world to you.] The keychain said in a joyful tone.

"Aw, wu, hi." The baby fidgeted in his crib as he tried to shut the system's mouth, but he couldn't make any sound, after all, he was just a baby. Asato glared at the system to make him shut up but since he was small, he only looked cuter.

The system was very happy, he could finally explain. He had met impatient hosts that wanted to get to the point. But he had never met a host that didn't want to hear any information at all.

[Host, in this world you are-] In the end, the system was still cut off by someone.

"Honey, look at the baby! So cute. Mummy loves you so much." The mother picked her baby up and hugged him.

"Pu, pu, pu." Asato fidgeted again.

"Oh baby, do you want to get down?" She asked sweetly as she looked at him with love filled in her eyes.

To show his agreement, Asato laughed happily.

"Oh, my baby is so smart! Honey! You need to come to see this!"

"Yes dear, I'll be there in a minute!"

The woman was going to call her husband again but stopped when she heard her husband's scream. Afraid that he had hurt himself, she put down her baby and ran to her husband. She was so worried that she forgot to close the door. Not only that but also the gate that stopped the baby from tumbling down the stairs.

Asato saw that as a chance to escape and quickly crawled on all fours the stairs. He smirked and jumped. A baby wouldn't die easily but since he was a baby of a few months, he died. Babies were very fragile after their births.

[HOST!] The system could only cry, it thought that the host couldn't kill himself in a baby's body. But who knew he had such luck, it almost seemed like its host was protected by a guardian. And that guardian would grant him all his wishes, including dying.

Again, they were back in the white space. It was the first time that they came back this quickly. [Host-]

"Wait a minute." Asato stood up, adjusted his shoes and stretch out his neck. It had been a long time since he had hit someone. How many years had passed since he had done that? He didn't have to do anything since he was friends with Qin Huer. However, now that he was by himself he needed to handle much more.

[Ho-uk!] System was used to being cut off by his host but not this way. No one had ever dared raise a hand against him and yet this host did, criminals were, indeed different. [ hurts.]

Asato was stepping on the system and the latter was trying to get out from under from his host shoes but couldn't. He sneered and looked coldly at the fluffy creature under his shoes. He continued to press down until he heard a scream and saw some tears.

"I was nice until now as I followed your stupid play but who do you think you are? You are nothing. You are neither my family nor my friend, so why the hell would I be nice to you? Why would I accept such bad treatment? I am willing to play your stupid game since it seems interesting. However, do not cross the line." Asato warned with a cold smile.

[Host...] The system sighed in relief when his host removed his feet. The keychain should be aggrieved and angry but it wasn't. When it looked into its host's hazel crystal eyes, the system couldn't be anything close to angriness. Sadness filled his mind and heart as if it was the one in fault while it was the victim. It was sad for hurting its host which wasn't right.

After receiving such bad and unfair treatment, the keychain knew it should be torn in pieces but it wasn't. When it looked into its host's hazel crystal eyes, instead of being angry to be treated that way, all it wanted was to apologize its host to show that the keychain was the wrong one. Sadness filled his mind and heart as if it was the one in fault while it was the victim. It was sad for hurting its host which wasn't right.

"This is the last time you don't listen to me and put me in a baby's body. Is that clear?"

The fluffy thing on the ground flew in front of Asato's face, as it was going to say something, but was cut off again.

"And don't try to threaten me by saying there would be punishment or such, I don't give a damn about it. You can cut me, burn me and I wouldn't care." Asato added in a mocking voice, he was too lazy to deal with that stuff.

[...] Then how was it supposed to deal with such a host?

Asato grimaced when he saw a black mark, from his shoes, on the white fluff-ball, "Go take a shower. You are dirty."

[...] Host, you are the one who did that. I should be aggrieved, not you.

For the first time, the system was wretched. It had never acquired such a terrible host that treated him this bad. His previous hosts might have bad tempers, but they had never once said something this heartbreaking or hit him. Even though he was an artificial intelligence, it had emotions and the ability to feel. It had a heart, something that its host didn't seem to have.

"Alright, let's go," Asato said softly when he saw the system dejected. This didn't change the fact that he didn't regret his actions.

The system wanted to say something but it didn't know what to say that wouldn't be considered as useless. So it became miserable at the thought of this injustice. It was the victim and yet there was nothing the system could do to change that fact.

Asato looked at himself and saw gold bars in his hands. "GOLD!"

[Host?!] System was suddenly woken up by his host's sudden outburst.

"Gold! There is gold everywhere! I like this world, tell me the story behind it!" Maybe he was a prince in a foreign land and could live a life of luxury life without having to work for any of it?

Goodbye school. Goodbye work. What a good feeling.

[Alright.] As the system saw his host exited for the first time, it couldn't let this opportunity slip. So it explained in an exciting voice. It didn't notice that it was also dancing which made Asato chuckle. [The body you are inhabiting is a royal figure. In two days, he will marry the protagonist, a transmigrated girl from the future. However, the male lead and her love each other and want to make you cheat on her so they could-]

"Ah? Wait, wait, this is too much for my brain again. And I can bet my left arm that this body is a scapegoat. What transmigration? Cheating? Wah, can't I have a simple life? Too much for my brain. I am not a politician so I don't care about them. I need to kill myself." Asato took a deep breath and looked firmly around him, he was trying to find a weapon. He noticed a knife near the tray of fruits.

[But host! What about your gold?!] The keychain said in a panicking voice. Its whole body trembled.

"Ah? Are you stupid? What the point of having gold if you don't have a life? Do I look like one of these old geezers who thinks their money is going to die with them?"

The system didn't have the time to retort because his host had already cut his veins.

[Host, this time it is very easy so please don't kill yourself.] The system begged with tears.

"I can't promise you that."

[Anyway host, you are in the body of a seventeen-year-old boy-]

"School again?! Didn't you say it would be easy? How is school easy? I know now why you so are stupid, you never went to school! Without school how could you expect to have a job?!"

[Host, this isn't the most important thing now.]

"But it is for me," Asato smiled nostalgically at the memory with his mom. He only graduated from school because he wanted his mother to be proud of him. He thought that by doing so he could have saved her, however, a child mind was easily deceived. His mother did get better but she wasn't cured.

[Anyway host-]

"GAHHHHHH!" Asato shouted when he saw his own reflection.

Who the hell was this guy?!

[What is it host?! What happened host?! Help! Help!]

"Why are you shouting help?" Asato looked in disbelief at his current employer. No, an employer would pay him, so the chief of the group of an unpaid worker?

[Because host yelled?]

"Anyway, more importantly, who is this guy?" Asato pointed at the mirror. He looked oddly at the reflection.

He couldn't identify himself with that blond hair and blue eyes. Furthermore, it was forbidden for him to touch his appearance, that was considered as sacred. If Qin Huer were to be aware of it, Asato didn't want to imagine what that guy might do to him.


"It can't be me. I am not that pretty nor this handsome. I like my average beauty, my appearance. My mum worked hard to raise me so why would I change my face?" Asato sighed. More than anything, he didn't want to see the deception on his mum's face, so this world was also a big no.

[Host, the problem doesn't lead here.] Shouldn't he be happy? Usually, all his hosts would be happy to have such a face. In fact, some would even want to become prettier than they were. However, no one has ever asked to be uglier

System's opinion on criminals kept degrading from scary people to scary perverts and crazy people because of Asato.

"Do you know why I don't want to be handsome? Because to keep a pretty face, you need to take care of it, which means you need money! So I will just kill myself because I am too afraid to undergo plastic surgery," Asato said as he went to the desk to look for a stanley knife.

[...] I don't know what to say.

The system flinched when Asato passed by him, which didn't go unnoticed. He smirked as he opened several drawers.

"If you are so afraid of me, why don't you hypnotize yourself so you won't remember what happened? Or why don't you just file a complaint?"

[I, I am not afraid?]

"That's what everyone says, but you are right. If you forget about it and make the same mistakes, then won't you even be more traumatised than you already are? Clever choice." Asato smiled lightly at the system as he cut himself again.

If he was to have another appearance, then isn't it the same as looking down and spitting at his mother efforts?

(Back to the present)

The system didn't even have words or the voice to describe this new host. The host has already been in five worlds. Technically one training world and four actual worlds but it didn't matter since its host died every time. System had never seen anyone as fast as his host. Of course, his host was fast because he killed himself instead of doing the tasks.

Anyway, system needed to understand this host to work better with him. Currently, this is all he knew about his host: he didn't want to be a baby and wanted the same appearance.

The system wasn't bothered by that request because he knew that there was at least one person in a world that had the same appearance as his host. This was called the multiverse theory: there was an infinite number of universes that had an infinite number of possibilities.

However, since the beginning, there was something that kept bothering him. Unlike the others, this host didn't care about dying or having his soul scattered.

[Host, why aren't you afraid of death or punishment?]

Asato looked surprised when he heard the question and smiled softly. "Because I did something horrible to someone. And if being hurt means he will forgive me then I would go undergo every punishment imaginable."

[Host, what a horrible guy he is!] When the system saw the sad smile on his host, it forgot about every bad thing that his host did against it. The host, indeed, had the saddest smile. Who was that person who didn't want to forgive his host? His host was already this miserable, can't he forgive his host?

Asato chuckled, "He isn't. He had already forgiven me, in fact, he was never angry with me to begin with."

[Then why?] The system was even more at loss than before.

"Just because he forgave me doesn't mean that I won't feel guilty. This is a selfish thing. I am only doing this for me to not feel guilty about him but no matter how much I try, I can never feel at ease." He said in a wistful way. The more he talked, the more nostalgic he became.

[That all?] But by its host's smile, it had a hunch that there was something he wasn't telling.

Asato smiled and couldn't help but praise the system for his heart, indeed there was something else. He wasn't a saint, he wouldn't be afraid of death because of such thing, "That all."


Asato smiled softly at the dejected System, he may like to tease people but he wasn't that bad. "Let me tell you something so that you won't make the same mistake again."

[Mistake?] The system was curious about his host words. What did he mean by that?

"As long as your hosts are stupid, you wouldn't need my advice. But in case of if you were to meet someone like me again, my friends or anyone like us, then know this: humans aren't afraid to die since they were born they knew they were going to die." For the first time, Asato spoke in a calm tone toward the system with a gentle smile. He wasn't avare of the gentle vibe he gave when he talked about his family.

He smiled slightly and added. "It's the circle of life. On the other hand, what they are truly afraid is what they have no knowledge of. They are not afraid to die, they are afraid of the afterlife since they don't know for sure what will happen. However, since I know that I will land here and will just continue my life, what do I have to fear?"

[...] The system didn't know what to say. It had never met someone like this before, even his way of thinking was different. If the system was going to meet his host's friends, it wouldn't put up with them.

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