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        My eyes have never seen such a black sky. All I saw when I awoke was a black sky with lone papers flying around. I sat up and tried to take in what was happening. Bodies were lying bloody on the ground. Every building was either broken down or falling down at this moment. I was really confused and I didn't understand what was going on. 

         I felt the world shake and people screamed throughout America and the lands beyond. Once I saw and heard everything  that was going on around me, I finally knew what was happening.

         The world was ending.

         Questions kept coming to me and I had no answer to them. 

         Maybe I was dreaming. Maybe this was all a nightmare, maybe I'll wake up and all this will be over. I lay back down and close my eyes. I open my eyes and the world still looks like a bloody graveyard.

          I stood up and realized that I was wearing a dark robe with a hood on it. I pulled the hood over my head and part of my face. I spun around slowly and saw people running for their lives from....well....nothing. I walked to a top of a small cliff and found a piece of glass. I picked it up and looked at my reflection. I was...um...I actually don't know if I'm a boy or girl or a robot. I put it down. I saw people stop and stare at me. Soon, all the people around me were looking at me.

        Someone walked up beside me and said, "Everyone calm down. During these hard times, when the World Government has fallen, we must fend for ourselves. We must do what we have to do to survive."

        I suddenly started to remember what happened. My face turned into a scowl and I started to get angry.

        I stepped forward and said, "We need to rise up and rebuild our world! It's our home and we're not going to let some stupid government ruin our lives!"

      My voice doesn't sound human, but it doesn't sound robotic either.

       I heard gasps and murmurs.

      The guy next to me whispered into my ear, "Be careful, Rogue. Do you know what you're messing with?"

      Rogue. That's what people called me?

      I looked over at him and then looked back at the people.

     "To show you that we can survive without the World Government," I said picking up a spear. "I will kill what the government calls 'a wild'."

      I turned around to a deer eating some of the grass that was still left. People started talking louder and louder. I didn't care. I ran forward, barely making a sound, and pierced the deer through the heart. People screamed. I walked away from the crowd and started singing to myself.

     "I'm bigger than my body.

      I'm colder than this home.

      I'm meaner than my demons.

     I'm bigger than these bones.

     All the kids cried out, please stop, your scaring me.

      I can't help this awful energy.

     Gosh dang right, you should be scared of me.

     Who's in control, now?"

And this is the monster who will save us all I hoped u liked this short story!

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