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Rain poured outside, I tossed and turned as a dream turned into a nightmare. Fierce winds took me in all directions, I clutched onto a wall, and found a... door? I opened up the door and quickly went inside to escape the storm. I was panting for a bit, "Hello". I turned around, this strange, humanoid wolf like creature had yellow skin, a white collar of fur on it's neck with two small, triangular ears on it's head, a large curved nose and a shinning circular metal weight suspended by a string held in it's left hand, it's sleepy-looking eyes unblinking, stared at me. "Hypno?" "Where am I, what are you doing here? " Hypno smiled, "Welcome to your subconscious mind, you chose me to be your guide." I placed my right hand on my head, "So, I'm dreaming, but that doesn't explain why I feel like I'm not sitting in a chair." Hypno allowed his eyes to trail down my form, "Look down and you'll realize, that a jovial sight will meet your eyes!" I did, and nearly wept, for the first time in 20 years, I was standing! I-I-I can walk? My guide nodded, "You created a perfect version of yourself, no ailments, no tight muscles, full strength of your arms and legs, you even transferred your soul into your new form after you were done, like now!" I looked around, "Then, where's my original body? "Right this way." He took me to a large window against the wall, "There you are! He pointed out ahead, and indeed there I was, laying in bed asleep, my orange C300 parked at my bedside. I hissed at the image, "I hate that cursed machine, I only hope that I NEVER have to step foot in it again! " "Ohhh no, you mustn't say that!" Hypno advised me, placing his free hand on my shoulder. I snapped, Why not, don't you see, I'M FREE, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I AM FINALLY FREE!" By this point I fell to the ground, holding my sides and rolling in laughter, my legs wildly kicking in the air! After I had recovered from my happy fit, I rolled onto my feet and dusted myself off, and turned to Hypno, "Sorry... I got carried away there." The wolf shook his head, "Don't worry about it." "Hey, is somepony having a party without me?" A high pitched voice said from behind us, we turned and saw a off pink pony, mane and tail flat, she wore a dress made of different cutie marks, minus her own, which was a set of three balloons on the outside of her thigh, two blue ones on the left and right and a yellow one in the center, on her back fluttered six pegasus wings, all of different colors, as the earth pony skipped towards me, her necklace of different colored unicorn horns clacked loudly. I stepped up to her, "P-Pinkamena?" "You're here too?" Pinkie giggled, "Of course I am, you silly!" As soon as she said that, I saw a red glow behind me, when I turned I saw Sonic, but with darker blue fur, his shoes and gloves ripped up and covered in blood, his eyes were closed, arms crossed over his chest suddenly, his eyes snapped open, they were pitch black with red glowing peiuples, blood dripping from the sockets he smiled at me, showing razor sharp, yellow teeth! "E-E-EXE?" "You too?!" Sonic nodded, his voice had a hint of Sonic's normal voice, and something more sinister, dare I say, demonic. "You can't possibly be afraid now, not after you connected with all of us!" Each of us now represent those parts of your mind you didn't know existed, parts that, slowly are becoming stronger and in turn, so are we!" I was very confused, "Wait, wait, you mean to tell me that I assigned Hypno here to be my guide, and then I assigned you and pinkamena as gatekeepers to different places in my mind!?" Pinkamena took over as Sonic stepped aside, "Yup, would you like to know what I represent?!" She asked happily, I slowly nodded, she was skipping but then stopped and became serious, starting to pace around me, she began to speak with a dark tone, "I am the gatekeeper of vengeance, I represent those burning desires you have to make every single one of your enemies suffer, painfully and slowly and even bring about their demises!" "There's a monster locked deep within you, endlessly clawing to be free!"  Pinkemina then turned towards Hypno, and he took over,

"Would you like to meet another gatekeeper?"

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