Chapter Five

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Eren sat in the back of the wagon with his soulmate by his side. He didn't like that she was injured. He could feel small burning sensations on his arms and the side of her face. It pained that he had hurt her, but he was glad that she wasn't too injured. He looked down at her, her hair stuck to the side of her face. Her eyes were closed, but her chest was still rising and falling.

"What happened to her?" Hange questioned. She was driving the cart towards the infirmary.

"She almost collided into someone's home," Eren said. He wanted to hold Axel's hand, but he knew that if he did, his hand would be broken. Axel stirred. She knew Eren was beside her, the small mark on her wrist gave her an uncomfortable throb. She hated it. She wanted to curse at Eren but all she could do was lay there. He did just save her. She should be thankful. But why would Eren Jaeger save her? She was nothing but a witch to him. Not only him but everyone in the 104th training corps.

She wishes she could be a little nicer at times.

Everyone pissed her off. No one got her. To others she was just Captain Levi's little sister. The one with the attitude and had a blood lust for animals. She was the nutcase of the group. Tears began to fill her eyes. She turned her head away from Eren so that he wouldn't see her weakness. Eren looked down at his soulmate and saw her head turned. He already knew she was crying. Through their connection he was able to feel her pain.

Eren hadn't said anything to Axel, not even through their connection. He simply put his hand on hers and gave her a small smile. He had hoped that she wouldn't shove him away or scream at him. Instead, Axel laid there with tears streaming down her face. She had wished for her mother to be here. She wished that she could take back all the things she had ever said to them back. She wanted to go back to her home in the mountains and be with her mom and dad again. She thought about Levi, even if they were half siblings, if he would escape with her to the mountains. To get away from all of the chaos in the walls. She wanted a life of peace. She didn't want to die. Sure Eren had saved her now but would he be able to save her again?

If there was a Titan really out there, she would have been eaten. There was no doubt in her mind. She wanted to apologize. She wanted to look at Eren and apologize for putting his life at risk. She couldn't. She couldn't find herself to do it.

"We are almost there." Eren whispered to her.

"I-I..." she frowned, she couldn't say it but it made her heart hurt.

"You voted have died. If a Titan was actually there—"

"I would have taken it." Axel muttered. She had hoped that she would be able to not be so cocky about it.

"But then you'd be gone..." Eren whispered to her. That was all that was said between the two soulmates. Axel wasn't sure what else to say to him. His caring gestures were making her feel a little uncomfortable. She wasn't sure what to think about Eren. They didn't get along before but now he was happy to be her soulmate?

Eren sat there next to his soulmate feeling something inside of him that made him want to be around Axel. Since he found out they were soulmates, his heart seemed to soften around her. He wanted to yell at her about her actions and how she had nearly gotten killed. He wanted her happy so she wouldn't be stuck with him as a soulmate. He wanted the best for Axel and he wasn't sure how to bring it to her. If they continued on being soulmates, then there was a chance that she could become a Titan. He didn't want that for anyone if he could help it.

Eren sighed in frustration.

"We are almost there." Hange broke through Eren's thoughts, "carry her inside. I will head back to the squad."

"Right." Eren gave her a nod.

"I want to see if they can take off the mark." Axel said with as much pride as she could muster. Her heart was breaking when she said it to Eren. Maybe it was because he had saved her from dispare.

"Yeah. You don't want to be with a freak like me, right?"

Axel frowned. She slowly sat him from where she was and brought her forearm to her face. She removed her tears hoping that she wouldn't look weak in front of anyone. When Hange brought the cart in front of the door, she had stopped the horse. Eren quickly hopped off of the cart and opened the back for Axel. He didn't bother to help her out of the car. Axel gritted her teeth and done it herself. She could tell there was something wrong with her shin from the impact of the roof with her ODM gear and bow fast she was going when she zoned into her mind.

Axel puffed out her chest with pride. She wasn't going to let something like this take her down. When she stepped out of the cart, pain shot up her leg. A small scream escaped her lips as she came crumbling down to the ground. Eren came to her and grabbed her before she collided with the ground again. Axel didn't say anything to Eren. She couldn't even bring herself to wrap her arm around him. Her actions were starting to piss Eren off more. She was making him feel like a monster, even if he had treated her with respect.

As they walked to the infirmary, Axel was lost in her thoughts. Her guts were twisted into knots. She was going to give up being Eren's soulmate because of her own selfish reasons. Then again, she knew that she wasn't the only one. Eren didn't want her either. No one wanted her. She couldn't bring herself to have feelings for a Titan lover. For all she knew, he was the one that destroyed her home. She wasn't sure why he would be the one to devastate her home.

Did he know that they were soulmates somehow?

"We are here." Eren muttered. He brought her to the chairs and sat her down. The nurse came out and brought Axel inside the room. Eren didn't stay long. He turned at his heel and walked out of the infermary. He wasn't going to waste his time waiting for someone that didn't want him. He went out the doors, the sun blinding him. He blocked the sun with his hand and walked down the steps of the infirmary. He knew that Axel was going to ask about the mark that they were born with.

He tried his best to ignore his feelings that were growing for her, hoping that she would find someone else to care for her. Eren sat down on the last step of the stairs and put his head in his hands. He wasn't sure what to do or what to think anymore. All he knew was that is been two days and he already was starting to love the enemy that hates him. 

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