Chapter Two

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Eren lay in his bed with his hands behind his head. His mind wondered about what had happened today with Axel. He had found his soulmate, something he thought he would never accomplish in his life. The more Eren thought about today, the more his stomach twisted. She hated him. She hardly knew him and she wanted him dead. He knew that he was a monster. He didn't like it any more than anyone else. Since he became a Titan, he became the very thing that he hated. It bugged him that someone who was supposed to be close to him hated him.

"Maybe Misaka is right," Eren whispered amongst himself. Maybe he had looked at this all wrong. The mark on her wrist couldn't have matched his. He had seen the mark from a distance at lunch two days ago. Only during training was he able to talk to Axel and tell her that they could be soulmates. The memory of that day made Eren kick himself mentally. He knew he was stupid for claiming soulmate statues on a girl who was labeled crazy by squad members. Even Captain Levi thought she had a few screws loose.

Eren tossed onto his side to face the wall of his room. Against the wall was his dresser where his clothes would be in. On top of the dresser sat a picture of his mother and father in a frame made of wood. Eren tucked his hands under his head, his thoughts shifting back to the memories of his family.

"My father turned me into a monster. And for what?" He thought bitterly to himself. He wanted to say he hated himself. He hates how he can turn into a Titan. Even if he was using his Titan form to help those who have been trapped inside the walls. The thought of being a titan flashed Mikasa into his mind. He had a screaming match with his best friend. The one that looked out for him the most out of everyone in the group. He knew Mikasa cared for him but they both knew they were not soulmates.

Which Mikasa did not like.

Eren sighed again, wondering what he was going to do. Now was not a time to have a soulmate. He had graduated from training along with Axel. They had sworn a duty towards the scout regiment. They had a mission to focus on. They need to take back the wall Maria and figure out what is in the basement at Eren's home. The same home that was destroyed by a Titan.

Eren flinched at the memory.

He brought his right hand to his face, staring at the mark etched into his wrist. He blinked, focusing on something other than the past. He wanted to drown out the blood-curdling screams of his mother. He would much rather focus on Axel being his soulmate; which still puzzled him. Why her? Why couldn't it be Mikasa? Since Eren laid eyes on Axle, he had never liked her. She had a punk attitude with a short fuse. Her hair was kept short, shaven at the side with long curls going down the side of her head. She usually had it pulled back during training or when they were on a mission. Her brown eyes always glared at Eren, causing him to shiver most times.

They always fought, both verbally and physically.

At least he and Mikasa got along. She protected him and respected him. They had grown up together. If anything, Eren would want Mikasa to have the mark. Eren sighed, knowing full well that it wasn't the truth. He traced the mark, wondering if Axel could feel him touch it. He doesn't know much about having a soulmate but what he did know is that it was something he secretly wanted.

He didn't want a life full of death and murdering of Titans. Eventually, Eren wanted to settle down with a woman and have a family. If he was able to live up to that moment of his life. Eren sighed, tucking his arm under his pillow, and getting comfortable in his bed. With the blanket pulled up to his chin, the breeze from the open window across from him blew a gentle flurry of air.

He closed his eyes, whispering a gentle goodnight to Axel, and fell asleep.

× × ×

Axel was not fond of being able to hear Eren Yeager in her head. Not only does she have to deal with him during the day, but she also partners up with him nearly constantly. But now she has to live with the fact that not only is he her soulmate but now she has to hear him talk to her. She could feel his finger gently trace the mark on her wrist. She could hear him whispering a gentle goodnight in her ear. She too got comfortable in bed and examined the soulmark on her wrist.

She remembered the day during training. They were in the mess hall eating their small lunch, which was usual. She sat across from Eren and Armin since she wasn't comfortable sitting by anyone else. Armin was the one who pointed out the mark on her wrist.

"That looks like yours, Eren!" Armin announced rather loudly. Axel glared at him, mostly because he was being loud while she ate. She was annoyed with that. Eren looked at Axel's wrist and then looked back at his own. Axel quickly moved her wrist to face it away from him. She didn't know what Armin was talking about. There was no way she could have a soulmate. She didn't want one, nor did she need one. She was content with being by herself.

"You're wrong," Eren growled. He too wasn't willing to accept that he had a soulmate. In the back of his mind though, he couldn't help but be excited. He was going to have someone close to him. At least for a little while, before something bad happened to Axel. It was only a matter of time before they would lose each other. Given that they were fighting Titans.

"I'm not wrong! You both have a circle with a line through it."

Axel frowned at the memory. The mark was a circle with a line through it. She didn't want this to be true. When soulmates find each other, they begin to grow attached. Not only emotionally but physically and mentally as well. They become so close that when one dies, the other dies as well.

She brought her wrist to her chest, whispering her fears into her closed fist. With her eyes squeezed shut, silent tears fell down her face. She fell asleep wishing that she wasn't Eren Jaeger's soulmate. 

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