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So I made this based off of an au I made. So basically, you are born with a parasite called a shadow and it can be just voice from the back of your head to an actual creature that you and only you can see. No one else could see your shadow. AND MAJOR ANGST COMING AT YA

Lance sat in his room feeling a little bit more down than usual. Correction, a lot more down than usual. The reason why was because he apparently "screwed up" a whole entire mission. He buried his face in his knees and hands, trying to hold back many sobs that were trying their best to escape his throat.

"Aw... what's wrong Lancey Lance?" A distorted version of Lance's voice said in his head. "Do your teammates think that your weak again? Or that you ruin everything? Well it's probably true."

"Shut up..." lance whispered.

"Oh come on! Stop denying yourself! You know it's true!" The voice became a shadow duplicate of him. "They probably hate you for what you did!"

The shadow version might've been right that time. Allura was going in as a spy that looked like a galra soldier. Lance wasn't listening to the plan and mistook Allura as an actual galran soldier.

You can probably tell where this is going. He shot Allura in the chest and now she's in a cryopod hanging on to dear life. Shiro screamed at lance for a solid hour and no one would even look at him. Not even Coran. So the best thing he could do is sit in his room and stay there until he dies or until the team desperately needs him, which was highly unlikely at the moment.

"They may hate me now, but they'll eventually forgive me right?" Lance said.

"Hmm... let me think." The shadow said sarcastically. "Nope. Never. Not even in quadrillion years." He put a cold hand on lance's shoulder which he tried to shake off.

"Can you please leave me alone?" Lance asked desperately.

"Uh, no. Not until you feel not depressed anymore, which would probably be never." The shadow smirked.

"Shut up, goddamnit!" Lance sobbed.

Pidge was passing by lance's room and heard his sobs. She opened the door slightly and saw lance digging his nails into his scalp. She immediately thought that lance was going insane and told Shiro.

The door flung open and Shiro was standing in the doorway. "Lance, you're mentally unstable. We can't have you on the team anymore."

"W-what?! N-no! Shiro! This is a misunderstanding!" Lance tried to fight back tears.

"Oo! Now they think you're mental! This should be fun!" The shadow sneered.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!" Lance screamed. He couldn't deal with this anymore.

All of a sudden everything went black for lance.

Shiro put him in a cell in the castle's dungeon.

"Shiro, are you sure we should be doing this?" Hunk asked. "Sure he hurt Allura but isn't this going a little too far?"

"Hunk, this is for the whole team's sake." Shiro said. "Lance is unstable."

Hunk sighed and looked down. "Oh, ok..."

Allura eventually woke up from healing. She asked what happened and she didn't have the most positive reaction in the universe.

"That, that monster deserves to die!"
She yelled. Shiro nodded in agreement. The rest of the team gave each other semi-worried looks.

Lance woke up in a cell. Everything was white. He couldn't tell where the floor stopped and where the wall started. He tried to move his arms around but he was stuck in a straitjacket. He started to cry again.

After a few hours of sobbing, lance fell asleep. One of the walls became a window and you can see lance perfectly.

"Are you sure we should do this?" Coran asked with his hand hovering above a button on a
Control screen.

"Yes, Coran. We're sure." Allura stated.

"As you wish, princess." Coran hesitantly pressed the button. Toxic gas was released into the cell lance was in.

Within a few minutes, Lance was no longer.

Shiro and Allura gave each other a satisfied smile while Coran but his lip in trying to hold back tears.

He told the rest of the team about Lance's death and they all broke out into sobs. Even Keith was crying slightly.

"This is all of my fault!" Pidge cried. "I told Shiro about lance! It my fault he ended up dead!"

A small voice appeared in her head....


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