someone's watching me

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I knew something was watching me, I'd had that uneasy feeling for a while now, normally I'd stay in well lit areas trying to enjoy life, but tonight I had to walk the path of fourth street, I had been summoned to the bosses office, I was in trouble, I'd been venturing out past my patch, but I couldn't help it, I was running out of fresh meat.

Now fourth street was known as a no go area unless you were looking for trouble or drugs, and people would walk miles out of their way to avoid going down there. Tonight though I had to take my chances and of all the nights it had to be Friday the 13th.

I quickly changed my heels for flats so I could move in stealth mode, and headed into the dark, damp, soul destroying alley, not even the stray cats ventured here.

Half way in and nothing, maybe my luck was into night, maybe no-one would cross my path. The turning of seventh street was in sight, I sighed with relieve and started to relax, nothing could happen now.

Then suddenly the blood started dripping down my mouth he smelt so good, his blood was rich and sweet, I just couldn't resist him,why couldn't he have just kept walking, why did he have to give me that look,I had this, he could of walked away, but I could read him like  a book, he thought he could take advantage of a girl like me, so it wasn't bad, it was kill before being killed. Who was I kidding, I was going to have him even if he was just being an innocent passer by, I never could resist a man in a suit. I knew heading out of the light was a bad idea, why can I never resit them, the monster inside is just stronger and I'm starting to find I'm enjoying the chase and the feast more and more.

I knew he has seen me though and  now my  boss really isn't going to be happy, I've turned into tomorrows headliner 'The ladykiller stikes again'.

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