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"Today's date is Tuesday, October 4th, 2018. The time is presently 11:15. We're inside the Homicide Detail, room 203, at the, Hall Of Justice. Present is Inspector Leilani Kealoha, Inspector Franklin Edwards, and for the record, your full name?"

"A: Emberline Moon.

"Q: Now, Ember,  before I go any further I have to advise you of the Miranda rights. Number 1 you have the right to remain silent. Number 2 Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. Three- You have the right to talk to a lawyer and have him present with you while you are being questioned. 4. If you can­not afford to hire a lawyer, one will be appointed to represent you before any questioning, if you wish one. Do you understand each of these rights I have explained to you?

"A: I do.

"Q: And with these rights in mind to you wish to tell us the event of the night of September, 31st, 2018?

"A: I do.

"Q: Would you, um... normally in a situation like this we ah... ask questions. If you would prefer however we could make an exception and allow you to answer in narrative form, as long as it remains about the events leading up to that night, and the actual event that transpired on that night.

"A: Thank you sir. I appreciate it. (Long pause). I don't quite know where to begin.

"Q: From the beginning please.

"A: The beginning... I suppose it all started when I met her. Lilith Loreile.

"Q: And this was when?

"A: Early August. This was right before the start of school. The day I met Lilith Lorelei was the start of the end of my life. You have to understand, I come from a very broken home. My father was a Senator who was rarely home, with loose morals. I have seven siblings all of whom have different mothers, and we are all we've got. Had. I had seven siblings. And that sirs, was why I did it. Lilith Loreile killed my family. So in return I killed her. And I don't regret a second of it.

"Q: Do you understand what a psychopath is Ember?

"A: You've spoken with my father then? I know he thinks I'm crazy. He hates me. Always has.

"Q: We have. And we know you were classified as a budding psychopath, and prescribed medication. Medication which you've stopped taking-

"A: I'm not crazy! I don't need medication!

"Q:Ember... you've killed eight people. Do you remember that?

"A: I only killed one! I killed Lilith.

"Q: You really don't remember?

"A: Remember what?

"Q:Ember... you killed-

"Sir! There's something happening outside! (There is a rustling sound then a loud bang. There is faint screaming in the background. Ember can be heard laughing.)

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