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Tanyu sighed as he stepped into Verdant Cavern. Rowlet had seen him entering the cavern and followed him inside. Rowlet perched on Tanyu's shoulder and nipped his ear lightly. Tanyu reached up and stroked his beak lightly.

I can't ever seem to catch a break can I? Whenever I want some peace, something interrupts, Tanyu thought, closing his eyes with a sigh. "Okay Rowlet, I need you to work with me here. I want you to help Meowth," Tanyu said, reaching down and grabbing Meowth's ball before tossing it into the air and releasing the scratch cat.

"Ready to continue?" Tanyu questioned, getting a nod from Meowth.

"Right...let's begin."


The Moon's Rising


All was quiet in the center of Iki Town as Tanyu stood in the arena before the kahuna of Melemele Island. Having delayed battling Hala an extra four days, Tanyu was now finally ready to face against the island's most powerful trainer, a task he knew was not going to be easy, no matter how much he prepared himself for it.

"I see steel in your eyes boy. Your mother gave me that look before our battle," Hala said with a serious expression. "You've been training hard by the looks of you," Hala added, taking note of how confident Tanyu looked.

Tanyu glanced over at his mother who had come to watch the final step in his trial take place. Albeit he was grateful she'd shown up, he still had mixed feelings about this whole mess. Standing before him was a man with a wealth of experience on his hands, and yet here was Tanyu, staring him down as if he matched up to Hala in terms of power. It was unsettling, knowing that he was outclassed in terms of strength at the moment. But what Tanyu lacked in current power, he would make up for in strategy.

"Given what little I had to go on, I couldn't risk coming unprepared," Tanyu stated firmly, narrowing his eyes.

"I see, well it's good that you prepared. Because I don't plan on holding back," Hala grinned.

"I wouldn't expect you too," Tanyu replied, adjusting the Z-Ring on his wrist. "I've been looking forward to this," Tanyu added with a grin.

"As have I. From what Ilima told me a few days ago, you did very well in your trial," Hala stated, reaching down to grab hold of his first companion. "Now let's see how you fare against a tougher opponent!"

As the two prepared for the showdown, Professor Kukui stepped into the center of the ring and drew attention to himself.

"The Island Challenger Tanyu Sugimoto's Grand Trial battle with Melemele Island Kahuna Hala, will now begin!"

Hala snapped off his first partner from his waist and primed the ball.

"Crabrawler, come on out!" Hala commanded.

Okay...what is that? Tanyu thought, studying the crab-like creature closely. "Hey, Rotom! Wake up, I need you," Tanyu demanded.

Tanyu's pack stirred until Rotom popped out and hummed to life.

"Bzzzzzt! How may I help you, Tanyu!?" Rotom asked, facing its designated trainer with a broad smile.

Tanyu nodded his head to Crabrawler who was jabbing at the air with his pincer's, waiting for his opponent to come out.

"Ah! That's Crabrawler," Rotom informed Tanyu, opening up the database to display the information on said adversary. "While guarding its weak points with its pincers, it looks for an opening and unleases punches. When it loses, it foams at the mouth and faints. It also punches so much that its pincers often fall off from overuse, but they grow back quickly. What little meat they contain is rich and delicious."

"That last part wasn't necessary...and only served to make me hungry," Tanyu muttered. "Thanks anyway though. Now I know what to use," Tanyu stated grabbing Meowth's ball off his belt.

"Meowth, battle's on!" Tanyu hollered, releasing the dark cat onto the field.

"He's using Meowth!?" Lillie exclaimed, shocked that she was his first choice right out of the gate.

"Whoa! Tanyu's either really confident or he's not being akamai," Hau said with a slight chuckle.

Lydia crossed her arms and looked intently at her son. Putting one's self at a disadvantage was something she knew was a mistake. What her son was doing was something she had been guilty of before. However, for some reason, she couldn't shake the fact that he had a purpose in doing this.

What are you up to Tanyu? Because if your aim is to fail this, you've already given Hala a major advantage. Hala's no fool Tanyu. Your little trick from your ceremonial battle won't work so easily here, Lydia thought, remembering the technique she'd seen Meowth use on Hau.

"Crabrawler, Power-Up Punch!" Hala commanded.

"Feint Attack!" Tanyu ordered quickly.

Crabrawler's pincer glowed a bright orange hue, electrical currents crackling around it as he powered up for his assault. In a burst of movement, the crustacean lunged towards the patiently waiting Meowth. As the crab jabbed forward, Meowth blurred out of view for but a moment, Crabrawler's pincer just missing her by a hair. Within moments, Meowth reappeared and lashed out at Crabrawler who surprisingly caught Meowth's incoming claw.

"Power-Up Punch!" Hala commanded.

A powerful jab was hammered home into the stomach of Meowth, knocking the wind out of her. Crabrawler didn't stop there, and jabbed again. All the while, Tanyu stood there in wait, watching as Meowth took yet another hit.

Hala probably thinks he has the upperhand here. What he doesn't know, is that I was hoping to get this close. Because now, I can't miss, Tanyu smirked.

"Meowth! Flatter!" Tanyu commanded loudly.

As Crabrawler held onto Meowth's right paw, he aimed to strike her once again, only to have that pincer stopped in its tracks as Meowth put up her free paw to block it. A crimson light blasted from her paw, filling the fighting crab with a boost of power while simultaneously throwing it into a fit of confusion.

That was wreckless. Tanyu intentionally let Meowth get caught, Lyida mused, watching as Crabrawler began swinging flailing the pincer that held Meowth around, shaking her like a rag doll before heaving her a great distance away from him.

While it was risky, I can't say it's not something I would have done, Lydia sighed inwardly. I get the feeling that Meowth has been trained rather defensively.

Meowth struggled to her feat, her breath labored due to the damage she'd suffered. She took a step forward and winced, knowing her stomach was most likely bruised from the impact of the punches she'd taken. Her paw was throbbing from blocking a few strikes that were made as well. She didn't even need to look at Tanyu to know that he was staring at her. She could feel his eyes on her in much the same way she did during their training.

Her eyes shifted over to the now dizzy-eyed Crabrawler who seemed to be punching at the air in random places, occasionally hitting himself in the process. It wasn't much, but it was something.

"Good work," Tanyu stated with a smirk, cracking his knuckles in preparation for the rest of his plan.

"Meowth, Hidden Power!" Tanyu commanded fiercely.

Meowth snarled as she positioned her paws facing each other, energy pouring into them as she powered up. All the while, Crabrawler finally came to his senses and stopped hitting himself in the head.

"Don't let her attack! Use Bubble Beam!" Hala countered.

Meowth spread her paws wide and created several spheres of grayish blue energy that floated around her frame. With a loud screech, she released them all at once, just as the beam of bubbles exploded from the pincers of Crabrawler, the two attacks colliding with great force, creating a dust cloud after a brief explosion.

Crabrawler stood still as a statue while the smoke cloud began to clear. As he powered up his pincers, something struck him hard from his right flank, blasting him across the arena, skidding to a halt before slowly getting up. Turning, he saw Meowth, nearly out of breath with her claws out, glowing with dark aura.

"Chee! That was cool! Meowth actually hit my grandpa's Crabrawler!" Hau exclaimed. "It's usually really on guard," Hau added, focusing on the battle at hand.

"That was...amazing," Lillie added, trying to process the events that had occurred during that transaction.

Lydia blinked at the result of Tanyu's strategy. She didn't think he would have been able to land Punishment at all during the match. Her attention was drawn to the slightly winded Crabrawler who was breathing a bit heavier than before. Prior to the attack, he had taken no damage. Now it was as if he were struck several times over.

So that was your plan Tanyu. Letting him power up and then giving him even more just to use it against him huh? How clever, Lydia smirked, amused at the tactic her son had come up with.

It also looks like he taught Meowth the Hidden Power technique. No doubt something to counter Fighting-types, Lydia observed. What else are you cooking up in that brain of yours, Tanyu?

"Well done my boy! You show great promise," Hala commended him, getting a slight smile out of Tanyu.

"And you're a lot tougher than I projected you to be," Tanyu said with a laugh, his smile diffusing into his default stoic expression as he returned his attention to the match at hand. "But I still intend to defeat you..."

Hala looked at Tanyu for a few moments. He had a steel resolve that appeared unshakable. His eyes burned with a fiery passion, the likes of which he had seen once before. He remembered when Lydia first stood where Tanyu was, giving him the same expression of concentration. His gaze deviated to Lydia, taking note that she was paying very close attention to the trial as well. Hala's smile broadened at this point.

"You've got a great spirit! Crabrawler, let's continue my friend! Bubble Beam!" Hala ordered.

"Hidden Power!" Tanyu countered.

Spheres of light and water collided in an explosive display as both sides unleashed their attacks. Seizing the moment, both contenders rushed each other, claws and pincers at the ready as they prepared for physical confrontation. In a flurry of assaults, both sides lashed out at one another, each parrying the other as they attacked. A Power-Up Punch met with the stomach of the scratch cat right as she slashed across Crabrawler's face with Punishment. The impact of both strikes slammed both adversaries into the ground.

"Meowth and Crabrawler are both unable to battle!" Kukui exclaimed, getting shocked reactions from the entire gathering.

Tanyu smiled faintly and walked over to the exhausted scratch cat as she came to. Tanyu knelt down and patted her head, giving her reassurance that she had done well.

"Thanks for the good work Meowth, get some rest okay?" Tanyu said as he returned her.

"Well done Crabrawler, you've earned your rest," Hala smiled, recalling his friend.

"Tanyu! The real battle begins now! Hariyama, it's time!" Hala exclaimed, thrusting his sphere onto the battlefield to release his next choice.

The Arm Thrust Pokémon exploded from his ball and landed on the field with a heavy thud. Hala lifted his leg and slammed his foot on the ground, Hariyama mimicking his motions as he did them.

"Come at me with everything you've got!" Hala exclaimed challengingly.

Tanyu fixed his eyes on Hariyama. He was not liking the odds at the moment. However, his determination wouldn't let the reality of a stronger opponent deter him from his goal. He was going to defeat Hala and nothing was going to hinder that goal. Nothing.

"Rowlet, take flight!" Tanyu roared, launching Rowlet's ball into the air.

Rowlet bursted forth from his sphere, spreading his wings with a loud hoot as he soared. Hariyama looked up at the circling owl and frowned. A flying type. How annoying.

"Rowlet, Leafage!" Tanyu ordered.

"Blow the leaves away with Whirlwind!" Hala called out.

Rowlet spread his wings wide, creating massive amounts of glowing leaves that continued to multiply. With a sharp cry he swung his wings in and launched them towards Hariyama. Undeterred, Hariyama swung his arms out and clapped his massive hands together, creating a vortex of wind that powered into the sharpened leaves and blasted them away, Rowlet getting caught in the winds and blown away with it.

Rowlet quickly regained balance in the air and flew back towards the battlefield, his eyes gleaming with determination.

"Peck, let's go!" Tanyu ordered.

Rowlet screeched and dove into action, spreading his wings and powering up his beak with white aura. As he descended, Hariyama's hands began to crackle with electricity. As Rowlet charged in, Hariyama was ready and waiting.

"Thunder Punch!" Hala shouted fiercely.

Hariyama thrusted his palm outward and connected a solid, powerful strike to Rowlet's body as he rushed in, sending the small owl sprawling through the air from the impact. Rowlet struggled to regain control, finally managing to do so after much difficulty. His breathing quickened as he stayed aloft. Tanyu looked up at Rowlet and then back at Hala.

He's thought of just about everything hasn't he? Tanyu grumbled mentally, tightening his fists, doing his best to calm his irritation at the current situation. That's fine, we'll just have to step it up a notch.

"Rowlet, let's give this another try. Leafage!" Tanyu commanded.

"Whirlwind again!" Hala exclaimed.

That's it, Tanyu smirked, watching as Hariyama spread his hands wide in preparation for the Whirlwind attack.

"Astonish, now!" Tanyu hollered.

In a flash, Rowlet, darted forward with increased speed, a ghostly aura surrounding him as he screeched loudly in front of Hariyama. Energy shot from Rowlet's mouth, causing Hariayama to flinch, buying time for the barrage of leaves to rain down on Hariyama, sending him stumbling backwards from the flurry of scraping leaves.

"Peck!" Tanyu said as he pressed the advantage.

Rowlet powered up his beak once more and hammered into Hariyama's forehead, stomach and back in succession, further angering the massive adversary. With a growl, Hariyama whipped around and thrust his open palm outward and hammered into Rowlet, sending him skidding across the ground. Rowlet slowly managed to pull himself up, his breathing labored from taking a second heavy hit.

Hala crossed his arms and began to go into the dance for his companion's Z-Move. An orange aura surrounded his body as he brought his arms down and then out in a similar fashion to the beginnings of the Normalium-Z crystal's dance.

"Hariyama! Ignite your fighting spirit! Let us combine our power! All-Out Pummeling!" Hala roared, rapidly punching his fists forward.

Hariyama became engulfed in the same energy as Hala and sparks flew from his massive hands. Tanyu's marveled at the sight of the display. The energy he felt from the oncoming attack was nothing short of mind-boggling. Hariyama began thrusting his palms repeatedly, his motions blurred as he assaulted the air. Energy blasts in the shape of orange, glowing palms, shot out from his hands and rocketed towards Rowlet.

"Get moving!" Tanyu ordered. "Leafage!"

Rowlet hastily whipped up a storm of leaves that began to deflect some of the assaults heading his way. Several exploded on the ground while others pounded the leaves away like they were nothing. Rowlet evaded several blasts only to be struck twice by the remaining glowing palms and sent sprawling through the air.

That...that was a Z-Move? Tanyu thought as he looked around at the indentations the palms had made in the arena floor. Steam was rising from each of them. That power is amazing, Tanyu mused, turning his eyes towards Hala who had a serious expression fixed on his face.

Tanyu doesn't seem to know how well he's doing. That Hariyama usually sets up before that​ move with Belly Drum. But Tanyu managed to delay that and force Hala to act without his usual power-up. Tanyu...what did they teach you there? Lydia thought, sweatdropping nervously as she watched her son's tactics unfold.

"Everything okay sistah?" Kukui asked, keeping an eye on the match as the two combatants faced off.

"Huh?" Lydia replied, shifting her attention to Kukui. "Oh, I'm fine. I'm just rather surprised at how well Tanyu's doing so far," Lydia stated, fixing her eyes on Tanyu as she watched him begin to move his arms up.

"Prior to the battle, he told me he'd been training in Verdant Cavern for a few days. So it doesn't come as too much of a shocker if you think about it," Kukui grinned. "He's very akamai, so he no gotta worry about much."

Lydia nodded and watched as Tanyu began to perform the dance required for his Z-Ring.

"Okay Rowlet, let's show them what we're really capable of!" Tanyu cried out, crossing his arms sharply, a white aura shrouding his frame as power flooded his body.

This feeling... Tanyu paused as he continued the dance. It's incredible, he thought, going into the next part of the dance, watching as Rowlet's body surged with the same energy, creating a connection of sorts between the two. Finishing up the dance, Tanyu shouted loudly.


Rowlet screeched loudly and charged forward, the aura encasing his body, shattering the ground beneath him as he rampaged down the warpath towards Hariyama. Putting his palms out to block, the massive sumo was not prepared for the impact he received.An explosion rang out and Hariyama was sent flying out of the ring from the punishing blow he was dealt. Kukui's hand went up to stop the match.

"Hariyama is unable to battle! Rowlet wins! That means that the victory goes to Tanyu Sugimoto!"

VICTORY! Tanyu has defeated Hala, but not without difficulty of course. I sorta changed my plans with this chapter as my original intent was to have Meowth in the final bout. But let's face it, that would be going a bit too over-the-top. Hariyama would have flattened her and to make it anything less than that would be turning Tanyu's Meowth into a Mary Sue. Rowlet was a more realistic choice and stood more of a chance. Anyway, ciao for now! Hope you all enjoyed this!

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